Grods new unique xeno race (now in development)

I love the progress, and so glad this was given actual development. Will be playing them a lot once it’s ready.

Can a crownspider attack like a headspider? Because detaching from your host to style on a fleeing headcrab is something stupid I would do. :spider: :fist_right: :fist_left: :spider:

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Crownspider attacks deal 0 damage.

I will give a code bounty if you make them do damage to bees and headspiders and flypeople and other insects

I hardly see a reason why would they attack an insect if their body originated as an insect

This race has some interesting things. 4 arms and headspider-like mechanic. This really makes me curious and i’d really wish to try them out if they ever come out. I wonder how many people will switch over to this race. It really seems very fun to play.

almost all of the code is done.


Also, the way those things look remind me of Hollow Knight. You know those things. Those catterpillars in jars.

Edit: upon further reflection, I feel the need to clarify that nothing is being implied here which the average person would feel distaste upon contemplating. You can blame the internet for the necessity of this clarification.


Spiders eat insects- little funny haha

would it be possible to have 4 different arm implants?

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Good point.
How does limb targeting/damage work, also? Is each arm its own damage area? Or do you slice arms off one pair at a time?

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The latter could be a form of balancing

Not all arachnids are spiders but all spiders are arachnids, crown spiders and head spiders prey upon another being, but don’t have web creation capability so technically aren’t spiders but this is a game where a guy can scream gibberish and shoot fireballs

Crownspiders actually are a name that originated from the convenience. The crowns actually have nothing to do with the spiders and they are very far from preying upon other organisms. As stated in lore. They originated as a symbiotic organism. Later gained ability to grow new shell for their own.

Symbiosis and parasitism are a form of predation, biology is weird.

You are wrong here.
Parasitism is a form of predation. One organism is the benefitor over the other one and gives nothing in return.

Symbiotism is a state in which both organism co exists with each other and both gain benefits from it. Their relation is mutual. There is nothing predatory in it. Often times they can’t exist by themselves alone and Symbiotism is the only way of their efficient survival.


Back to grade school biology you go


Hey what is mitochondria the powerhouse ofm


My biology course got cut short by covid I can only pretend to be smart