Mat05usz/Luka Stainforth player feedback

Actually, I did push them to get the sword and managed to hit like 6 times.
Aaaand, 40 brute Energy Katana >>>> puny 20 burn laser.

Its full auto though

Yeah but how much ammo did you have after few stuns? 6? I did not lie about fucking that ninja up, just got lucky I picked up the sword after that pushing, there were A LOT of people.

One taser which takes 1/3

Also that katana isnt that good as u think

it deals 40 brute to unarmed body bruh, it’s 4 more damage than desword

It doesnt deflect projectiles, which makes a lot of counterplay.
I guess you noticed i had energy katana on me too?
U think i found it

You had after second ninja. And yes, it doesn’t deflecet projectiles, but let’s you teleport behind a person shooting them. I’d say a somewhat good tradeoff.

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Yes he tried to attack me in the office hit me once, you think i can do that with desword user ?
Energy katanas strong point is mobility

Good ninja would fuck up HoS, it’s 3/4 hits to knock you down. But this is not the point of this thread :flushed:
I did not lie, if anyone remembers round ID I can post logs XD

Never seen one, also ninja is usually dead before i run into him.

fun fact activate the gloves alt function and disarm someone to electrocute them for instant stun.

That sounds better, ninja would be only good if u use strategy, going in fearing nothing because energy sword deals more than desword is a bad idea

Okay catgirl HoS you lost. Now let people be mad at me.

Unbased lawyer, had to take his sec access

You would never take my access.

I did though, u threw a tantrum and you constantly pushed officers who tried to jail criminals.
Also one lawyer came back with glo es and tried to box everyone in brig who i think was you.

Nah milky, I am not a fucking morron sometimes and I just did it.

Everytime I get drunk I think about yoy


That’s cute :flushed:

i dont see luka anymore at sage. i love your lawyer role play please keep sending those funny pda messages

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