Mat05usz/Luka Stainforth player feedback

Dude completely disappeared, he isn’t an admin anymore, left the discord and didn’t join on the server in like a month. No clue what actually happened with him, probably IRL shit.

I am back, yell at my unrobust ass :flushed:

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He banned me



Back for the next fix :flushed:

Buuuody seems unclear, is this a complete sentence?

Spooky, joined a single round of Goonstation just to be greeted with you calling me your cousin, that whole interaction was great.

I remember your warden days months ago where you were nothing but annoying, seems to have improved massively since then, good on you for that. Hope to see you around more.

I don’t think I’ve ever played on Goon, so idk :flushed:.

When I play Warden I tend to follow the Law very strictly, so maybe that’s why I was annoying.

Nah i don’t mind people doing their job by the book much (even though it isn’t the most fun way of things) you were screaming over the radio for how we should act as officers while we were in the middle of combat or chasing, didn’t contrubuting anything but flooding chat with megaphone text, also didn’t talk to your prisoners at all or barely ever told them a word which was mostly in lines of “scumbag traitor”

Edit: do note this was months ago, god knows you improved.

Beware then, there is a Stainforth bloodline there and they are very proud and protective of their family members, and someone has literally your name copy pasted.

Hmm that doesn’t sound like me, maybe I had a bad day or something.

The name is a random one available for everyone I believe, I’ve seen some ‘Stainforths’ on Bee as well, but none of them have made it into a more permanent name.

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That is a peculiar coincidence then, my bad, you can check him out too, he is on goonstation discord and has his IC name in discord nickname if interested in ever joining Stainforth family.

Also please play more security, swearzies that i will play sec too if competent people like you join in.

I’ve played a lot security in the past, it just tends to get boring after a while.

Ooo i can disagree on that, i was HoS main on yogstation and had metagang of 4 people all of us playing sec, a good leadership and proper execution of plans just doesn’t get boring, you always feel like a winner.

Playing with the same metagang that was about winning, and only about that was what made it boring. Winning is fun for the first 100 times, then it gets repetetive. (Yeah I know that it sounds cringe and shit, but it’s true for playing sec, at least for me.)

I’ve met them long ago and recently don’t even see em in the game but Luka is chill guy and I’ve never seen them doing shit or insulting someone

I don’t understand how you enjoy playing this game.

All you do is join, go SSD, get on the shuttle when it arrives.

Shitty especially on highpop when there is a queue to get in and your just sitting there afk.

Sadly, this is not true. It is when I’m mapping or coding for the game, but when I wanna play, I think I’m doing an okay ‘job’.

But to actually answer your question ‘I don’t understand how you enjoy playing this game.’
I often start as an assistant, try to get access to maintenance and there I hunt mice and find suppies. Usually I have around 5 mice killed, I gave some mats to the station and hopefully found the chef room so I could bring him some meat/supplies. I enjoy the game by helping with the small stuff that you cannot possibly see, especially being blinded with bias that makes you necro this thread.

Apologies then, perhaps I have seen you at bad times.

It’s a player feedback thread, as long as you are playing the game its not necro

I do agree I SSD more than a regular player, but I make sure I do that only when I’m not needed and only when either necessary/I have a thought. I try to cryo whenever possible at all times.

Edit: Apology accepted, lol

That said, I would love it if people gave me feedback about me when I’m actually around, not when I’m not, that would help me grow and develop both as a person and my characters.

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Plays as cat femboy. Smh

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