Your CKEY (Including any alts you have): Lagomorphica
Your Discord Name (Including any alts you have): Gerstmann#0150
How often are you online to help? (Timezone): AEST, with no daylight savings, ever.
What changes, if any, would you bring?: I am unsure of what, if any changes I can truthfully bring; however, I can bring my experience and wisdom from my previous times as an admin on Beestation to the table. Mirroring my previous application, of which I only lasted ~4 months as admin due to regrettably needing to switch medication dosage, Beestation is a server that I greatly enjoy; and while I do not feel I can bring sweeping changes, I feel that I can help administrate a timezone that, although low population for Sage, is rather depopulated.
How old are you?: 18.
Why do you want to be a moderator?: Beestation is the only SS13 server I have truly played; CM a little bit, and some others. I wish to change this, however, Beestation is my one and only home - and it always will be, truthfully. While now I look forward to playing new codebases and all, I donât think I ever could abandon Bee. I have gained so much enjoyment and happiness from playing and meeting people on Beestation, have gained so much experience, that I feel it is only fair to give back by offering some of my time to hopefully improve the server in at least a tangible way.
Their is a carnal pleasure about assisting people in a community that you truly enjoy being in.
How long have you been playing SS13?: 1607 hours.
How long have you been playing BeeStation?: 1607 hours.
On a scale of 1-10, how skilled are you in SS13?: 8. I am not mechanically skilled due to my ping, but I have expansive knowledge.
On a scale of 1-10, how skilled are you as an administrator? (this can include past games): 7
Have you ever been an admin or moderator on another server? This is not limited to SS13:
Copy from previous application.
'In terms of technical experience with the tools I was used too, I would say that I am around a 7 - experienced, but I had not yet mastered things such as SQL or similar, and I did not get around too finishing my admin commands guide. I did, however, know what almost every command does.
In terms of practical knowledge, I primarily administrated LRP; however, I was around for the creation of MRP rules and am aware of how to administrate it, although this was in its infancy. Due to the large changes experienced overall too the server, I would rather not take a risk and estimate around a 5 for actual enforcement information - I will likely have to request help quite often.
Do you have any alternate accounts on SS13? If so, could you provide their CKEY?:
Copy from previous application again, as it is applicable.
Yes, under the name of âslashamineâ; albeit it was created for a bit regarding a friend I know well, and acting as if they are my wife until somebody joins VC and hears a deep as fuck voice saying hello.
Your strengths: I have a vast amount of experience administering Beestation, and a unique timezone relative to other admins. I also have prior experience and have seen numerous phases of the server; and was previously committed at one point to maintaining the wiki and creating an admin guide.
Your weaknesses: I have sporadic periods of activity and occasionally get intensive migraines due to newer medication. Outside of this, my timezone, while occasionally matching highpop, is typically only in highpop regions after 12 AM for me, and typically between 12 AM - 12 PM. While I am available here, I occasionally sleep in.
Is there anything that gets you really mad, real fast?:
Copy from previous application.
I have seen just about every event that is likely to happen in the server, and their is very little that is likely to get under my skin, however I have gone ballistic once and only once. I would say that what makes me mad really fast is being made to do all the work when another admin is on, and politely asking them, then they donât do it, which is unlikely to happen, if at all.
What do you think is the most important trait for a staff member to have?: The ability to take in new information regardless of experience and other peoples views, regardless of their rank or level of respect in a server; based solely off the merit of what they are providing rather than who they are. A single individual cannot know everything, and the neglected link of a community is most likely to fail. Working with others and requesting help when it is important increases the strength of every link.
What makes a staff team good?: Once again, the merit of how they act. While admins are ultimately human and make mistakes, it is more important how one recovers from a mistake than what was done to make it. Most important of all is how a team reacts to criticism, how trusting they are of each other, and how much the community trusts them.
What is a staff teamâs purpose?: To maintain a fun, safe, and happy environment for all players and other members of the staff team. Bettering both the players and the server is a noble goal, but obviously not always possible; while it should be attempted, what is important is making sure that it accommodates to what people need.
What kind of player are you?: I attempt to be passive, and have recently written lore and attempted to roleplay my characters properly. Avoiding conflict or fights is imperative once again due to my ping, although if needed I do possess knowledge of game systems from my time on LRP.
How do you think you will change once you become a staff member?: With my gameplay of MRP, and having experienced it more fully as an admin and player, I truly do not believe that I will change particularly much. I do, however, feel that I may gain a greater appreciation for other servers with RP levels, and feel more comfortable actually playing them.
The clown slips the HoS and steals his gun, spacing it right after. What do you do?: This question is incredibly context sensitive. The lowest level of effort that can be made is running a SDQL query to find the location of the gun and transporting it to the office of the Head of Security or their locker, and sending a subtle message or a Central Command report to the station informing him of its new location.
Depending on the amount of notes the clown has, and their relevance, it affects the punishment, but a baseline is warning them and applying a note regarding the theft and disposing of high-risk items and their impact on the round, along with potential IC and OOC consequences that can arise from doing as such.
