Kate bishop is a jew: the threequal

i told you to write the player report midway 5 mins into the new round…

Notice how it says the WARDENS KRAV MAGA GLOVES not the captains? The captain didnt explicitely hand you the gloves and say keep em nor did they belong to him in the first place.

If someone opens a door and you run in afterwards and take shit from the room its still stealing

note:he was hacking into the locker when i tried to stop him.

lol no. i was hacking into the room, the locker was already open. and also, the captain is the only one who could’ve had access to the gloves because once again, there was no sec personnel. by the chain of command, he would’ve been the only person that would’ve had clearance to have those gloves bruh

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“no officer i broke into the shop but the register was open” :clown_face:

“no officer the man behind the cash register let me in the back and opened it up for me and waited for me to take the cash before continuing on his day”

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You just clearly dismissed that the shit doesnt belong to the captain, the chain of command is an IC suggestion and that breaking in is not better than having someone open the door and running in lol.

but the dud whit AA was a assistant whit AA, so thats like your friend stealing the key to the shop and letting you in.

and i was supposed to know this how? he had full armor on and the captains icon in the sechud.

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yes, because i had that too.

no, you had the chaplain icon lol, you probably but the AA card in your pda.

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listen here dud, even if you didnt know it was stealing, even if the doors to sec where open it was stealing, EVEN if you where the hos and took them was stealing, the dude wasnt the warden nor where you.

More like the cashier forgot to lock the register but locked the front doors

and went into the backroom and didnt even see you take it.

are we just doing story time now? miss the part where the AI made security public for anyone to be in? lol what r u going on about. and besides, there was no members of security, you can say that the chain of command is an IC suggestion all you want, but this is a situation where it would apply

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the ai is the level of an assistant.i told you this already.

ok, that’s the ai’s issue, not my problem. btw, assistant level access is higher than not fucking existing at all, which is what the situation with security was. 0 people.

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no, the ai telling you “X killed X” has no meaning the ai is BELOW an assistant it opening sec goes to church no other head aproved it so no, stealing.

none of the heads dissaproved it, literally anyone could’ve said “law 2 ai don’t open armory noo!!!” but no one did. not any heads did, not you, not anybody. if the station all collectively agrees to let the armory be public and the ai makes it public, it’s not stealing. and if people didn’t voice their concerns with the armory being open, once again, that’s their issue, not my problem.

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It is sad when the game devolves into hunting someone because they stole (not even yours) gloves and assuming he is valid to you.



can an admin come and deal with this already damn. like i said before i don’t care how kate plays, literally only made this because kate told me too, and the only reason im arguing this hard for this is because this is going to set a precedent where having a certain item means certain fucking death simply because you have it, and that will make LRP even more trash than it already is

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