Thank you all! If there is any way you can think of for me to improve, please let me know!
…love the waving at different objects when I depart.
That was one of the first things I came up with when I sat at the cargo front desk for so long!
I do worry that I dont custom emote stuff out as often as I used to. Like opening a windoor used to be like
*perks up in her chair
*presses random buttons
*leans on the desk and tilts her head
If you do decide to, give me a chance to RP it! Usually people just set bombs right next to me and walk away! Or I’ll get a chloral hydrate injection rarely
I’m glad you remember! For RP, I always try to give whoever I’m talking to, a couple options for what they want to do. I don’t think I’m good at presenting them yet, work in progress!
It really is my first time actually RPing a character or RPing in general! I get embarassed when I play a seeing character and emote a bit. “Am I really filling up the air that much with emotes? Goodness…”
I played my namesake Belthesar in a wheelchair for three rounds in a row, and got harassed all three times, some instances involving the pool. I told myself I would never use the paraplegic quirk ever again.
A month later on a rough evening, I decided to make Kiera, with one of the reasons being that I would see how quickly she would get killed. I figured having a blind, paraplegic catgirl, with a very light owo-speak accent, would lead to a quick death and then I’d probably just delete her.
The crew was very nice to me, and I almost deleted Kiera 2-3 times, but soon found myself playing as her more and more. Now I’m at 500 exact hours with her as my main, while my other characters gather dust…
In terms of playing blind, I actually get disoriented when I play a seeing character or as a ghost! Suddenly I’m so fast and the screen is huge, its a lot to take in haha. Its a big problem on my rare shaft miner rounds as Bran, where I have to re-adapt and figure out how to bonk fauna again! I still stick to walls even as other characters now, even on Lava land.