Huk's Mentor Application (Insert pipe.mp3 here)

Your CKEY: HukWasTaken (Hukwastaken, thanks BYOND)

Your Discord: Huk (hukwastaken)

How long have you been playing ss13?: Since the 19th of May, last year. (2023-05-19)

Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?: @Doktorwueue, @joelogbybolb, @No_Originality

Game Experience (More Detailed):


I have good general knowledge all around, I sadly lack knowledge in Chemistry and Atmospherics, I have Mastery over Shaft Mining and Combat Mechanics, including some lesser known. (I.E, if you lay down and use CQC, you actually leg-swipe people, knocking them to the ground!) and I know how to escape a bad situation, with very few exceptions. (I.E, if a person is decently harmed, and mhelps: “Help, I’ve been stabbed, and rapidly taking damage from some sort of poison! what do I do?!” I’d most likely point them towards the medical bay, and if that isn’t available, towards the nearest medical vendor, to drink as much charcoal as possible, and to take anti-toxins.)

There is one thing I am trying to actively learn, other then the two aforementioned categories, which is Code Diving, I’ve not yet figured out how to look at the github correctly, but at some point I will figure it out.

Honourable Mention:


yeah i can vouch for Huk. he tries to help people ( even as a non mentos).
also +1

I can indeed vouch for Huk, he’s the one who first taught me to play SS13 over having met him once as a very new player. I’d say I owe him a lot of what I know in terms of antagonist and mining knowledge. +1

Also I’m leaving some fun nanite questions just for you.

  1. WHy am I vomiting nanites? I wasn’t EMPED and the cloud is fine.
  2. How do I spacewalk with nanites?
  3. Is there a way to prevent or counteract the random malfunctions from the mitosis program? I need it to run but they keep ruining programs.
  1. That could be a couple of things, the cloud being fine doesn’t inherently mean one of the programs (like Mitosis) hasn’t caused a malfunction, but assuming it wasn’t a program malfunctioning, it was most likely caused by one of the Scientists/Roboticists removing the Storage Protocol they were using, which caused you to vomit the excess nanites you now had in your system, and couldn’t store.
    Otherwise, it was Storage Protocol S.L.O.P, which doesn’t inherently have a built-in safety system, and disables the in-built Nanite Safety Measures, which allows it to store a lot-lot more nanites in your system, at the risk of damaging you, including making you vomit said nanites if the amount of them reaches a certain treshhold.
  1. While not exactly a built-in program, it is theoretically possible, if ineffective, to do this, you’ll have to 1. Out-heal the damage lack of pressure does. 2. Make it so you don’t freeze to death from space.

The second part is the easier one, a program called “Temperature Adjustment” does exactly what we need to be able to space walk, attach a damage sensor to it so it activates when it detects >2 burn (Add it as a rule, not as a stand-alone program, have the rule functions be on AND.), so we do not constantly waste our nanites whenever we are slightly colder or hotter then expected.
The first part requires a couple programs, and a few sensors, primarily, we’ll use Accelerated Regeneration, which doesn’t require a sensor, as it doesn’t consume nanites if the host isn’t harmed, and Bio-reconstruction, which will require a damage sensor set to >5 brute (apply it the same way you did as Temperature Adjustment.). This will allow you to survive in space for a while, but it’s not permanent, as the Nanites will very quickly drain to try and keep you alive, though, with this, only a fire-suit or even skinsuit would be able to keep you safe in space for a while.

