Making dangerous atmos mixes with flimsy protection needs to stop

“Dont target him that’s mean”

Bruh. There’s a difference between not liking someone then talking smack once, and making a thread for the sole purpose of calling two people shite. Or are you saying Wilchen dindu nuffin’ wrong when they made a thread just for you?

Other people do the funny atmos meme



literally none of the filters are set to filter out plasma or n20, you’re supposed to go around doing that

You can also make cargo so much fucking money bz farming on lava land

Or make a 100% pluoxium Distro

Or make a TEG

Or make a turbine

Or make gases for the sm

Or make hyper noblium for fires.

Or make so much shit it’s not even funny

Replacing oxygen in the air with Pluoxium is a nice project worth doing. Fireproofs the station unless someone re-introduces oxygen, and Pluoxium is breathable by any race that breathes Oxygen.

isn’t pluoxium really dangerous to make and with a lot of steps

no its just co2+o2 plus radiation
you can get it by pumping CO2 into the SM, making a tiny chamber next to a trit fire, uranium floors, yadda yadda

fun fact for aspiring atmos techs who want to make radioactive mixes but don’t know how to bleed off radiation:

in making pluoxium (2parts CO2 1part O2 + radiation), you bleed off rads in order to produce pluoxium. this means you can make a small chamber with CO2 and O2 in it and whenever you get irradiated, walk in and spend a few minutes inside. comes with the benefit of making pluox.

I wish we had tg gases so I can make sweet sweet metal h2

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I’ve asked if we could port tg gases like 3 times always with the same response

“What do they do for the server”
And the answer is give atmos something to do to benefit the station other than Pluox and energy

Mmmmmm but tg baaad.

TG do be having better medical though. :flushed:


If you do it right, you can tottaly get away with flimsy holophans and glass panes, they are just prone to be fragile from outside variables, I don’t think there are any excuse in walking around radiating tho, as the craziest level of radiation can be prevented. Tip: Exo suit storage can be used to decontaminate people, CE did it to me once.


complete sentence.


The only good thing about /tg/ med is the lack of sleepers.

Cloning ruins medical because you just make synth flesh

It does, cloning and sleepers make medical way to easy and not very fun to play.

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