Grods new unique xeno race (now in development)

What, 42069? Years? It’s limited to 99 for a reason. You can only get away with 69 and that isn’t going to ruin immersion, just make a few chuckles.

Gladly we are role play server and we can ban meme names just like with every race :slight_smile: plus number are being limited to 99 for a reason

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Unfortunately, “69” is still within the 0-99 range.

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Good we have “no memes” in naming policy to save us

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complaining about this is like complaining about humans being able to be named Hugh Janus, or Mike Rotch or any meme name at all


i asked for it to be made rather large so it is easier to click on.

problem with non-humanoid races is the amount of sprites they need for their special snowflake clothes

all I can say is good luck

Good thing clowns are not subjected to this tyranny

Well they already have dedicated caterpillar lovers working tirelessly on this new race do it isn’t really a problem.

I agree. They require enormous amount of work, thats why we would gladly accept any help when it comes to spriting them.

Hey maybe i can help a bit then.
Lemme into your caterpillar enthusiast club !
If you’ve got a to do list somewhere see if i can do some little things.

The github has a link to the discord.

Kk will join when i go back home.

there gonna be a new grod language?

Thats in plans yet, we got a decent idea for it, but we need to work a bit more on it.

Naevi, is there any special grod rest/dead sprite, or its just like any other race?

I will forward a question to kapu if its possible to do, but i think dead creatures sprites are solely only for simple mobs.

Kapu already answered on discord, but still thanks.
(Grod went traditional way for those who want to know, Horizontal)

polish. im not even joking.

They are green pigs and you cannot convince me otherwise.