Hmm… this is indeed your hardest question yet. Due to me not having a clear answer, I’d most likely attempt to ask the other mentors about it via the Msay commands, to see if any of them would have any insights on it. If not, I’d give a theoretical answer; one I don’t have full faith in, and recommend the person asking the question to attempt said theoretical answer not on the main cloud ID, but on a secondary one, connected to a test-subject, like a monkey.
3.Uhh… I don’t have a reliable answer on this one, though I can give you a safe recommendation, which would be tying Mitosis to a Dermal Toggle, allowing the host to activate it in emergencies, just don’t forget to name it something like “Accelerated Growth (Mitosis/RISKY)” or something along the lines, if that isn’t what you’re looking for exactly, there is also a way to go around Mitosis’s malfunctions, in theory, at least, I wouldn’t recommend trying this on the main Nanite Cloud ID, and instead on a secondary ID linked to a test subject, like a monkey.
First of all, this theory assumes two things:

  1. While Mitosis is online, it stops the nanites from syncing to the cloud.
    2. While Mitosis is offline, it once more allows the nanites to sync to the cloud. (I am not sure this is the case.)

So, what do we do? We’ll need to set up a sort of “clock” using the nanites, turning on and off Mitosis every 30 seconds, allowing it a sync cycle to resync, and one for actually having it’s effects.
First, you’ll need to edit the disk with Mitosis on it, don’t set an activation code, though have a deactivation code of 105 (this is so high to avoid miss-signaling it), a kill code of 9999 (incase all shit hits the fan) and a restart timer of 30 seconds, now, every time 105 is signaled, Mitosis goes offline, and it allows the nanites to resync, and mitigate the effects of Mitosis, Mitosis could still pull a “Oops, all poison!” or “Oops, Electric Shock!” but the chances of doing it would be severely lowered.
Now, for the final part of this thing, we’ll need a relay, set the relay so when it receives 104 as a code, it transmits 105 (activation 104, deactivation 105, and restart set to 60 seconds), you’ll need to manually start the clock using a nanite remote, set it to targeted, and code 104, and being the magic.
I am unsure if this actually would work, and if the clock wouldn’t go out of sync, there is also the idea of using a relay signal repeater for this issue, but I’m unsure if it’d fix anything.

Fun bonus questions.

  1. “How do I make a Mining mech and preform and swap its parts after it is built?”
  2. “How do I setup a pure CO2 SM safely?”
  3. As a Medical Doctor, “How do I make Life Stasis beds and operating compuers?”
  1. Another way for nanite vomiting is electrodes, the projectile.
  2. Having biorecon to 2+ could waste a sliver of nanites, I’d reccomend making it 10 to burn slighly less nanites while regeneration is running, but good answer. The threshold for temperature is a good answer too.
  3. That’s correct, well thought, but with a lazier way you can make a loop of signal repeaters to constantly re-activate every program, as any other malfunction is temporary until a cloud resync but forced de-activation.

I also know that you took your time to re-learn nanites to answer :slight_smile:

Some short ones for you.

  1. How long does blood take to dry?
  2. Can people get bloody feet with no shoes?
  3. I cant scan this bag with my forensic scanner??
  4. How do I clear the logs of my forensic scanner?
  5. Why did my detective revolver just blow up?

Not an admin/mentor so my questions don’t matter. Here it is anyways:

  1. help how move
  2. why am i slow
  3. can i shoot that guy?
  4. where is the cargo warehouse? (The map is kilostation)
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Ooh! Bonus Questions!

  1. What sort of Mining Mech are you exactly trying to build? There are 3 variations, and for the full list of mechs and their instructions, please follow: Guide to robotics - BeeStation Wiki, which will tell you everything you’d need to know, otherwise, I can instruct you right here, right now, but I’ll need the Mining Mech you are trying to create.
    On the second part, to swap its parts after it’s built, you’ll need to get in the mech, find "Electronics and Permissions, and set “Permit Maintenance Protocols”, once that is done, exit the mech, and with your ID in hand, click it, a menu will pop up, press “Initiate Maintenance Protocols”, then with a wrench in hand, click the Mech, and then with a crowbar in hand, do the same. Now, ID back in hand, click the mech, and it will allow you to drop any of the parts the mech was using, once the parts are dropped, simply insert the parts you wish to use for the mech, and reverse the process we just did, I.E, use a crowbar, then a wrench, then terminate maintenance protocols. Once all is said and done, enter the mech, and forbid maintenance protocols.

