Ive seen this responded to in diferent ways, what is the definitive perspective on racism in low rp

So i was playing on Golden LP earlier and I saw that a man who named themselves adolf himmler or something similar had set the AI to have a law in which “jews are not human, himmler defines who is a jew”, from there someone had added a law to kill all jews, gas chambers and various anti semetic chants ensued. This has no actual rp value and the guy was NOT antag acording to round end so it obviously conflicts with rule 1, yet when i spoke to the admin they said theyd look into it then seemingly(Though obviously i dont have admin over sight of the logs so i have no clue) did nothing.

Im not really sure what perspective this server has on racism etc etc, I know the discord dosent care because gamer word funny, but what is the actual ruling on this?

14448-14451 is roughly the round ID in case your interested (EDIT: By this i mean that the event happened on one of these rounds, I only saw this on one round)

I was the admin for that and looked at the whole thing closely. Racism is allowed on the server. For a while, up until the 25th of March, racist and homophobic slurs were not. They are still not allowed on MRP.

Using a racist or homophobic slurs makes you valid for the person who you targeted and is a minor crime in space law. If this is seen as valid bait though it’s a different rule break and will be punished harsher. Admins are allowed to abuse players who are overly racist or use slurs, but not remove them from the game.

Going extreme with racism, homophobia, or anti-Semitism eventually crosses the harassment line and it treated as a serious rule break, although in this particular round it was a gimmick but nearing that line. The bigger problem I had was adding a rule to the AI to kill Jews, then naming the clown and mime Jews.

I bwoinked them both requiring the clown and mime to be cloned and to stop naming valids. There was a weird shared responsibility between the two. One made the law and the other called people Jewish. The one naming some as Jewish didn’t know about the kill part of the law supposedly.

At the end of the bwoinks they were killed by nuke ops, and no one else was running the gimmick. I don’t see Jew as a racist slur, although that could be open to interpretation based on context. I agree it is anti-Semitic, but the community here seems intent on keeping an amount of that around.

I was considering a ban for them based on the self antag thing, but after reviewing say logs and the chaos of multiple people involved decided against it.

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I doubt anyone here is actually racist
Or anti Semitic, it’s just lol jews greedy

Ah yes, people are merely pretending to be retarded, a wonderful retort and explenation of why racism and anti semetisism should be allowed. Simialr to how /pol isint actually racist or right wing eh, just pretending to be racist.

But i wont get into that further since its kinda pointless.

You know what fuck it, let me ask a question. Why would someone who isint racist make racist remarks and program others to be racist? Its funny? Why is it funny? I actually want to know, because yelling GAS THE JEW while you construct a gas chamber and murder people isint funny really, it just means your being not excellent to others for no reason, unless your actually an anti semite. Theyre spess men, theres no punch line??? Unless your actually expressing some hatred why would you laugh at that? Wheres the joke.

It’s shock value humor and memes mostly I’d say. I’m not the type to participate, but I see the funny sometimes. The subhuman AI law wasn’t funny imo, but I just enforce the rules that the community wants or needs. This server has a long history of dark 4chan humor, and while it’s prolly my least favorite part about the place, I’d be lying if I didn’t laugh occasionally at it.

If you know /pol, chances are you visit other boards or used to. No board on 4chan is without racist humor or bad shit. Does that mean you yourself or everyone in there is racist? There is also value in not being too strict and enforcing overly harsh standards on people. There is a line, and maybe it should be moved up, but there are a lot of people who play without participating in those gimmicks.

I know 4chan because i know what it leads to, an actual infestation of actual racists. homophobes, and anti semites. They draw eachother to places where they feel accepted. This will ultimatly make any community shit. I like this server, it sucks that youve all accepted this.

The server is hosted in Germany, and Germany has extremely strict and weird laws surrounding anti-semitism for obvious reasons.

This is taken directly from the “Banned Content” portion of BeeStation on Github:

National Socialist Party of Germany content, National Socialist Party of Germany related content, or National Socialist Party of Germany references

There is a good chance that what happened on the server could actually be construed as completely illegal if it transpired in Germany, and would most likely cause the server to be shutdown if someone got mad enough to report it to an authority.

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If you hate jewish people because some man in the 2D spaceman game made an AI law that says to kill them then you have some serious problems.

That shit is this server though. You can eliminate the fringes and the real vile shit, but you can’t pick and choose parts of the core of a community. It’s not like they suddenly set up shop. The SS13 community almost as a whole is for incels, neets, weebs, and losers. Servers are either /pol cancer or furries. The game’s code itself is racist.

But there is a redeeming side that comes with it.

What? please clarify what your trying to say

Then why does this shit not happen in TG? or Goon (to as big a degree)?

The chances of someone being radicalized by the 2D spaceman game are very slim. And if someone actually gets radicalized by it then they have some other serious problems.

Goon straight up bans any racist things.

I dunno, I don’t play those servers. But to say they are pure knights is probably not true. Especially considering the recent stuff going on.

Im not saying people will be radicalized, I cant see where i said that, and im not sure why you think i did. I said that it will act as a beacon and draw other racists.

Recent stuff? Not quite sure what your refering to.

The racists probably wouldn’t like bee all that much because they can’t say slurs in OOC and validhunters kill anyone who says a racist slur.

Accept the fact that LITERALLY the person im talking about got off fine untill nukies came

Is Jew a racist slur? By context it is racist but it’s not a slur. And on LRP they can use slurs in game. You would have had full right to kill them for it though if they had used one. It’s self policing.

That is true, judging by the fact they managed to change the AI laws they probably had some good gear. Some validhunters probably tried to kill them but failed.