Hot Take Thread

Post some of your hottest takes on the game here. I’ll start with one.

Moths are just felinids for people who can’t commit fully to being hated. Ever notice how its always a female moth and never a male one? Do the math people.


Human mains are just furry voyeurs.
moff blushy

moth players are fucking cringe hybird with felinid uwu, its really stupid and annoying, its a good thing maintainers want non-humans to be weaker


Human mains hate felinids and accuse them of much, yet why is it always the humans going to the felinids?


moths > every other race

Cool story, no hot takes though. I’ll give another one.

Security isn’t meant to purely stop antagonists. Too many people think making antags redtext is the be all end all hallmark of security competency. Their purpose is to enforce the law and protect the station, and 99% of the time that goes to the wayside as soon as the valid detector goes off. I think security shouldn’t be allowed to meta knowledge things like incursion radios, examining sleepy pens, and implant checking. Good job, you caught an antag and put them in perma/executed them. Now you’ve removed a source of drama for the round and we get to enjoy our three hour hugbox shift because nothing happens anymore.


I’m sorry, this thread is for hot, controversial takes. Please take your facts somewhere else.


Its less of a hot take than I would have thought, I thought all the security players would flame it. Guess a CAPTCHA is too hard for them to understand so they can’t make an account to comment.


Lings are a good antag when teamed up

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I should be an admin.

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QM should be a head but only when i’m the rounds QM


Hot take, I don’t give a fuck about what race or even static you are playing, until you try to force it down my throat.


felinids should be removed or turned into an admin bus race

humans should get cat ears as a customisation option


Battle Royale should be a possible roundstart gamemode, albeit as rare as Wizard.

Grods should’ve been added to the game and felids removed, I don’t think whatever limb thing that was merged is worth more than how much unique the gimmick of grods were and how it’s probably one of the most original races made recently on SS13.


Are Grods dead? I thought they were stuck in development hell.

I just checked and they were unmerged so kapu could implement their limb system and otherwise bugs were being worked out. I think if people caused enough noise about them maybe they’ll work on the bugs more or start working on it again. Wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve just abandoned it and hoped people stopped paying attention.


That’s a shame.

Also, why the fuck do people play mime and never mime? I to swear God, all they do is run around with a piece paper and a crayon and write the most uncomplicated shit ever on it. You guys honestly can’t think of a way to gesticulate ‘can I get a glass of water’? Surely the kind of interactions that come from that communications barrier is the reason you play mime?
Let’s be honest, you want to play clown or assistant, but you think you’re too hot to play a ‘job for shitters’, so you pick a job that looks high-effort and do the bare minimum to not get your shit thwacked for No-RP.


A basic sm setup that starts putting out power ten minutes into the round is worth more than a hundred custom built sm engines that arent even fully constructed until the one hour mark.


Permanent death should be more common, I don’t think that there should be anything remaining of you after being exposed to fusion temperatures.