Echo Station - Feedback!


The shutters should be open by default, crew has like no way to break into kitchen to get food, if the shutters are closed by the chef, go and pester him.


thanks for the feedback once again! Hmmm, if i leave the shutters open people will hop the table and rob things including botany.
incidentally botany should also serve food with no chef.

That can be prevented if we had a chef

if there was a chef the shutters would be open!

but we dont and we have to break in

You didn’t have botany or a chef last round? that is unfortunate but getting a job change or using venders is the only real solution in that case. braking in is a last resort

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Because of how snacks work, you get maltodextrin and you never really get fed so my oozeling character is always at risk of starving to death because this is a lowpop station and having someone working in botany/kitchen or having someone with id console acess is wishful thinking.
Compared to other stations the kitche shutters are always open

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Order pizza from Cargo.

I see what you mean , but you really should welcome this change .

IC it makes more sense for crew to feel welcome to order food and not break into the kitchen even if it doesn’t immediately allow them to eat

I would also welcome more types of food for ordering especially on echo, like a burger crate or a spaghetti crate. This list of new food delivery options should probably remain small however.

I’ve added a real food vender here that serves plain spaghetti and tofu for emergencies!


I mean, while your reasoning makes sense… EchoStation is a map aimed at lowpop right? on Lowpop it’s very common for people, when they’re bored or if they’ve covered their job needs, to do stuff like botany, kitchen, cargo, bartending, etcetera

I’ve seen a lot of lowpop shifts and that’s the usual vibe(i’m talking +10-12 people shifts) players go for, most do their job, do roleplay and help each other by doing other jobs when no one shows up.

Of course they can order Pizza/anything from cargo but… on a usual 10-12pop shift you might not even have a captain to give you access or a cargonian to process orders let alone money if someone drains the cargo budget buying something else, idon’t see what’s wrong with jumping the counter just so make a few fried eggs, after all they can’t even access the fridges so they would only be able to make fried eggs or some steaks to cover the few players that care about the food bar and what their character eats.

Ultimately, they can just hack in but instead of having the whole counter(where the shutters are) to leave some food it will feel more sketchy because it wil be a door bolted open with the ingredients inside, making the player go ‘‘welp, can’t even display the food on the counter might as well make only food for myself’’ on the worst case.

Anyways, by any chance has the departures shuttle been updated or it’s still the original iteration?


the only problem with having the shutters open on echo is it allows anyone to get both into the freezer and botany’s back room. taking anything not nailed down they like. if i could put a door on the kitchen and block of freezer i would open it up, but that would require a bit of reworking the kitchen that i’d rather not do, so I’m trying an alternative for now!
it has been updated but suitably, there are about 6 new seats and sec/command has their own door.

I’m glad to hear the shuttle got updated, that was the only thing that felt like ‘‘too tiny’’ leaving aside the rounds where it was over-pop, looking forward to see it.

And well, that’s true for all departments across the stations isn’t it? Anyone willing to get X item will do what it takes to get it, given of course they have a valid IC reason/antag status, For example in most stations… the gibber or botany backroom lockers are easily accessible through a couple of hacks, and something like a microwave can get unwrenched after hopping the counter, why do you think people will specifically unwrench and steal everything from the freezer and botany’s backroom specifically on Echo? when it rarely happens on a regular round, in fact taking a look at current iteration of the kitchen-botany:

Anyone that wants to steal something, is very capable of doing it through different openings(not even counting the ones from z-level 1, having the kitchen counter closed doesn’t change anything in regards to that.

IF anything, from my experience in actual lowpop shifts, it will be a downgrade to the experience, because on those rounds where there’s no chef, botanist, captain, cargonian or all of them anyone who wants to make some foods or drinks just to cheer up the crew, prepare a meal for a friend, X roleplay scenarios will be forced to just… hack in and unable to be a discount chef that wants to help the station on a very slow and chill shift (sure, you can place them on the table and such… but that feeling of a bolted open door with closed shutter it’s more unpleasant visually than the shutters opened and the plates served on the kitchen counter)

To give an example on why it changes things: Just the other day i played a 8 pop round, there was no Captain, no cargo, no borgs and no chef/botanist/bartender, someone set up power, a couple were on medbay, a chaplain was doing their rituals, a miner was dying in lavaland and it was chill, when a few started saying they wanted food i just said ‘‘sure why not, i still have to learn kitchen anyways’’ hopped on the counter, and learnt a few new recipes and served some food despite not even having access to the locker, most of us gathered in the kitchen to eat, another crewmember served some alcohol it was just… cozy roleplay that didn’t harm anyone, i didn’t hop in to unwrench the gibber and microwave and steal botany chemical dispenser i just hopped in to make some eggs for the other 7 players so we could have some roleplay scenarios and chitchat for a bit after working for the first twenty minutes!

As it is now it will make people go ‘‘Why would i want to bother to go to the kitchen and make some fried eggs if everyone’s eating some random noodles and soggy tofu? not to mention i have to hack in!’’ It just closes a door instead of opening it

I hope i could make my point come across that this comes from the thinking of a true lowpop shift, which this station is tailored for, and their players(we have some players that constantly play on lowpop since that’s the only time they can hop in so you can see what kind of ‘‘meta’’ i present) rather than thinking on the worst possible scenario playing out and even if it happens(the theft of X thing)… so what! it’s a crime for the possible officer to find the culprit! it spices the round!

TL;DR: Kitchen shutter being open: enables crew on lowpop shifts to prepare some basic food and drinks for potential RP scenarios rather than having them on their departments not talking to anyone and eating soggy tofu, because the vendor is just the cheapest option, as we saw with the introduction of maldotroxin and it’s involvement with vendors, it’s better to encourage people to cook than to eat the processed food(even if the vendors sells spaghetti)


marker beacons don’t work when its night outside


that table on the left should be reinforced


switching y level bug


walking on tiles a shuttle needs to dock SLOWS YOU DOWN A LOT


all parrots have headsets


well about that, even if you helped me get my point across, unlike other stations we have an aboundance of monkeys on the surface and we can gib them with a glass shard and cook them in holodeck, not the Authenthic lowpop family meal experience but it will do for now, we also have the dining tables to put them onto instead

yeah no need anymore, if needed you can hunt a monkey on the surface and cook it in holodeck

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liked the surface overhaul, you can probably add a tower and some binoculars for a bird watcher or something.
Since we have kitchen and bar merged maybe we can rename the cook job into a “service worker” job where its expected for him ti fulfill both jobs, but eh it might just be to much coding for JUST one station.

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There are no lockers with inducers, wires and insuls in Engineering. Plus, Roboticists should probably have toxins access on this map.

Getting out of the toxins launch area should probably not require access considering you can’t breathe there.

The Captains escape route has no maintenance panel at all for some reason? So it is unhackable when I tried it.


True! nonetheless Floria told me the shutters will be staying open, thanks again Floria for replying to all the feedback!


this doesn’t put out people fire fast enough


items float if they are thrown on top of a machine, mostly tried it with mugs





Different sprites depending on which y level you are looking


rotate the windoor please so CREW can acess it :stuck_out_tongue:


I forgot to say but you can make floating tiles…