it was in the main hallway held back by nothing more than a holofan, it needed to happen
This is self antag. And grief. Honestly should be a permaban
And this attitude is exactly why you shouldn’t be judging people for the way they protect their atmos mix.
You can’t be going “fuckin’ hell, atmos floods are so bad, we should make a rule forcing people to protect their mixes better” when your first reaction when seeing a spicy mix is “aeiou wouldn’t flooding the hall with this be a Big Funny™?”
Don’t fuckin’ complain about atmos flood when you find causing them hilarious is what i’m saying.
And I’m sure you’re just a peach
Michiru out here doing diligent work to get this year’s award for most bad takes
I worked so hard for it too
I don’t grief the whole station just because
I’d rather see the directional window exploit get removed. People who do danger-baiting can already get job bans and directional window abuse might fall under the exploits rule.
I once broke open a holobarrier mistakenly thinking the volume of the open turf was 7,500L(2.5k x3 tiles) trying to kill an antagonist who was irradiating medbay on an LRP round low pop with no sec. The exploit volume took me by surprise, hurt a lot of people and I felt like shit for it.
@ruko what is the current ruling/common opinion on using directional windows for atmos exploits? I’ve seen you in the past mention it’s not ok for unlimited gas from the SME. Same principle here and should be ahelped?
I am invested in SMs being ran properly without exploits because I know the Supermatter and it’s mechanics very well. I also know that putting things under the SM is generally not supposed to happen since there was a dedicated PR to stop the placement of other objects underneath an SM.
I know atmos better than the average player but I am not invested in it at all. While yes, it does sound like this is potentially an exploit, I don’t have nearly the level of knowledge here to distinguish between unintended exploit, and neat trick.
I do know that my opinion of fusion is that it’s altogether worthless and always has been though.
It’s something that is so difficult to pull off that it’s almost impossible without directly being taught how to do it, and the end result of fusion is almost purely limited to hey look, I did it!. It produces impossibly hot gas that has no use outside of occasionally escaping and griefing the server so I’m not sure why we really even keep fusion in the code when someone thinks it’s a good idea to continue nerfing.
If fusion canisters are so bad, why did we not just remove fusion entirely? The only reasonable thing it produces is heat for a broken power source (TEG) and heat for Hyper-Nobilium production.
Why not just ahelp an atmosians each time there is no air on the hallway
Pretty fair. Considering how involved the process is precludes it from [radiation collection]engine construction it really does deserve either a complete reimplementation oriented towards building an engine or removal when there is zero reward besides creating a massive waste hazard as you mentioned.
Sidenote that occurred to me:
All Supermatter engines use this “exploit” on their chambers. The plasma glass windows are located on the same tile as the radiation collectors so that they don’t take damage and shatter when the SM go FWOOSH.
I don’t think it would be fair to call it an exploit. This game is so much spaghetti and duct tape it’s hard to see where one ends and the other begins.
Shut the fuck up, I’m eating sand.
The only reason it isn’t is because the person who made the burnmix he let loose did so with malicious intent, irc. Don’t quote me on that, though.
I do believe Hyper Noblium generates research points per mol of the stuff coming into existence from fusion on the station z-level, and that it sells for a bunch, so it does have uses, they’re just niche and not that worthwhile for the time invested.
Still grief. If someone makes a Maxcap and you set it off just because you could that’s still grief and you will get permabanned
In all fairness atmos techs don’t really have much to do if everything is going fine. There’s nothing to optimize or improve. There’s only one reasonable atmospherics mix that all crew can breathe because any other mixes are either ridiculously difficult to obtain or are dangerous to breathe for long periods of time.
It’s still kinda weird to me that atmospherics technician is a separate job from engineer. Kinda seems like it should be split into Engine Technician and Station Engineer instead, with the former being exclusively focused on the engine setup and the latter more focused on station repairs and APCs.
I mean you could always unlock the power of the RPD and place way more scrubbers down than is probably necessary
no, If you really felt like it you could rebuild distro from the ground up, set up air alarms around the station, start a gas mining operation on lavaland, fuck around with disposals and disposals pipes, etc etc.
yeah but is any of that FUN?
Are any of your suggestions?