Yes, this is real and 100% serious.
0. the beginning
Why would would i even do guide to character creation ?
- This guide is targeted to people who want to create believable character and improve their roleplay experience. I think it might help people develop something more interesting and clarify their already existing ideas.
1.Character creation -basics
I have a few starting points i like to focus at:
- 1.backstory
- 2.basics (character race, name, sex, age and experience)
- 3.traits
- 4.behavior
- 5.relations
Ad.1 Backstory
When creating a character its good to think a bit about their past because its usually a great starting point. The rest of the character basics should be cohesive with character past and/or directly linked to it.
- Do your character have family, friends ? What is their relation with them ?
- What is the most important memory your character have from their past ?
- What is their biggest mistake ?
- What happened in character past that shaped the way they are now ?
- Is your character driven by their past or would your character rather forget it ?
- What is your character relation with nanotrasen ? Would it betray the corporation ? Why ? Why not ?
Ad. 2 Basics
Character race, name, sex, age and experience should all be believable and linked all together.
Everything included here is almost entirely roleplay “fluff” and depend on you. However:
Experience leads to character age. Similar to real life it’s very unlikely that your character by the age of 18 finished studies and is well practiced in medicine.
Character race and sex leads to certain character naming (for more information on naming guideliness check here)
Ad. 3 Traits
This is in my opinion, most important part of character creation.
When creating your roleplay character your goal should not be to create most efficient and most experienced character walking in space. You should accept that you won’t always win. And neither it should be your goal. This is not what roleplay is about.
When deciding on character traits, take into account those negative ones. They spice things up, make your character more believable and often create a challenge for you and for other. As well as make things more “fun”. It can be a nice way to refresh your ss13 experience. Try it!
When choosing the traits of your character you should take into account their backstory.
For example:
- they were a witness of a traumatic experience ? pacifism is your way to go!
- Your character had a serious accident ? prosthetic limb!
- Your character were born with progressing ilness ? brain tumor.
- Parents of your character were musicians and they taught you how to play guitar ? musician
There is many many possibilities and nothing stops you from creating your own traits that are not listed in game.
Ad 4. Behavior.
Many players tend to play as themselves instead of playing as a character.
As mentioned above, don’t focus on trying not to loose. Try to think how your character would think in certain situation. How would they react. Would they like it ? How would they behave ?
You can use these guideliness to help determine your character behavior:
- What your character values the most ? Themselves ? friends ? money?
- What is your character motivation ? money? helping others ? promotion ?
- How would your character act in danger ? pass out ? scream ? run ? pick up a fight ?
- What your character enjoys in free time ? partying ? playing games ? reading ?
- How would your character react if a stranger asked them for help ? Laugh ? ignore? help them ?
- Would you describe your character as friendly or unfriendly ? aggresive or calm ? intelligent or unintelligent ?
Ad 5 Relations
Huge part of your character is how your character treats other people and your character relations with them. Don’t be affraid of interacting with other characters and creating friendships. After all this game is all about interacting with others. (You can score a lot by just talking and asking other people to help you)
character creation ending note
Don’t forget that ss13 is a game that allows for character growth. You can left some of the questions regarding your character unanswered and let the game lead your character story. Let your character develop and don’t be affraid to modify its traits over time.
small trick:
If you have problems roleplaying as someone else, create a character with traits/behavior similar to your own.