Echo Station - Feedback!

Kinda meant to say there was no syringe box


Now the dust has settled, I usually vote anything but echo these days and don’t play if the server’s on echo.

I just really like playing exploration on low pop. Looking back, its removal felt a bit vindictive, tbh. “I don’t like this role so you can’t play it either”.

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" i like making low pop even more low pop ". Echo removed explo since it is just 1-3 guys not being part of the station and the rp. I love echo personally and wish that it would be more mid pop on it (25-35).


You can interact plenty with the crew as explo. You’re not always on mission, and even when you are, the Telecomms are on. Not to mention the various interactions you can have for most objectives.

Even if what you’re saying was true, are you also for removal of mining, xenobio, and the SM as well? Are you going to start advocating for the bwoinking of people doing longer form independent projects? Give me a break. It’s an RP server, not a chatroom. Let people do what they enjoy.

And that’s not to mention the value explo brings to lowpop. Discovery science, asteroid mining, mat collection from derelicts, Explo lets you contribute to the station and cover for a lot of missing roles. It has real value in lowpop.

I implore you to reconsider.
You’re allowed to respond to disagreement with consideration of the other side, rather than arguing, Geat.

I also like Exploration. When it is low-low pop I’d rather maintain and tiny 9x15 shuttle than 128x128 station.

What are you supposed to do during low-low pop even? RP into mirror. Can’t even ERP (joke).

well, not the SM. The SM is not close to the anti social behavior of mining and xenobio. It takes roughly 15 minutes to set it up each round, give or take 5 depending on how skilled the engineer is. If you are going to spend a majority of the round on doing some complex setup most people prefer to do it with someone else, which i think that makes the SM basically a near perfect mechanic.

Yea, so everyone staying as far away from each other as possible to just do a job simulator isn’t that great RP.

Sci has very little use to someone who isnt in sci or someone who isnt a chronic workaholic. The value explo brings is just making the station run slightly more efficiently for the 7-10 people who are there at the cost of people to rp with, which i think is a really bad trade deal.

If you have a gimmick on low pop its honestly really fun, and having people not shut in to their department really helps with that.

What do you do during highpop? RP with a durand? I never see you outside of robotics which seems kinda weird, since there isn’t a whole lot to do in there for 1.5 hours

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Mechs, more mechs, AI stuff (unless RD does it or permits me), Cyborgs stuff, station upgrades (if no scientist is), implants, more implants, nanites (if no scientist is), more nanites, R&D of course, yelling at miners, yelling at everyone to go get implants, yelling at everyone to go get nanites, and so on. Thank you for reading my Robotics 101. Thank you.

as in, exploration channel and maybe common? I’ve never seen common work as a reliable way to get in touch with away explorers, and only other people on station having exploration channel are RD and captain (both likely missing from lowpop context, if they remember to check on the explorers at all)


As a non-antag Engineer I can be aggressive with helping our Explorers upgrade their shuttle.
Shields? You got it!
Plasma line? You got it!
Distro connection? You got it!
Telecomms upgrade? You got it!
And so on. I try to be an actual Engineer and hog as much Engineering work as I can. Unless I am obsessing over the SM or something else…

Hey let’s not reduce the thread to personal attacks, hey?

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It is a Clown case. Where the Clown thinks I’m a poor RPer for not interacting with the Clown when I have nothing to do with the Clown nor am I interested in the Clown. Play another role and you’ll maybe see a different side of me.

Give a shout to the ai, they can link the shuttle tcomm machine to the main bus and let you use common in no time

They can…? How?!

It’s actually surprisingly simple, the buffer situation is instant since you don’t need a multitool, so it’s: 1- ensure there’s common on the explo shuttle machine, 2- add it to the buffer, then 3- go to the main bus (server looking thing) and connect it.

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either way, I’m going to play neither the AI that would do this nor the explorer who should be asking for this
in that case, this does not depend on me to have, even if I would want to use it (request particular tech disks like maybe plasma refinery or bluespace anchors, particular materials or stuff they may come across, or simply sounding the alarm when something bad is going on station)
likelihood that this setup happens on a regular round is small, outside of the few people that know how to do this

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Man battling in a war that ended ages ago


It’s not a war, it’s not even a skirmish.
If it mattered more to me I’d raise a PR, but it bugs me just enough to make an inconsequential post on here, yet not enough to actually PR it.

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Leave ambiic alone he RPs great it’s just mostly with silicons and other science staff.