Kate Garrison discord muted by llol111

first 2 warnings were half a year ago for memeing, I got them in a span of 10 minutes

I will not argue or defend my dumb behavior.

I promise to tone the bad jokes down and not bait people to call me uwu cringe
Or at least try to

final edit:
About the lizard feet jokes, my first lizard feet joke was about a year ago on the communication console to centcom and they rolled with it.
Blame them, they enabled me.


Yeah… about that…
It was already attempted before Help Kate Garrison restore her honor - General - BeeStation (beestation13.com)

Actually…Rene you are a decent player, I guess I should take your advice.

I will even set filters in game to highlight if I ever say the word ‘feet’ just to remind myself how close I am to saying something cringe