Title: [Unknown] Player Report
CKEY: Unknown
Your Discord:Belone#3060
Offender’s CKEY: Unknown
LRP or MRP server: MRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: Drunk Uncle
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 10/05/2020
Round Number: 22215
Rules Broken: You may defend yourself against others, but avoid escalating the situation.
Incident Description: I was in the shuttle bridge as Detective and a lot of people were attacking each other so i pepperpsray them all to make them stop, then Drunk Uncle beats me to death with his baseball bat.
Additional Information:
Nearly beats me to death on multiple occasions, get saved at the last second by an outsider every time while you try to persist, then whines when you get the same treatment dealt back when you pepperspray.
You are the Detective
Objective 1: Try to kill the clown
Objective 2: Make a player report if you fail
I didn’t even beat you to critical condition, and i had good IC reasons to PUNCH you with my FISTS, not using any weapons i deliberatley stopped before you went into critical conditon. You on the other hand beat me to DEATH with a baseball bat because i was PEPPERSPRAYING (Non-Lethal item) 3 people that were fighting each other.
Bro you were trying to beat me to death on at least two occasions, the last time joining a fucking chap traitor construct. I never sought revenge for any of that.
What the fuck is your mindset that you feel like you can just punch people to near crit and then get baffled when they fuck you up when you attack them a third or fourth time.
Once again i did not have the intent to kill you or even beat you to crit, The first time the reason was that you were Frying my stuff with a atmos firefighter tank filled with oil.
I don’t exactly recall the situation on the shuttle but if i recall correctly you were lubing the entire shuttle, yes i admit that the second time was rather bad from me, but then 1 minute later you kill me with a baseball bat because i PEPPERSPRAYED to stop 3 people from killing each other.
Do you not have any self reflection though. You nearly beat me to death mulitple times. I didn’t pursue revenge. Then finally after you just nearly killed me with the help of a traitor construct, you again attack me with pepperspray and I defend myself on the evac shuttle and kill you because you’ve nearly killed me several times before.
How does this not connect for you chief. How do you feel like you should be able to just fuck people up but then whine when they fight back to preserve their life. Please explain
How does this not connect for you chief. 3 people with bats were attacking each other in the shuttle bridge and i pepperspray them, i didn’t even care about you all i cared about was that you were fighting with the other people so i apply this super deadly insta-kill item called pepperspray to defuse the situation, i didn’t even go anywhere near you after pepperspraying i infact walked away from you, i didnt lay a SINGLE finger on you after pepperspraying the area.
You kinda nearly killed me before though. Your previous behaviour gives little faith when you show aggression in the future. We do be going in circles.
Also didn’t you try to beat me to near crit, only getting away by chance because you weren’t stopping, the first time over deepfrying a guitar lmao. Detectives be like spacelaw dont apply to me
If i had the intent to kill you i could’ve easily done it, why would i attempt to kill you with FISTS, i admit that i shouldn’t have joined the construct in punching you but beating me to death over using pepperspray to defuse a fight is over-escalation from your side.