Echo Station - Feedback!

Unsure if this is been mentioned, but lighting outside seems slightly bugged. I built a kitchen outside as a sort of “resort” but bonfire, mining beacons, etc. (any lighting not on the character, like PDA or torches) seems bugged slightly. Don’t glow.

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I know it’s a static lighting vs ‘fake’ glow lighting issue, but not sure how to fix it without remaking all of the lighting objects haha

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The main issue was that the area got hot. The air being contaminated aint much of an issue due to it being a huge ass area.

Its every level in the main hall and remember the temps are over 300c after using the firefighting backpack, heaters are nice but they have minimal effect for large rooms or areas like the multilevel main hall.

Setting things on siphon would’ve clogged up the waste line especially with how big of an area we’re working with since it wasn’t optimised to handle this much gas yet.

Everyone didn’t follow the safety moth posters of keeping doors closed when its very hot outside and handling hot air in huge areas thats open to multiple levels is omega ass.


Honestly I think we should have heaters be buffed to affect a bigger radius like scubbers on ‘expanded’ mode. It would actually make me use it for once instead of defaulting straight to the firefighting backpack.


Hello hello here with some feedback!

First of all, unfortunately i need to do another +1 on the whole ‘‘plasmaflood fucks the entire station’’ we had one round where @motespeck plasmaflooded one level of sec, that was ‘‘mostly’’ contained and it didn’t affect much of the other areas, however when they released a plasma canister on Toxin Storage(i believe) since they were about to get caught they did a HAIL MARY sacrifice and opened it, it fucked up science badly and then it went into a maintenance area where it melted the floor causing the heat to spread on all levels, up to medbay, cargo, etcetera, unsure how this can be actually solved or if it’s an issue of the z-levels and the way heat-spread works, might be something to bring to the maintainers and coders to see if something can be done because a single plasma leak or a badly placed pyro anomaly can decimate a lowpop shift (and we had an AI and CE trying to fight back the heat but they couldn’t do much so we had to evac)

Anyways leaving that aside and back to map specific stuff:

On GenPop any prisoner with wings can just… fly up and leave, we had to build a roof above it, personally since well… it’s a prison i believe it should have a basic ceiling, otherwise the moment you catch someone with strenghtened wings/wingpack/xenobio you need to do quite a lot to fix them(since we don’t have a brig phys office even more chaotic) and i do believe people are just gonna ‘‘meta strat’’ getting wings before doing any crimes because that way they can easily just fly up and flee, not to mention it’s very common for Echo shifts to have someone offering wingpacks/xenobio wings/botany wings too!

This also applies to the entirity of genpop

Warden’s office is missing a Toolbox(not even in armory iirc) and a health crew monitor, they’re standard on all maps and given it’s a lowpop map is nice being able to keep an eye on the crew so if someone dies there’s a pair of eyes that might notice it.
toolbox health monitor


that is so fucking funny. Instead of building a roof ontop, we should have only the cells roofed and the main genpop area 2 levels high(and secured of course), with a window so security can keep watch for any flyers.

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It was actually Two levels in security, I I luckly managed to Bolt and lock down the effected areas(Mostly) and panic siphoned it.

Agreed, It spread Fast and quick. This map requires More firelocks and fire alarm buttons Even if they are Useless. Fire alarms and firelocks in maints, Maybe?

@BIDP absolutely unplayable

(Unrelated Rain Soho)

this ‘rain soho’ bug seems to happen on a lot of maps, I hope the coders fix it.


I think this happened in round


Reporting it here, cause it’s part of the map and it shouldn’t happen

Aaron got thrown out of the mining shuttle mid transit, ending in deep Bedrock, being unable to be recovered by normal means

Another thing you can do is teleport with the hand tele into bedrock, which i tried to attempt to rescue him




Bye bye gay hippie.


from discord (please put stuff here rather then discord or i’ll forget)
pai spawns
ai shutters no button

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Toxins have some weird bugs:
Either the tachyon sensor does not detect the explosion or it leaves a walkable empty space.

Also exploration is missing.

Who will tell them?


The tachy was bugged for a bit a while ago during TMs, is it still having issue now? The walkable space thing is just z level funkiness, what’s happening is you blew up the ground, but are now standing on the rock of the floor below

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On the good news because station ruins don’t appear as much I’m more likely to discover regular pre-supercruise ruins like clown and paper asteroid.

I don’t think that’s how it works…

May I recommend you follow this guide?

Specifically the “So You’re a Power Gamer and Want to do Exploration Without People?” chapter.

No I mean there’s roundstart mining hardsuits so I can go explore space as a miner.

Mining is also easier since you can just dig the rocks around the station like Kilo/Pubby/Fland