Red or blue alert also significantly impact this decision; raising the severity of the discussion with them due to the fact that they are actively hindering Security during an emergency. In the event that this behaviour is repeated and noted multiple times, a watchlist is also likely in order to convey to other admins that they are likely to do it, or a job/server ban.
A non-antagonist is sabotaging the Atmospherics loop and pumping plasma into the distro, along with dragging around a canister and releasing it into the atmosphere. Assuming that an admin is cleaning up the after-effects, how do you conduct the ahelp with him?: Seeing as they are actively griefing and dragging canisters, the first step is to ajail them to prevent further grief. Checking for ban evasion by matching their CID and IP to other information is also important, and using the Centcom database to check for bans on other participating servers, also assists with the process. If they are a ban-evader, a sticky ban is about all that can be done to fix the issue.
In the event this yields no hits or is not conclusive, asking why they did such is important; along with context. A low hour account is likely only here to grief, and may be banned for a long duration or permanently; in the event they are legitimate they may appeal or provide a convincing argument as to why they have done it. Regardless, it is a serious offence. An established player, although similar, will also be asked why they did it, and have a lengthy or permanent ban applied.
A chemist who is working alone accidentally mixes an explosive mixture inside of his chem dispenser, instantly killing himself and destroying the machine, along with exposing Chemistry to space. Nobody else was injured aside from him as a result of his actions. What do you do?: While this is an accident, the player is still going to need to be checked for existing records of it, and thus their notes and context determine the punishment. A repeated history of mixing multiple chemical explosions on âaccidentâ is far more severe.
Secondly, administration is just as much about teaching as it is enforcing the rules; and the specific mixture used can be ascertained by examining chat, and it can be explained to them how, why, and what happened in regards to their mixture. They can also be informed of mentorhelp existing and the wiki to assist them if they are creating potentially dangerous mixtures in the future, along with Standard Operating Procedure for Chemistry and how they may face IC consequences for their actions.
Checking that Engineering is available or similar such factors is also important, to prevent the central primary hallway running out of oxygen, and other such factors. If nothing is truly major, a no-severity or low-severity note can be applied to act as a warning for other admins if its repeated. Notes are not a punishment and are simply a method of recording behaviour in most cases.
I am aware, however, that most of these questions I have answered before, and that these questions are incredibly similar. I also expect to be asked more in the future, but as a preface, I shall answer some questions I have scavenged (stolen) from other applications.
Cae Questions.
Pete112 Admin Application - #7 by Caecilius
1: You are on Sage. A botanist breaks into tech storage roundstart to steal the chem dispenser board, and nabs a flash, insulated gloves and a full toolbelt while heâs there. An engineer sees this and moves to stop him. They have a shoving match, and the botanist tries to flash the engineer but fails due to the engineer having welding goggles. The engineer then crits the botanist with a toolbox, cablecuffs him and takes him to medbay to be healed. Any rules broken?
- While Botanists no longer have to break in, this question can be applied to multiple general situations. Most importantly, non-security crew should attempt to avoid acting as security when possible. The Engineer should have called Security to handle it instead, rather than running in and shoving them and critting them. Taking them to Medical to be healed indicates a lack of desire to kill, though. Ultimately, breaking in as a non-antagonist for items that you do not require and without asking violates the server rules and should be noted as such, along with acting as a vigilante without being an antag or with little in character justification. While I would not mind as much if they went in and shoved them once and asked them to leave, forcing them out as such is a little bit to far. This obviously also depends on context and a vast amount of factors such as if Security is absent.
2: The round is nearly over, and the shuttle has docked. The captain starts to spam authorise/revoke the early launch. What do you do?
- Spamming chat for no reason is annoying. Tell them to stop and check their notes for it, note them if nothing or watchlist. Apply Command ban if needed.
3: You are playing on LRP. A man walks up to you shouting racial slurs and kills you for no reason. He then proceeds to kill most of the station, again spamming racial slurs both in game and in OOC. What do you do?
- As I am a player, ahelp it and request another admin to handle the ticket. While it is obvious grief, admins cannot handle self-tickets.
Deleted Account Questions
JackTheLing's Admin App - #7 by BrawlerHorde
Only one question is relevant.
- (MRP) The bartender ahelps, claiming security is shooting them for no reason. You check the game-mode, and find out itâs revs. After bwoinking the officer in question, he claims the bartender was refusing mindshields. Any actions taken?
- The bartender refusing mindshields during a revolution round is highly context sensitive. Most importantly, the server is MRP; unless their is a clear and present communication that mindshields are required, using force to subjugate people is not particularly cool. The Security Officer deserves a note if their has been no announcement, or if they are using lethals; if not, the Bartender can have their issue marked as IC, as it is ultimately small conflict stemming from them refusing to follow a basic procedure.
Astriker Application (cae questions)
Astriker's admin application - #3 by Caecilius
2: A person is validly killed on MRP and ahelps. After determining that his death was valid, you close the ahelp. However, they refuse to accept this and open new ahelps repeatedly complaining, insulting you and threatening an admin report. What do you do?
