Fighting Fauna is quite simple when you know what signs to look for when fighting certain fauna.
From this point on, I am gonna assume you are using the dual PKAs as I am.
Goliath : if you watch their sprite closely you will see a very obvious change in the sprite, most notably their eyes will glow red. Also, their head will seem to be closer to the ground. Back off until the hentai tentacles disappear then you got two shots before the next tentacles. Repeat until resprite.
Watchers : I rarely see it, but an advanced tip would be to use your ore box to block the watcher’s shots. Fire your first shot then move the box between the two of you, and keep some distance so when he fires his second shot, your PKAs should recharge and you should be able to fire off another shot. Repeat until resprite.
Legion : Easiest of the fauna, just go up to them and fire both PKA shots into them to instantly get them down. A little note, but look at who was inside the legion. Sometimes you might be able to get your hands on some medieval armor, if you’re lucky.
“but senpai, what if there be multiple fauna and I need to clear them out for my arena/tendril/base?”
Well, you fucking weeb, you simply kite them.
You go in and fire your shots then leave their aggro range.
This wont work for watchers as they have a ranged projectile, however they have a very small aggro range and you have to be directly in their line of sight. So you can resprite them one by one until you got them all.
For the sake of simplicity, I used the area under the base to fight the drakes. It is quite large and allows for freedom of movement.
I also only used the basic mining equipment for the drake fight.
Luckily for this battle I was able to get all his attacks, so I can explain each one too you.
Dragon Swoop
Hopefully you made your arena big enough to run in a straight line. Don’t run back as you can see there is lava.
Warning, that if you get hit by the final swoop attack then you can just hope your death is quick and painless, which is unlikely since it’s a dragon.
Once it finishes it sweep, it will %100 always follow up with a standard fire breath attack. -
The standard fire breath attack
When fighting the ash drake it is preferrable to always be directly infront of it. Why? because it then fires the drake breath in a direct line allowing you to bait the attack then step once to dodge the entire attack.
This will let you get one attack in, then when you’re gun recharges is when the drake fires his shot again. -
Fireball Rain
Simply side step em, the only advice I can offer is that I hope you don’t have tunnel vision and can see where each will land as it is obviously marked. -
360 Fire Pillar
If you have managed to stay infront of him for the entire fight then good job, but this attack is kind of a fuck you to your instincts.
The Fire breath pattern will always be %100 the same, so for the first on you just keep walking infront of it, and the flames will fork and you wont be hit.
For his second breath is when you side step the fire again, the final breath will once again be a fork as you can see in the video.
No, it is not dependant on wether you side step the attack or not. So if you make sure you always keep your distance through the fight then this should be one of his easier attacks to dodge.
Now he cant attack (with his special attacks, he can still rip you to shreds) for 2-3 shots, so get those shots in then keep your distance again. -
5x5 Mario party rip off
Simply stand in the green spot, and repeat until its over.
Once the attack is done, run away as the drake ends it with a swoop that will fuck you up if you’re in it.
Same thing with the 360 attack, you get 2-3 shots.
Sadly I did not get hit at all while fighting the ash drake, but if I did, I was gonna use a regenerative core to heal myself. The Regenerative Core has the ability to also exstinguish the flames entirely.
Repeat this until resprite
Hierophant (Video)
For me this fight is entirely reactionary, and is probably the easiest megafauna right after Blood Drunk Miner.
Not much advice I can give except for this video and not standing in the purple shit like a moron.
Blood Drunk Miner/All Tumour Mid Bosses (except Broodmother)
I’ll be honest, you can just tank these motherfuckers if you have full plates and max cooldown PKAs. Having a regenerative core when you get close to crit will help you finish them off.
Get up in their face and just keep firing off your PKAs until resprite. Once in melee range, thats all they will do to try and kill you and never once use their special attacks. The amount of brute damage they do when fully plated is very minimal and gives you enough time to finish them off.
