Making all permabans unappealable for an entire year is fucking stupid

Compared to other servers for other games which I frequent, Beestation has always struck me as incredibly lenient when it comes to bans and warnings; when I look at the ban history of many permabanned players, it often makes me wonder why the admins put up with it for as long as they did.


A fuckup/false ban is obviously gonna be appealable, it even says so iirc.

Most permas are pretty clear anyways, and it’s not like you can’t just issue 3 or 6 month bans if you intend for them to play elsewhere and potentially come back if they present a vouch.

You basically have to cheat (metacomm, multikey, blatant macro,) do big grief, or do some erotic stuff to be perma’d on your first offense.


Perma bans that were created falsely are still appealable.

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Worth stating that, as a bitch that likes to do a modicum of research and then type light novels based on 3 sentences I read online, the two sources I’ve seen for any official word on the entirety of the “mistaken permabans” policy or whatever are in the final post in Bluezorua’s player report thread, which already appears to have been buried, as I could only find it with a link (which I can’t post (amog(s)us)), and here, in some shitter suggestion thread nobody’s gonna read and even fewer nobody are gonna remember

damn , top text,

Everyone did. Hell, back when I came as part of the Ssethtide to TG as an example I behaved like a complete shitter.

I am saying it now: with the current system of not being able to appeal permabans (and being pretty harsh with what qualifies as a permaban) , 99% of all players that started during Ssethtide times would have been perma’d.

mate, at the end of the day it is still a game, not a profession. No one in their right mind will come back after a year and try to appeal a ban on Beestation, when they probably already got comfy on a different server or just play a different game.
While you might say something along the lines of “This is fine” it still might majorly hurt the communities growth by even taking away the chance for people to redeem themselves.


This isn’t the only example either.

This is fine. :sunglasses:

In all seriousness though, players reaching permanent bans have mostly been given so many chances that we would rather them find another server. If after a year they want to come back (and we know most won’t) it will be open to them. Permanent bans are now actually treated as and feel like they are permanent

The ones that break such egregious rules that they get a an instant permaban are in a similar vein. We might have a codebase they like, but chances are the community isn’t up to their standards if they have to constantly walk on eggshells and resist posting/saying humor they like.

There’s a wide gap between the person who doesn’t mind seeing WGW now and then and the person who actually keeps a copy and posts it while somehow thinking there’s nothing erotic about it.

Proving my point right there half-sarcastic tone
Jokes aside, people unironically appealing permabans right after their ban appeal time ran out are too invested. Go outside. Get some fresh air.

I posted a few examples. These guys here obviously deserved a bwoink and very likely a ban, but in my opinion giving them a perma goes way overboard. None of them have any previous bad history and while I am obviously missing some info ( ban infos are always a little bit vague, for example with player time and so on), I still do believe that draconian punitive measures were not necessary.

/* EDIT: from what I understand the whole “appeal on the forums” shtick won’t happen anymore, right? */

People can change themselves or at least supress their tendencies a little bit to adapt to the server they are playing on.

That is already a thing for some players, being banned or not. Beestation made some drastic changes over the last 1-2 years in terms of community moderation and it used to be way more “relaxed”.

After thinking about this Im actually kinda curious as to what it is you would want to ‘nip in the bud’.

Would you consider a perma ban appropriate for someone who plasma floods the main hallway, has muliple instances of murdering other crew as self antag as well as murder boning the whole station while an actual antag?

That is incorrect.

See the bottom of the announcement, highlighted in blue.

As self-antag? Yes this is literally hardcore grief to do if you aren’t even an antagonist.

This is not hardcore grief - this is a violation of our antag conduct, which varies dramatically from server to server. This is an understandable mistake to make once and would never result in an immediate permaban.

Good, that removes a big chunk of my critique.

Maybe a little bit excessive. Are there plans to make ban times dependant on the server the person is playing on? I can imagine some players (for example the ones joining the game from Sseths vid) plasmaflooding once for the lulz.
I feel like a ban for a month would reach a similar result without permanently removing the player from the playerbase.
But then again, it is no secret that I support a more lenient stance.

Sseth was banned from a number of servers due to his shenanigans in the video, was he not? We really aren’t (at least anymore) friendly to the sort of player that video attracts anyhow for the most part, even on golden the majority of his hijinks are self-antag.

Been a long time since I watched the vid, so I may not be remembering correctly.


Yeah, he got banned from a lot of servers. But it is no secret that a big chunk of new players come from him, due to that video being one of the few highlighting the game (and that with over 5 mill views for a game with usually 1k active players in total)

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Your images are all kinds of out of order, but since the focus is on the plasma flood situation:

A) This was not a case of intentionally griefing the server, it was a beneficial construction project gone wrong

B) I supported and pushed for the long ban to be kept because I saw it as extreme and willful negligence on their part

C) I was convinced they didn’t realize their setup wouldn’t work as they intended and that they genuinely thought it would work.

Its also not even like half of the bans.

And the other two plasma floods? Or the self antag murders?

edit: ahh sorry, there was only one other plasma flood. Misread that.

I get that you really hate them, but going for their throat at the drop of a pin only makes it look like you have a hardcore personal grudge. They’re not our greatest player, and if they push it hard enough they’ll be waiting a year for an appeal.

Retroactively upgrading one of their bans to permanent isn’t happening here, no point in continuing to derail the topic into a personal rant against a player you dislike.

Thats fine. I asked my question and I got an answer in public.

Thank you for the transparency you’ve shown. Honestly its part of what makes this community tolerable.

The longer i play beestation the longer i get the idea, we are turning into fucking The Guild of Calamitous Intent from Ventrue Bros. We get rules on top of rules for rules and rare rules and admin rulings and validity rules and shit that no one fucking cares about. And all this to moderate a fucking 50 - 100 people community in a dumbass internet game.

Yall need to look in the mirror you fucking clowns. You claim to be a newbie friendly server yet majority of newbies get perma banned with a need to appeal ( like anyone will ever fucking do ). Where on other servers people get warnings and orders to repair their mistake in round, you serve week and month bans, THE WORST FUCKING BAN HANDLING SINCE “all bans are perma” PARADISE POLICY. You make unwelcome, dumb fucking changes that no one asked for : removal of copypasta, filters and now 1 year for appeal which is just icing on the cake.

And now the recent @bluezorua ban. The man commited cringe, big cringe in fact especially on mrp, and he deserved a punishment. But with the new rules you just permabanned the man for a FUCKING YEAR, a regular who in a few hundred hours of playtime had 1 ban, i repeat 1 BAN. There are so many more fucking more detrimental, shitter assholes ( me being one of them, not gonna beat around the bush), that ate a lot more bans and deserved the perma far more than a guy who had a braint fart in one round. Hell, even i ate an ERP perma ban for telling arresting security to suck my dick with a right to appeal. And with “second” chance now gone, you just thanos snapped a player who, in my fucking humble opinion, deserved a second chance more than I ever did.

I swear to god the only reason i play here is because i like LRP folks and terry is having an epileptic shock every 2 rounds with time dilation of 40%.


His appeal is being handled in private.