- They are perfectly within their right to challenge my judgement, however if they believe that it is incorrect I would advise them to make a player report rather than an admin report. Unless I have flagrantly violated admin policy, then a player report is more important. For now, however, one an ahelp is resolved it is not recommended to continue opening tickets. An ahelp mute can be applied if they do not accept that their ticket is resolved.
3: Under what sort of circumstances would you consider sending a: An ERT and b: a Deathsquad? What sort of steps would you take beforehand
- An emergency response team should typically only be sent in dire situations when requested, and for the purposes to create a round more interesting. Sending them solely because an antagonist is winning is uninteresting, and should typically be sent moreso if the station is getting completely stomped; such as having no security or mass murderbone for little to no reason. A deathsquad, on the other hand, should very rarely be sent on an MRP server. In the event it is, multiple players are likely to require bwoinking. One of the few justifiable scenarios is perhaps a murderbone-antag directly insulting Central Command after killing everyone on station, but even then it is a bit of a stretch to send a Death Squad. In preparation for both, however, a command report detailing when it is coming should be sent, along with an anonymous report regarding what kind of backup will be made; and a clear plan for what the ERTs goal on station is. Careful administration is required to prevent them worsening the experience.
[details="Ivniivni questions (rvkothe app)
Rkvothe14 Mod App (maybe too early but eh) - #2 by Alexanderself1
- AI complains one of itâs borgs doesnât listen to them, you bwoink borg and he says he doesnât care and prefers to finish his own SM setup instead of helping AI. Rules broken? What would you tell either side?
- If they are a synced cyborg or the AI is ordering them to do something that is in accordance with their laws, it is in violation of silicon policy and Rule 1. They are ultimately negatively impacting the round and basically griefing the AI, but also not properly roleplaying for their role; ignoring its orders and violating their laws depending on what is occurring. A note should be applied to the cyborg and they should be told to perform what their AI tells them and to act in accordance to their laws rather than doing what they want, unless setting up the SM is critical and their is nobody else capable of it. In the event they have a good reason, this can be waived, but if they continue to ignore it a job ban may be needed and their body may be offerred to ghosts.
- Security officer find assistant in maints, he attacks him with stun baton, hitting him once with harm intent before switching to stun. He searches him and after finding nothing, assistant gets up and kills him. Rules broken?
- Gross overescalation and self antag. If this is on blue alert, the Security Officer is within their rights to random search, however should have verbally requested permission first. This is not, however, justification for the assistant to kill them; and this ultimately will result in either a ban or a severe note, depending on context, hours, etcetera. The deceased security officer can then be cloned by the assistant depending on what they have done; or, if the assistant is banned/does not cooperate, they may be ahealed. The security officer can also be reminded about Standard Operating Procedure.
- You see hos, on secway, with shotgun, patrolling maints, stunning and searching everyone he finds. Station in on blue alert with confirmed (at least) heretics. What do you do?
- They should escalate this to Red Alert if required. While allowed to display weaponry and patrol maintenance, they are fully armed and searching everybody they see due to heretics; other Security officers can be dispensed to search as well. A verbal warning is required before searching on Blue Alert, regardless. Request them to stop, apply a note or a jobban depending on previous note history, hours, and other factors such as how bad the heretic situation is and how liberal they have been with their weapons, or if the shotgun has been used with lethal ammo.
- Engineer builds mech and teleports around with it. Rules broken?
- Do Your Job, Rule 3. Them teleporting around, while annoying, is ultimately not griefing, but may be them avoiding doing their job. This also depends on context; in the event they have a reason for a mech or are using it for construction or have roleplayed a reason, and have also asked Robotics multiple times, the severity is far less and may be lowered to solely IC consequences. If they have not and have simply powergamed it for no reason, then it also violates Rule 2.
- Station has 5 engineers and after 40 minutes SM is still not set up. Station is running out of power. Do you do anything?
- Context sensitive, but the Engineers should be doing it per accordance with them signing up as Engineers; unless their is a more critical issue such as massive hull breaches that render large areas inhospitable. If a Chief Engineer exists, they should prioritize delegating the task to other engineers or doing it themselves, per SOP. They should be told that as CE they should do their, well, job, along with making others do it due to them being the departmental head. In the event their is a reason they are not doing it that is suitable, IC consequences are enough; if not, a note or potential jobban for the CE depending on previous records of it.
- Chaplain prays to accept his sacrifice. Do you do anything? If so what?
- Depends on how much effort he puts in and what it is. It also depends on the temperature outside, since prayer responses are fickle things; one opens themselves to great levels of untamed power and similar. It also depends on their sect. If they have gone to great lengths for it, boons may be offered, or objectives on what to do next; or non-game influencing items that while cool and flashy should hopefully not completely throw off the round.
While it is difficult to find questions that are asked that do not already have answers or are relevant, I have attempted to do such. I also expect to be asked far, far harder questions, and I wish to be asked these; because blah blah, stand on the merits of oneself instead of previous experience and knowledge about me.
Also, please do not look at my AI hours or the fact I donât know how to play Factorio.