I have spent a good amount of hours over this question, and with my current knowledge, I simply cannot give an answer of my own.
2. msay “Uhh… are any of you good with atmos? like, really good? Someone’s wondering how to set up a pure CO2 engine, I have vague ideas, but not really how to set it up correctly.”
(And now, time for me to attempt and still give an answer, even if I have no clue if it’s the case or not.)
Generally speaking, you’ll need to do 3 things to have a pure CO2 engine work:

  1. You’ll need to strengthen the cooling loop to the point it’s able to cool down this beast, (A lot of layer adaptars, and a lot-lot of manifolds.) ontop of attaching multiple thermomachines to the end of the loop, with T4 parts, all set to cool, at the lowest it can go (3 kelvin).
  2. You’ll need to be able to remove all the gases that have now pilled up at the end of the loop (The ones you’re removing via a filter), you can do this by removing the injectors, and instead installing passive vents.
  3. You’ll need to space the area around the SM, not the chamber the SM is held in, but the area you walk on while setting up the SM, this is to avoid the insane amount of anomalies you will have to deal with.
  1. You will require 10 metal, 10 cables (You can print these at a autolathe.), 2 glass (for the Operating Computer), a wrench, a screwdriver and the circuit boards for both the Life Stasis Beds and Operating Computer, to get the boards, head on over to Engineering, and use your PDA to message or radio in an Engineer to assist you, (Call them to the Engineering Lobby.), after that, ask them to pretty please print you a Operating Computer and Life Stasis circuit boards from their Circuit Imprinter, otherwise, break into Engineering, and print them yourself.
    Once you have the Circuit Boards, examine them (Shift + Click) to see the parts they use, ask the Engineer that is hopefully still in the Engineering bay to help you with printing the highest-efficiency parts, otherwise, once more print them yourself, this time, from a Protolathe. (It’s in the engineering bay.) (You may also want to grab a RPED or BSRPED for an easier time with transporting the parts, these can be printed from the Protolathe. Simply store them inside the RPED, and once you wish to apply them, click with the RPED to the machine you wish to construct, [Or use a screwdriver on it initially, click with the RPED, and then unscrewdrive it to upgrade it.])
    Once all is said and done, head to the area you wish to build the Operating Computer and Life Stasis Bed, have the metal in hand, press Z, and search “Machine frame” and “Computer frame”, the machine frame will be used for the Life Stasis Beds, and the Computer Frame for the Operating Computer. Now, take the wrench you’ve got in hand, and click both, wrenching them to the floor, then, use the cables you’ve got to wire the Machine Frame, afterwards, insert the circuit boards of the Life Stasis Bed, and insert the parts you’ve got, or use an RPED or BSRPED on the Machine Frame, once that is done, use the screwdriver on the machine frame, finishing the machine, and giving you a fully functioning Life Stasis Bed, now, for the Computer, which you hopefully built next to the bed to be able to sync them together, insert the Circuit Boards inside the computer frame, use the screwdriver on it, then wire the computer frame, insert the glass pannels and finish it by using the screwdriver on it.

Short version: Get materials > Get Tools > Get Circuit Boards > Get parts for the machines > Construct the Machines (press Z with metal in hand) > Put the Machines Together > Finalize the Machines

  1. This step isn’t reeeeally necessary, but it can be funny if you’re an antag and you hop into your DEATH MACHINE 9000 and you notice all your mech components are gone. lol
  1. Space loop usually has to be reinforced by adding layer 2 and 4 on top of the existing layer. Efficiency of this is up for debate and is irrelevant to a new player. After that filters has to be reinforced, this is done by adding a layer adapter and connecting all 15 points to the current system. So first layer adapter entering five filters, second layer adapter take their side output (the recycled CO2) and the third layer adapter connect them all and space the remaining gases. Additional cooling which may be recommended is setting up three layers of heating pipes inside the SM chamber. Be careful to not touch it and either use thermomachines or another seperated space loop to cool it down the plasma which has to be inputted into it.

I am still a bit new to CO2 too, but this is what I’ve learnt.

