Llol11 Staff Feedback Thread

Based, not gonna lie.

Good admin from what I’ve seen, able to handle AHELPS very well and listens.

I barely ever talk to you but when I do you seem pretty cool

be more on lrp i missed you

Haven’t seen you a ton (probably more of an issue with my god damn sleep schedule than anything) but I’ve never had any issues with you when you are on.

its been 2 months since my last feedback :flushed:
I’ve since been promoted to seniormin.

University has started back up, so i dont have nearly as much free time as i’d prefer.
Never the less, im always trying to be a better admin so if you wanna call me a shitmin do it here - and idealy tell me how i can be better. (praise also accepted)

You strive to enforce rules as they are rather than what you may wish they were.
You play devil’s advocate when one is needed to see the other side of an issue.
You know how to still enjoy the game and haven’t become detached and jaded.

You’re an ideal admin if I’ve ever seen one.


A post was split to a new topic: Llol11 complaint

A post was merged into an existing topic: Llol11 complaint

pretty cool i think he abused the coders when i was unable to play as plasmeme

I play D&D with him on weekends, schedules permitting and was my vouch for mentor status. No way I can’t be biased.

Helped me update wiki by spawning my ghost into thunderdome to update TC costs. Otherwise, my active hours, and his don’t line up. Always fun to have the international comparison though!

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i didn’t really appreciate how you handled my re-application for admin. i talked to you a day before i stepped down as trial admin to apologize for something i had said, and you said we were cool. it was jarring to see you say what you said.

Llol is a really great admin and great headmin. He is active, he responds to any issues rather quickly and has ability to handle stuff without being biased in any way. Talking to him is a pleasure and I have yet to see him mishandle a ticket or a person.

He is a very enjoyable person to talk to.

10/10 would convince him to apply for Host.

listen if you really think i can’t figure out a character flaw after multiple interactions with a person then like … ok. i was rude but i’m not lying

alright pensive time away and i think yea. llol and aeder lied about me to get me to go away. i would not call u (llol) a great admin lmao. it would definitely be different if u hadn’t made so many assumptions about me but whatever.

You were once a very good admin who I looked up to, but ever since I came back all I have ever seen you do is shitpost and try to stir unnecessary drama, at one point even creating a completely unnecessary drama thread about me where you posted and encouraged some pure slander as if you were some kind of competitive peanut poster.
Luckily it was swiftly deleted but I saw the entire thing and I gave you a chance to apologize but you refuse to even acknowledge any wrongdoing to me.

As a headmin you should definitely know better than to act this way.

he called me skill issu’ed ): (I am based and progammer). iam seething hard

necropost bruh

llol has this big issue, think it’s related to skill, idk


cope and seethe :trolled:
body is to short