Francium Admin Report Peanut Gallery


Canā€™t say I know a single person IRL that says cringe and based, but I also left schooling behind over a decade ago so Iā€™m not exactly in touch with whatā€™s ā€œHip and happeningā€ these days.



the future is now, old man

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When Iā€™m with my friends or schoolmates, we used based a lot; but not with my co-workers as it just doesnā€™t feel right.

Howeverā€¦ I use the word cringe when trying to emphasize a point because for some reason, the message just gets across (When using the word cringe).

I mean I am not sure thatā€™s the same situation as with ā€˜bruhā€™, hence the question mark (Iā€™m not from an english speaking country, so people very rarely say ā€˜cringeā€™ and ā€˜basedā€™, but sometimes they do plus words derived from these but in my language), so I donā€™t think removing those would help at all, just piss people off whenever their entire sentence gets deleted because of that one word.

I have literally never heard the word ā€œDilateā€ used as an insult, ever. Nor is ā€œSeetheā€ a slur either. This just reeks of ā€œI found a 2 year old definition on urban dictionary and now I think itā€™s badā€


you donā€™t really hang around shitty corners of the internet if you donā€™t hear it used in that sense all the time :V

nothing would have even happened had the original player not been so damn defensive and deflective

Was he an antag? If yes then stealing the reflector vest isnā€™t a deal then, no?

If you want to completely ignore all context, then sure.

As much of a meme that it is, itā€™s also bigoted language.

yo I need the main post to be unlocked because Ike responded to me but I canā€™t respond back

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Quote them and reply here.

Who won the chess game tho

I never knew that dilate meant something dirty. Even in modern times itā€™s not used for whatever you think itā€™s used for. I learnt the word from ā€œdilated pupilsā€.

Words have context and meaning related to that context.
We arenā€™t saying itā€™s inherently a slur or a hate term, but the context makes that unquestionable.

This argument over ā€˜old definitionsā€™ and strict dictionary definitions is not going anywhere.

He tried that defense. He managed to fuck it up.

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It looks like I was about the first one. from what another admin said ā€œslurā€ or not the guy was still being an asshole, and apparently it is used as a slur in certain parts of the internet. Iā€™ve never heard it used that way but it seems like some people have so idk. It still seems a little fishy about the random adminbus but thatā€™s probably not impoerant enough to report over.

The 2nd one is still somewhat valid, howver. Guy literally insults anyone who joined after the SSeth guy made his video.

not sure about 3. What was the off-topic argument about?

The 4th one where he randomly accused me of being racist IRL is still valid and iirc he hasnā€™t apologized but itā€™s been a while and I may have forgotten.

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People are allowed to have opinions, if he thinks youā€™re shitty then he thinks youā€™re shitty, deal with it.

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??? how you reading this

I donā€™t really know the context though, but it seemed the way Maggot said it was you misunderstand something.

The guy very clearly used it as an insult, take a look at the original report

Okay, so iā€™m here after this whole fucking conversation.

The person who was insulting me told me to seethe, i told them to dilate in return, because I didnā€™t bother up looking the history of a word like dilate, much like i wouldnā€™t bother up looking whether seethe, cope or cringe are anti-trans terms.

I did not know that the word DILATE is a an anti-trans term. In my boing, Francium said that dilate was worse than seethe. I asked why, they said, itā€™s worse than seethe, I asked why, they perma-banned me.

I donā€™t know what proves that more than the fact when asked what I think the word dilate means, I answered the wrong bloody thing, because, iā€™m an ape-brain who plays SS13.

Jesus christ, Iā€™ve been banned for being a shitter, but in the over a year and a half of being on this server I have never been banned for hate-speech of any sort, so getting suddenly perma-banned for saying the word ā€œdilateā€, being given a note that just amounts to ā€œanti trans jokeā€, when I am not anti-trans, is fucking insane.

My bad behaviour in the ticket was due to a bad mood after I got adminbussed with zero explanation.

Nowhere during my boing was I told that the word dilate was anti-trans, in fact, Francium seemed more angry at the beginning that I used the word FURRY (because the HOP insulted my lack of characters hair, so I called them furry)