Huk's Mentor Application (Insert pipe.mp3 here)

+1 Ive seen Huk go through a few shifts teaching new players, even noted them the last time I saw it happen.

You need more Janitor hours though. :melting_face:


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Itā€™s already on. Iā€™m the ai and the other side cannot hear me.


Also correct

Donā€™t really see a reason to hold you back, get in here +1


Iā€™ve recounted, itā€™s currently T+9.5!

Oops! this happens when mentors forget to add the total count!
And in the end:

So, it ends up being T+8.5 + 1 from Blue due to them not having put it in the count.
Questions left to answer:

Ah, simple, use prefix ā€œ.hā€ before speaking, and itā€™ll allow you to communicate through the holopad.
Youā€™re also able to hear people while manifested on the holopad. (Again, just click it.)


Silly mentos not adding totals.
Anyway, high hour count, Iā€™ve seen you help people in game and i skimmed a few of the questions here, so +1!
For a T:+10.5
Speaking of, I wonder what the mentor app voting record is.

22, long way to go to beat this.

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Okay, so weā€™ve hopefully unbuckled you, you most likely donā€™t have WASD binded, which means youā€™re possibly using the arrow keys to move. If you do not have those on your keyboard, attempt to bind WASD, go to preferences, top right, then find ā€œgame preferencesā€, then Keybinds, after that, bind W to ā€œMove Northā€, A to ā€œMove Westā€, S to ā€œMove Southā€ and D to ā€œMove East.ā€

Ah, thatā€™s why! While an EVA Suit, EVA Helmet, and ample oxygen allows you to be in space for as long as you want, the suit itself still slows you down by about 60-50%, give or take. (Slowdowns are awkward.)
Press on the suit with an empty hand to take it off, and walk around.

The keybindings seem fine. I donā€™t use the arrow keys to move.

That worked. Thanks.

Okay, is this a recent issue? As in, have you played before, and not had this issue?
msay"If I donā€™t get this ticket done soon, please take over for me, Iā€™m starting to run out of ideas."

yeah its a recent issue, it used to work fine

I support his mentorship.

Last I remember this kind chap, I had set up a meth lab in his backroom and he didnā€™t take too kindly to it.

But jk heā€™s a pretty neat guy. +1

Okay, soā€¦ it appears youā€™ve triggered Hotkey mode, press TAB, then try to move around.

[Sidenote, I wanted to say this question is unanswerable, because every time I triggered hotkey mode, nothing would happen, but then I got it to work as a ghost, this could be because Iā€™m using the newest BYOND version, which has caused thisā€¦ thing.]

That worked. Thank you!

Since iā€™m not exactly a mentor or anyone in a staff position, I canā€™t vote on this matter. But if i could, Iā€™d be fully supporting you for this position. Godspeed spessman.

I can vouch for Hukā€™s knowledge. We have played a lot together and I saw him teaching people in game. Also responses to the questions are also good.

I will put one more +1 and make the total one step closer to the record
T: +11.5

Iā€™ve been around Huk since his first days on the server , because of this I can say for certain that he is someone that likes to learn things in depth. Heā€™s one to want to know even the finer details in different areas of our convoluted space game. Patient too.

Not to mention the fantastic performance in answering the ridiculous questions, and the tenacity to open up a local server to answer to figure out some of the toughest ones.

I can vouch for Huk
Have my +1 o7

T: +12.5

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Accepted at 12.5.