Goliath Broodmother (Video)
I hate this thing, does the most brute damage amongst the Tumour mid bosses, and is capable of stunning. (not unlike Legion mid boss)
I have a video for this as well.
Once you kill it, I recommend just grabbing the chest and running since those little fuckers explode.
Other megafauna?
As I understand it, the other megafauna are broken and not worth the time to try and battle.
If they are not broken, then I am just one unrobust motherfucker incapable of thinking up a way to kill these guys.
Ghost spawns on lavaland
As many unrobust and dead people know, there is an item called ghost spawns available for the dead to add themselves back to the round again.
These Spawns consist of
Ash Walkers : An angry group of lizards that sacrifice flesh to their tendril to allow for more ash walkers to rise
They have some loot on their base if you wanna risk fighting some of the locals, usually there aren’t any locals and you can waltz in and grab the items.
The most notable being the combat upgrade which can be used to “upgrade” the station AI.
Also some combat gloves and a RCD. -
Pod Men : Like to play with their seeds
A group of simple farmer products, farming products. Only notable items in here are their cherry bombs, and some combat gloves. -
Golems : Based
Capable of conjuring a omnilathe from the depths of their vending machine.
Capable of the infinite, yet the shells always remain inert. -
Syndicate Base Agents : Some guys stuck in the middle of a lava lake.
Kill them for some sick gamer loot.
You can also try and fuck up their day by activating the syndicate bomb they have chilling on the base. -
Animal Hospital : a couple of doctors waiting for patients.
Simple as -
Beach Dome
Just a couple of chads, looking to have a good time. Hopefully their bartender doesnt lose their mind. -
Lone Survivor : A guy just chilling in his pod/capsule makeshift base
His selection of mushrooms is a delicacy in some quadrants.
There do be lots of ruins my friends, lots of ruins to explore and exploit.
I will list them off from my favourite to least.
Pizza Party
Little Timmy was holding a party there, but sadly they had to cancel because of the lava rain.
The present I left might still be there, so go get it for me. -
Greed’s Gambling Den
Has a Slot Machine, with each pull of the lever you pay a debt of blood.
You have a maximum of 5 pulls before your greed overtakes you.
If you do want to keep pulling then you might need to get repaired. -
Cube Puzzle
This puzzle has taken millenia to solve. Will you be the one to solve it?
If you do, there will be a prize most kind. -
In the temple of envy, one can find a dagger with limitless potential.
Just how far are you willing to go to become beautiful? -
Only those that follow the path of gluttony will be able to claim the reward, a personal blessing from Gluttony itself. -
Wish Granter
A wall impassable, one must find a way to appear inside. -
A mirror that lets you see your own inner beauty, just hope it is not that of a beast. -
Clown Planet
The long forgetton lands, I hear its full of lube so I hope you are willing to claw your way through.
I hear a Clown Priest forgot his staff in there, I wonder what power this staff holds. - The Fountain
The fountain that many seek yet never found. Drinking this divine water will be like swallowing a piece of heaven. -
UFO crash
An undentified object was picked up on radar but it just blipped right off. -
Xeno/Swarmer nests
We picked up some heavy signs of movement in these areas. There might be some items to recover. but be careful. -
Cult ruins
There was some spiritual activity in these areas, you can go see whats up if it’s shift/research relevant. If not, then dont really bother. -
Sloth ruins
This doesnt even deserve some funny IC text, fuck this ruin, and fuck the guy who thought this ruin up.
The Loot?
Tips and Tricks
My biggest tip to a newbie miner, is too ask for help from another miner.
- Try and get some quantum pads set up, these will make going to and from the station so much easier. Cutting out the middle man.
- The only setup I use now is full damage mods for my PKA, since things resprite quicker that way
- You can make the tumour bosses sentient by adding a stabilized regenerative core, but then you’re gonna have to be gamer enough to fight another player. (unless its Pandora, you can just fuck that thing up)