  1. Medical can print their related circuits boards and then some, assuming it is researched. An alternative one-time source is maintenance rooms.
  1. Assuming they are new, I wouldn’t encourage self-service which might lead to it becoming a Powergaming or a Do Your Job issue. But perhaps some admin or mentor can verify this.

I would also recommend telling the Medical Doctor to simply PDA message an Engineer, Scientist or maybe Roboticist in that order to construct the desired machines.

  1. Worth mentioning that R&D can also print them which is usually better staffed.
  1. “How do I sync then?”

A fair point, but the “Otherwise” is there if they’re an antagonist (improbable, but always possible.) or if there is no Engineering staff.
Though I have forgotten that Science could print those, it very rarely comes up!

Assuming they work like every other machine:
“Building them right next to each other, Bed/Life Stasis/Operating Table first, then the Operating Computer, should automatically sync them together, syncing means that when a alive [side note: this could of been changed.] patient is having surgery, it will tell you the next step in the procedure, and assist you in determining their vitals, while they are having surgery.”

And there’s the full answer to it! Again, at the start of the answer to the second one, I had stated I simply didn’t have the experience with Atmos to explain it in detail, other then giving vague hints over what should be done.

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You want em short? I’ll give ya short and sweet!

6 minutes, it’s instant once it happens.

Yes. Acts the same as if they had shoes.

You are putting the scanner in the bag instead of scanning it. Drop the bag, take the forensic scanner in hand, and walk one tile away from the bag, then scan it.

Alt + Click the Forensic Scanner.

You (or someone else) strengthened the Revolver’s barrel via a screwdriver, then inserted .357 Caliber ammo, printed from a autolathe. While this allows you to shoot said ammo, allowing you to be deceptively lethal, it also comes at the cost of randomly causing your revolver to explode, damaging you.

  1. The controls for movement are “W-A-S-D” for moving up, left, down, and right. Otherwise, you are buckled to the chair of the arrivals shuttle, look at the top right of your screen, see that HUD button that says “Buckled”? Press it, afterwards, you can start moving.
    If that doesn’t work, press B to unbuckle yourself.

2 main reasons:

  1. You are using a Dufflebag.
  2. You are walking instead of running, at the bottom right of your screen, there should be a button labeled “Walk”, looks something like this:
    Press it, it’ll make your character Run instead of Walk, which doesn’t negatively impact you in any clear ways, other then slipping on objects that are considered slippery. (And a few more things.)

Mentorhelp escalated to Adminhelp!

  1. "For some god forsaken reason, it’s the ruins at the north-east top of the map, which look nothing like a Warehouse, but are indeed, considered the Warehouse, this is how it looks like:
  1. it still no work
  1. im still slow
  1. This one is correct.
  1. Also correct.

Keep in mind in mentorhelps you won’t be able to send images. (to my knowledge atleast)

  1. “You’ve tried pressing B, right? You’ve also pressed the HUD button that says “Buckled” at the top right of your screen? If BOTH still didn’t work, did you get cuffed? The top-right of your screen shows you “effects”, or things that are affecting your character, is there anything there?”
  1. “Okay, what is your HUD showing you? Are you hurt? Has someone thrown a Bola at you? Has someone done anything to you in any way shape or form? Have you ate anything recently, if not, you may be hungry, or starving, causing you a lot of slowness.”

+1 half the questions in this thread are absolutely ridiculous and require code-diving to answer which defeats the point of them. I would ask where the janitor closet is on deltastation since thats the level of questions I’d expect a mentor to be able to answer off the top of their head, but given that you have 1800 hours, I don’t think I even need to bother.

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too many words not enough voters, you have my +1 for a total of +4 so far.

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  1. there isn’t anything at the top right of my screen
  1. im not hurt and i dont have anything showing that im hungry or have a bola on me

+0.5 looks fine.

Do Distribute your hours better, I think it is bad precedent for mentors to have 0 hours in so many roles, especially with nearly 2k hours like yourself