Ice Type banned by haliris

Ice Type
Admin’s CKEY:
Ban Type:
Server ban
Ban Length:
14 days
Ban Date (YYYY/MM/DD/):
2023-03-23 13:23:16
Round ID:
43240 (Round the incident happened in was way back in 41889)
Ban Reason:
Do not abuse past life knowledge, do not metagrudge. As RD, died to a traitor and then took a posibrain and killed them because “they had killed me in my past life”. This is a roleplayer server, with rules to create an environment fit for immersion. Such behaviour contradicts that. Your conduct since that report tells me that you need a serious timeout to reflect on that, and on the rules. Do not come back unless you wish to roleplay. Created as a result of player report: Player Report: Catherine Brown/HOG-750
Appeal Reason:
A 14 day ban based on one person’s word and a tidbit of information I gave either in EORG or shuttlestop, (which had no bearing upon my actions beforehand) which until quite recently (and I caught on much earlier than that) a significant proportion of the playerbase believed signified EORG. This is minor borg validhunting on one of my first ever times playing borg, three months ago!!!
Additional Information:
Recent conduct had been responded to with recent punishments. It’s not your job to reapply them because of a minor borg validhunt by a highly inexperienced borg player 3 months ago.

Nowhere in the ban reason is validhunting stated or implied.


It plain wasn’t metagrudging. I say minor validhunting cause that’s the only thing I actually did then.


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was that said before or after the round ended

After, or at least at shuttle stop.

Mfw people aren’t in character when the round is over.

I don’t necessarily agree with either side of this - just trying to facilitate better communication and understanding of each side of this disagreement. There seems to be a substantial gap in understanding on both sides

The issue isn’t OOC in IC, it’s that you are (allegedly) presenting this as motivation for your actions against the other player.

The fact this is presented at the end of the round makes it look worse not better, because it makes it seem like you are still hung up over what happened in the previous life, and took the Borg only as means of getting revenge.

The line you gave about Borg mains generally doing worse things makes this seem even worse - like you took Borg expecting to find an easy IC justification for revenge and valid-hunting.

Your arguments and defenses against that person’s word did a really good job of painting you as excessively aggressive and looking for any excuse to kill them. Whether that is actually what happened or not, that is what it looked like in the context of the report thread from the outside looking in.

Looking at your broader history of excessive valid-hunting and combining it with the fact this happened more than three months ago (before most of that history took place and before you had any chance to learn from it), it seems at least feasible you were just being excessively valid-thirsty and thought you didn’t need much justification to kill if your laws didn’t prevent it.

This has to be the best point against the ban here.

The justifications given aren’t great and neither is the player’s history, but they were undeniably much newer when this incident took place. So much newer that I’m pretty sure this would have been one of their first offenses if it had been processed when it happened. It predates their bans by a wide margin.

It’s cool to process even old reports, but “player history” should be taken with a grain of salt if the majority of that history is newer than the report. I can’t see this history but I have a hunch this is the case.

People can’t time travel to apply bwoinks they’ve gotten between an incident happening and it being processed.


I’d just state three things, they were acting head helping a nightmare that was breaking apcs and killing sec, that would be self-antag. When killed they came back as a cyborg and killed a crewmember on corporate for having an ID, that’s validhunting, and they killed a player who had killed them in their previous life on the shakiest grounds possible, that’s metagrudge. The only thing I’d say is they did say that most likely after round end, but they also killed me on the shuttle while posing no threat to anyone so the whole “round-end acting different” thing goes both ways, you killed someone posing no threat for no reason other than “validhunting” if you are being believed or “metagrudge” if you aren’t less than a minute before round end, then you state that right after the deed, it doesn’t look good.

  1. I was trying to rp with an antag, in an rp server. That is absolutely not self antag.

  2. I subdued, not killed, you on the shuttle due to me not properly understanding what a borg should and shouldn’t do. You absolutely had committed a crime, but it was not up to me, nor did I have the appropriate tools to arrest you. (And I should have said something beforehand regardless.)

  3. this is a bit peanutty, but you can’t really say much considering you 0 rp round removed a non target.

It’s worth noting that the one person’s word was someone who considered an attempt at rp with an antag self antag, lied about arrests, and also pulled the gamer move of round removing a non target because they annoyed them.

Silicon main here with a few things to say that you should maybe take as advice

You shouldn’t be doing arrests as AI or borgs unless you are lawed for it. assisting an officer should be fine if you don’t break laws during it. Example flashing a fleeing prisoner and bolting the doors

You was command right? Command and Security is free game for antags to kill, He even took your ID that he used and you also killed them for and made it seem like a metagrudge

The self-antag part is you disobeying laws and nearly killing someone in an attempt to arrest them.

I just wanted to chime in and i had no part in this encounter(i think)

Me three months later knows how to play silicon and the complexities of laws far better.

While I wasn’t particularly angry at the time, as I didn’t properly understand antag conduct, round removing non target command is absolutely frowned upon. Just because you have reasons to kill them for their stuff, doesn’t mean you have reason to then remove them from the round.

The self antag part was explicit stated to be about my attempt to rp with the nightmare. I didn’t violate my laws, but I didn’t follow them as well as I could have, though that’s something that has of course changed with three months and a very large experience delta.

I’m gonna reduce this to one week purely out of good will and also to get this hot potato out of my hands.
This wasn’t about validhunting, this was about metagrudging and you being out of character.
You deviating from these facts comforts my hunch that you were, and still are, acting in bad faith.

I’m not happy about this, cause you are clearly unwilling to recognize your mistake and are such very likely to “mess up” again.

Your conduct hasn’t improved since that incident, you got banned and noted several times for validhunting and lrp incidents. So I had three choices:

  • Lie and reject the report
  • “Accept” the report, and not issue a punishment, making deescalation and passing the hot potato to another admin.
  • Treat the report as normal.

I chose the last option.

You need this timeout, to reflect on the rules and your behaviour as a whole.
Nobody will win if you keep downplaying these fuckups, either you are here to RP and be positive, or you want to do something else in SS13.

Either way, I considered this ban to be accurate.

Now to the fun stuff that made processing this a bit more complex.

Pick one
Putting a disclaimer to then violate right after doesn’t work, do not minimod, it’s fucking annoying on top of being ironic here.

Your opinions against player reports, that is, retroactively applying punishments following incidents from past rounds, have been noted.

It is unfortunate that they’ve been voiced in the wrong section of the forum however.