FlamingDoritos5, banned by lagomorphica

CKEY: flamingdoritos5

Admin’s CKEY: lagomorphica

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both.

Which server did the ban happen on? Unknown, never joined a Beestation server before I got this ban years ago.

Ban Type: Permaban

Ban Length: 9999-01-01 12:00

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 03-31-2020 21:20

Round ID: 14074

Ban Reason: “cross server ban”

Appeal Reason: Just wanted to try to get a second ban appeal from a ban that’s almost from four years ago that I got because of Discord drama from a ERP Fallout server that had no relation with Beestation to begin with.

Additional Information: The whole reason of why I was permabanned was because of Discord drama that was related to the fallout server named “Desert Rose 2” (Which, I don’t think even exist anymore but I could be wrong.)
In short people didn’t liked stuff happening in this server (such as decisions, changes, admin decisions…) so a group of people decided to make another Discord server for the purpose of complaining about it all they want while also being free to do offensive shitposts of all kind without restrictions. Really just a self-contained place for all the bad apples and some more.
Though the staff of Desert Rose antagonized everyone that was in this server by banning them from their own, even if it is just by being there and not participating with what they considered wrongdoing.
What do I have to do in all of this old, now probably forgotten drama? Well I have reposted a IRL picture from the Desert Rose 2 Host/Owner (can’t remember who exactly, just that it was someone important) which in retro perspective it was an idiotic move for me to go “Hurr durr it’s what they looked like btw”. Now I’m not saying that reposting it wasn’t dumb, but I remember getting the picture because the one associated to it posted it publicly in the Desert Rose 2 Discord server (when it was easily accessible to get into).
Anyway if I recall this correctly this lead to me being labeled as a doxxer by them, lead me to getting banned from the Desert Rose 2 servers and for some reason also banned from the Beestations servers.
To confirm that it is a mirrored ban from Desert Rose 2, lagomorphica comfirmed it in the ban appeal I made all those years ago. Flamingdoritos5, banned by the admin lagomorphica - Ban Appeals / Game Ban Appeals - BeeStation (beestation13.com)
If I’m being honest I’m more doing this due to boredom, but to also see if old drama is still a reason to keep someone banned from Bee permanently.

No I’m pretty sure the reason for the ban had more to do with something I’m not going to say publicly due to the ramifications if I am remembering wrong. Forum admins can click edit on this message to see a hidden message below

Most of the time anything serious enough to warrant mirrored bans from completely unrelated servers are truly permanent and not up for appeal.

However, per policy a vouch will be required to lift sustained permanent bans. Have you been active on any other servers that would be willing to say you’ve been a good player?

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Well the reason is not for me being called a doxxer then this whole drama is even more unclear to me. Then again it’s nearly from four years ago so it’s not like it matters anymore (Even though it made me more curious of the whys of this mirrored ban).
As for being active on other servers I can’t really say, at least of recently. This whole drama kind off killed my mood for ss13 in general. I can at least say that I wasn’t banned from other ss13 servers at the time as I used to play a bit of /tg/, but I didn’t interact with the community much beside in-game so I guess that can’t count.
But like I said I’m really just doing this ban appeal due to boredom and curiosity, so it’s not like I’ll have any hard feelings if this ban appeal doesn’t go through.

So, from what I can tell by looking in to this, we mirrored this ban from desert rose due to the severity of your (and some of your friends) actions.

There are certain things you can’t redeem yourself from, doxxing being one of those.

It’s just a no go.

Appeal denied