CKEY: Alexanderself1
Your Discord: Alexius gaius ceasar
Offender’s CKEY: Lusse
LRP or MRP server: MRP
Offender’s In-Game Name:Ella Aese
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 7/16/20
Round Number: 18645
Rules Broken: Whichever rule escalation and murderbone are, and then the be kind to each other rule
Incident Description: Be mime, do mime things such as ask HOP for AA. Hop goes against his instic and gives me AA. Me and HOP venture over to caps room to ask for headset to listen in. Cap screams at us to get the fuck out, so we do. We sit around, then I go in and take caps carapace once her out, they didn't care. They then continued to try to take my access away repeatedly, saw me in the HOPS room surrounded by people, immediately assumed I was sharing my AA, and killed me, then (and this is the worst part) incinerated my corpse.
Additional Information: All in all, this man was just a huge dick to me this round, and to everyone in general. Doesn't deserve to play cap if they're gonna use their power to murder people without even questioning the situation.
bruh you literally stole the cap armor and had aa and were working with hop who can be tator this is totally valid
you were valid 10 times over jesus
It was a known rev round, HOP was mindshielded and I didnt steal shit I picked it up as she watched and walked by her.
What did I do that validated killing me and incin my corpse. I didn’t speak, I didnt even break any space laws besides the trespass of literally just getting to the Cap to ask for headset. Taking the carapace isnt like stealing the hand tele or CE’s hardsuit, there is more than one on the station and its like taking a hat, it doesn’t make you valid
if you go into caps office in a non necessary situation you are valid
I think trespassing there and armoury make you valid af
We walked into caps room to talk to cap to ask for headset, like what else is a mime supposed to do, i couldnt say anything over comms.
can’t complain that’s not a valid reason to trespass with the hop, rev round or not. Also having aa for no reason can be considered mutiny.
Im 90% that its been cleared that HOP can give AA to mime and clown without validating them both because of the shits and giggles reasoning behind why both jobs even exist, and again we literally walked in the door to talk to cap
you stole shit from the captain and you are now arguing that you aren’t valid?
thsi was on mrp, but it was still valid for him to be killed doe
taking the carapace and then walking by them without them saying anything doesnt make you valid. They didnt even ask for it back. In dchat they even admitted they killed me because they didnt like I had aa
Just gonna chip in there, you were totally valid for major trespass twice aswell as stealing Cap’s items. HoP was not mindshielded so please stop making up stories to make yourself look any better.
Again, what validated me, because its been confirmed that Mime having AA doesnt make him valid, and asking for something from the cap without speaking also doesnt, and thats literally all I did before getting killed and incined
No, the fault lays in HoP giving you all access so they’re partly to blame but the thing is that you were seen in HoP’s office with 10 other people so it’s not a stretch for me to assume that you were handing out all access to them which is straight up mutiny and two major trespasses.
A- You plasma flooded the station as cap bro, you cant act like an angel here.
B- Sorry, I thought hop was, but okay if hes not.
C- Second major trespass? when? because the first time I was with HOP, we were asking you for headset. Opening a door and walking in to ask for something doesnt mean you major trespassed
I didnt hand out AA, hell I just got there when you got there, the HOP left a captain level id card in the console like a tard. You just killed and incind me without any proof that I did anything wrong.
All very stupid points, plasma flood late in the round when all crew were almost confirmed revs and I was attacked in medbay beforehand and heads were dead.
Don’t make a report if you aren’t gonna get the story right, seriously. Major trespass into Cap’s office and HoP’s office. Just stop making up points for yourself and accept that what you did was wrong.
And I told you, you were seen with other people inside HoP’s office and I assumed that you gave out all access, it’s not a matter if you did or did not.