Echo Station - Feedback!

I thought I was going to be really excited about this station, but after the novelty of the new station wore off I realise that the lack of exploration has resulted in me just… Not playing when I see Echo.

Just feedback, not meant to be a dunk or whatever.

You shouldn’t stick so hard to one job. I play explo / mining when I want to get away from the station or when I’m tired from playing much one role.

I love echo, since it forces you to interact with people and there are so many new things to mess around with, the multiple z levels, being able to go outside into a jungle and mess about and just the general atmosphere, i love it.


It’s time to put those hours of EXPLO aim practice on more lively targets.
Sign up for ECHO-STATION SEC DUTY today.


Is there not supposed to be a chemdrobe in medbay now? I’m getting kinda annoyed moving 90 pills roundstart by hand cause I don’t have a bag.

Pro tip. you can craft bags with cloth, so just cut up some gauze with a scalpel and boom!


i might be an idiot

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Theres a chemdrobe between medical and the morgue (directly left out of the treatment area) IIRC.

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Any chance of a roundstart shell on Echo? Would make the lowpop AI experience a lot more bearable. :bear:

could you make the door to the morgue in medical be labelled/coloured morgue? I didn’t even know the map had a morgue until I opened up the map on github

The door is ladled but the issue is that you have to go into maints to see it. i don’t know how to solve this one sorry

could do something like this?

or even just changing the maintenance door to the black morgue door to signify thats the way to go, and renaming it to “Morgue”

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Thanks, there are some problems with that. but i’ll work on solving them


Echo is now merged, thank you all for the feedback! Feel free to still submit mapping feedback here, it will just take a bit more time to be changed.
There where a few feedback posts here that unfortunately i could not reasonably fix as a mapper, so if you think these are still issues that need fixing please make a bug report on github!


Hell yeah I’m looking forward to this

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NOICE, yall gonna hear me yapping on making the next map echo for every map change


Okay so… Pyro anomalies.
Just had a round where it was in the middle of the station. spread to every other part of the station instantly making the round unplayable as if someone had plasma flooded the station.
The next round, most players agreed with the sentiment that pyro anomaly should be disabled on echo with how bad the situation got.

I used the firefighting backpack but its impossible to fix the atmos problem once something went wrong, espeically once it was in the middle of the hall. I encountered some issues when attempting to alleviate the situation where I couldn’t break any atmos resin above or below myself to get up and down the stairs.

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aside from that I like echo

Set Atmos alarms to contaminated, AI or silicons can easily do this too.

Bring out heaters and cool down the rooms



Well, remember Echo is supposed to be a lowpop station, most of the time you won’t have AI, borgs or someone with access for the alarms best you can do is to tide into atmos or haul heaters(there should be some in maint, in theory) it’s doable but seems like they’re stating it feels like a round-ender plasmaflood

Though it is worrysome if the heat of the pyro anomaly extends magically to the upperlevel/underlevel by floating above/under it, unless it spreads into the staircase and slowly push from there

Unsure if the event can be disabled just for one map alone tbh, might be worth looking if the heat properly spreads or if it’s buggy due to zlevels shenanigans