In-game misconduct:
CKEY: Kontaminant
Your Discord:
Offender’s CKEY: Fighterslam
Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant):
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 09-04-2021
Round Number: 32474
Rules Broken (if relevant):
Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant): Admin Policy & Conduct - BeeStation Wiki
" * Notes are a form of record, not a punishment. Notes should be issued to document any incidents of breaking rules that did not result in bans."
Incident Description:
Gave me this note despite not breaking any rules:
“As botanist, wordlessly re-arranged the botanical department and pointedly ignored their coworkers’ protests (and also just ignored them entirely). Minimal attempts to RP were made and this prompted their coworker to attack them.”
Additional Information:
The note is complete non-sense and looks like a grudge because I dared ahelp being griefed by 2 donator metagamers.
Gave me the note AFTER I ahelped some other griefer trying to murder me, see Silencerpl and ScarletReign Player Report
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To re-quote the policy you even quoted in your report.
Notes are a form of record, not a punishment.
We give notes for a LOT of stuff. If you were making a poor effort to roleplay in the round which ultimately lead to something happening, I can absolutely see why you might receive a note. This doesn’t mean an action has been or will be taken against you, it just means that the interaction was documented.
To be quite honest, the biggest issue I see here is that he mistakenly made the note public to you when I would have opted to make it secret. 
I do not, how is moving some botanical trays into a different arrangement at all noteworthy?
How can my presumed lack of RP (I’ve spent the entire round making burgers for people, doing cargo bounties and getting chef whatever they need) a justification for someone attempting to murder me? The two players involved haven’t to my knowledge said a word to anyone except scream some obscenities at me for literally something as little as walking through them to get to a table.
What roleplay expectations are there for me that I have somehow not fulfilled, that I deserve a note for?
That would indeed be according to the rules and I wouldn’t have to obsess about it. Then again I wouldn’t be able to defend myself if I don’t know I’m being slandered in this way in secret.
" * All notes involving rule breaks should be visible to the player. Secret notes should only be utilized for unconfirmed issues or to document suspicious occurrences which are not rule breaks."
I wasn’t in the round so I can’t really comment on your activities. Depending on your actions, they could have perceived you to be a traitor of sorts. That being said, I’m not really interested in providing motivations for someone who has an active report against them so I’m not really putting much effort into this.
I wasn’t in the the round, so I cannot answer this for you.
- This isn’t slander.
- If you want to defend yourself, make an appeal for the note. Don’t try and report a moderator for giving you a note. If this was an appeal I wouldn’t have even said anything.
I have expected you had at least read the logs from the incident before commenting.
My main issue as I’ve stated is that the note is straight untrue. Nobody protested any rearrangement as the note claims, nobody said a word between us until one of the two mutes started screaming at me for moving through them. I’d have a note list a hundred pages long if I got one for each time I didn’t talk to my coworker for idle chit chat.
Call me paranoid, but today I’ve again seen the two playing botany and the same moderator was on. I had to make a choice not to join a department I wanted to play for fear of being framed again.
You’re reporting a moderator for noting you and I’m defending their right to do so. That’s the core issue here and the one I’m tackling, I don’t need specific logs for that.
So make an appeal. It’d be the same process if someone was wrongfully banned, they wouldn’t make a staff report for a false/mistaken ban. I really doubt Fighter has a grudge against you and added this note out of malice. If you have some supporting evidence to this claim, I’d gladly read it. But, all I’ve read thus far has been you stating that the note shouldn’t have been added; which is why I’ve been recommending that you make an appeal instead.
I’m reporting them for misrepresenting the situation to paint me as the aggressor in this incident when I was the victim that would have been removed from a round for an extended period of time through no fault of my own, had I not lucked out in my defense.
I doubt they care about my existence. From my point of view there’s 2 metacommunicating players that I’ve reported, and a moderator that consistently plays during their timeframe. I’ve been told IC that these two wordlessly cooperating is a normal business, and OOC on this forum that they’re known to be doing this long before I came along.
I have no logs, I have no evidence but my own IC round. I can only point out when there’s a lot of coincidence going on. I would totally understand that them supporting the server with money offers a big benefit of the doubt for their behavior, it’s only human.
So. Make. An. Appeal.
Reports are processed totally differently to an appeal. This isn’t a breach of conduct, it’s a disagreement of the facts.
Fine with me, it’s your server and if that’s how you want this handled then I’ll do it.
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