You cant kill someone based off assumption. Ive literally been banned for that. Its literally my most recent ban. Thats like admitting your sins. Additionally, major trespass doesnt validate you, its literally a 5 minute brig time, or perma if you went with malicious intent. I went in to ask you for a headset, and then I was in HOPS room to see the commotion.
It wasn’t an assumption, if HoP gives you all acces and later on we confirmed that it’s a rev round then it’s pretty clear you’re an antag.
What do you not understand, like the first person stated, you stole Caps armor and had all access and were in cahoots with HoP. I honestly believed you were blood-brothers first and that’s why I demoted HoP. I didn’t kill HoP or anything but I killed you afterwards for stealing my shit and breaking laws.
See the issue here is that I wasnt an antag, and stealing someones god damn overshirt isnt an capital crime, none of these are capital crimes, and none of them add up to capital crimes. I shouldnt of been killed and incined because you assumed I was an antag for being a mime with aa.
- Heads of Staff Conduct
Heads of Staff are held to higher standards than regular crewmembers. You are expected to be a competent person and competent at your job.
Heads of Staff, generally, should not abandon their post. This means you should not leave the station on space adventures or explore lavaland.
Heads of Staff should not overstep their bounds. For example, the Head of Personnel is not a member of security and should not run around hunting criminals. Nor should the Head of Personnel loot the armory or give themself all-access.
The Captain is not an Assistant with all-access. You are expected to be a competent leader and ensure the success and survival of your station and its crew.
Falls more on the HoP then as he did not notify me about your all access.
I’m very tired atm so I’ll reply more tomorrow. Goodnight and have a good day.
You have no proof I was an antag, hell I wasnt an antag. Literally all I did to that console was take out the id they were using to get aa, before putting it back to avoid getting lynched. Admins could pull logs of that I believe. You had a suspicion. Good night, I expect to hear more tomorrow.
Jesus christ, and the other stuff then?
When you went into my office and stole my armor? When you went into HoP’s office again which were still two major trespasses. A mime shouldn’t have all access. A HoP should notify their Captain if they’re giving out all access which did not happen.
Ya know maybe we would of notified you when we walked into your room and I asked for headset and HOP did too but you were too busy telling us to get the fuck out because you refused to talk to us. Too busy assuming we were blood brothers I assume with no evidence I assume. Stealing the captains carapace is the same as stealing a labcoat or literally any other basic shirtlike item, it doesnt matter and it doesnt mean you can get killed for it. If being in HOPs office is major trespass, oh well, but still, its just a 5 minute brig time and you killed me then incined my body.
Ya know maybe we would of notified you when we walked into your room and I asked for headset and HOP did too but you were too busy telling us to get the fuck out because you refused to talk to us. Too busy assuming we were blood brothers I assume with no evidence. Stealing the captains carapace is the same as stealing a labcoat or literally any other basic shirtlike item, it doesnt matter and it doesnt mean you can get killed for it. If being in HOPs office is major trespass, oh well, but still, its just a 5 minute brig time and you killed me then incined my body.
none of this applies to MRP
Wait, shit. You’re right. Still living in LRP.
On this
@bloons3 hnnnnngggggg
So since this was MRP, space law should’ve been followed.
You can’t kill someone unless you can’t arrest them because they are a direct threat to you.
Gonna apply a note for over-escalation on this