How to actually make this server good with one weird trick (admins hate it)

Admins have no idea how bad rounds have gotten without them present. It’s at a point now where sec and command are unplayable in adminless shifts, simply because of the sheer amount of tiders and griefers they have to deal with.

I remember when griefers were just a semirare occurance. The occasional angry 13 year would come and go every few weeks, but it wouldn’t escalate past that. Now however it’s almost expected to have a griefer (sometimes multiple!!) every round without admins.

I blame this on two things. Firstly, the completely backwards and out of touch admin ping policy. For those who dont know, if you see someone griefing and no admins are on, you first must open a ticket, then wait 5 minutes for a supposed stealthmin to take it, and only then are you allowed to ping admins on discord. What this really does is reassuring griefers that they have at least 5 more minutes to keep griefing, thus letting them plan their attack better. They might even coordinate it by checking when no admin is on at discord, thus making it outright impossible to truly catch them.

The second thing Im blaming it on is that this server doesnt have a whitelist, or really just any kind of restriction for new players. Yes, I am really going this route. Last time I suggested this, everyone near unanimously rejected it, saying it would “kill the server” and that the griefers wouldnt even be that bad as they seem, because “they come in waves”. Nevermind the fact how much of a cope this is, can I remind you that skyrat has a whitelist too, and is sitting at 150pop?

What people also like to blame is this server being understaffed. While that is true, a whitelist would make the life of an admin enormously easier and would probably make way more people (including myself) join staff. You say we wouldnt be staffed enough anyways to accept whitelist applications? Just let mentors do it too. Fuck it, anyone above 200 hours should be able to. To an average player, this will add 2 hours of waiting time until they can start their multiple months long playtime on the server. To a griefer, this means 2 hours of waiting every single time they evade. It would kill griefing for good. And revive this server.

This server generally seems to be extremely hostile to even the mildest restrictions for new players. There is a pull request that merely prevents players that are not antags and have a playtime of below 3 hours fill cigarettes with plasma. Thats it. And they’re trying to throw it out. Would a genuinely new player that is still trying to learn how to light a cig in the first place even be aware of this?

This just seems like a desperate attempt to clinge to the “welcoming to new players” thing this server is claiming to be. But we are sick and tired of our main problem being basically ignored, and our patience is running thin. If you don’t agree with me, I’m sure you will eventually by the 5th time you got cig bombed. Because those griefers won’t go away by themselves.

TLDR: Drop the “friendly to newbies” act already and add restrictions to new players.


I wish it was as simple as that

It really could be as simple as that. Just merging #8182 would already improve this server exponentially, but the staff hates it for reasons beyond me.


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There are several problems with this. For one the ‘not enough staff’ problem will apply to the whitelist too.
And secondly, let’s be frank, Bee isn’t popular or unique enough to enable a whitelist without suffering major population losses. People will just go to Monke instead of bothering with us.


As I said, mentors and really just anyone with high hours could accept whitelist applications too. And since griefers take up so much time of admins, this would significantly clear up their schedule, allowing them to take more time for applications aswell.
I dont think population will be lost majorly. Perhaps bee can still keep up its “friendly to new players” attitude, but in a different way than right now. It would include a focus on mentors, babyproofing low hour players and being forgiving on low level rulebreaks. This would make it retain its uniqueness, basically being a sort of preschool for ss13 mechanics until they join the big boy servers (or stay here, like me)
And once again, it doesn’t need to be a whitelist! #8182 is a perfect compromise, and you will already see how much better the server gets.

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I believe there’s a ‘‘bunker mode’’ that was used on the past when we had a lot of 0hours coming in to grief or try to DDOS but i’m not sure what it exactly does so i can’t elaborate, i just know it has been used in the past

In any case we need to be real and clear:

  • We all know that we have a lack of admin issues, this is why it’s encouraged to apply to at least be Moderator, be the change you want to see!
  • Admins are fully aware even more than us of the current griefer wave that’s been hitting us for two weeks+
  • The more we approach Holidays the more we can expect for admins to be less active, they’re people with their own life such as the rest.
  • While i would like the band-aid fix of ciggs pr, they made some very solid points on why it’s not the proper solution, ultimately bouncing back into the argument that if we had more admins on during the day they could easily detect the griefers since they get an admin log warning.
  • Let’s just remember to be kind to everyone and do our best to not give the griefers attention, which is one of the things they seek
  • As for the Whitelist idea. it’s like what Wilson said, having a WL means admins spend time reading, discussing and approving them, instead of focusing on other matters, alongside the other valid argument that new players will just migrate away and we’ll lose pop. This has been proposed and discussed plenty of times so you can just search on the forums if you want to read the full arguments from the admins and other players

There are lots of mentors online. Giving them more power in the meantime until more admins are available wouldn’t be a bad idea. From my experience, they all act in pretty good faith.

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Apply for admin. Be the change you want to see. If your problem is not enough admins, then be one. Ultimately, the admins are people who have their own lives and do their own shit outside of this server. They can’t be here every hour of every day because a griefer might show up, and you can’t enforce a schedule because its entirely volunteer work. The issue, as always, is that there just arent enough people, because the more people you have the more general coverage you get.

Whitelisting is a generally dumb idea since it all it does is block out new people for no real reason. On the other hand, whitelisting could theoretically be detrimental to the server, such as slowly losing players over time with no new players, or forming meta gangs as a result of constantly having the exact same players. Variety is the spice of life, and also this game.


If a whitelist is made, I personally recommend creating a seperate ‘Approver’ position, So that way overtime mentors and admins can stop focusing on approving people to whitelist the more people dedicated to just approving grow.

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@LodedDiper , gotta get in your bi-monthly whitelist advocacy in?

The problem is that people who apply don’t get approved even if they applied a week ago. Griefers move on a timescale of hours at a time when this forum seems to move in centuries.

Your weekly suggestions on how to run the server would be taken in consideration more if you decided to apply and learn how the other side (mods and admins) works

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I don’t want to be overtly negative, but I did exactly that and, well, eight days have gone by without my application receiving any questions.


I mean, I’d apply as mod, I was an admin here in 2019, have about a thousand hours, and have been playing bee since before the ssethtide, but crossed won’t unmute me from the Discord server, sooooo…

That sucks :people_hugging:
Ill ask a few questions myself then as soon as i get home :heart:



Awesome :triumph: :ok_hand:


to be honest, I wouldn’t have gone to Bee if there was a whitelist system here when I was a newbie, but also I wouldn’t have known how special beestation is. whitelist isn’t a way, but also we have low staffed issue.
I completely know my PR isn’t the exactly proper solution, but we KNOW we can’t get the real solution - getting more staff in bee.

the real solution is populating beestation, but it needs our codebase should become exotically special and unique. I am still not sure how beestation consistently gives people unique experience than TG or other codebases.

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