DatBoiTim: Mentor Application

**Your CKEY:**DatBoiTim

**Your Discord:**◆ ◆ 0x99016F#3972(Server Nick: 0.000043% Chance)

**How long have you been playing ss13?:**2020-04-18, but have a total of 456 hours

**Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?:**Llol111

**Game Experience (More Detailed):**Very Experienced with RnD(Chiefly Circuits, Robotics, Research, Xenobio) and Medical(Chiefly Virology, Chemistry, Surgery), Botany. I have a some familiarity with Engineering(I can explain SM gas reactions, and walk through most construction).

**Additional Skills/Notes not related to game mechanics:**I am not afraid of doing wiki dives, and can understand items and interactions of testmerges and new features via experience with IT/DevOps. Experience with technical writing.

+1 based 2020202based (for context seen you im game you know what you are doing, also most mentors dont respond to <half the mhelps)


Post your hours smh my head

Here you are

Hours on other servers?

I’ve played for all intents and purposed exclusively on Bee. I have some hours on NSV(no more than 100) and 10 hours total on TG if I’m really generous with the estimation.

Okie dokie. Chances are admemes will check your ?centcomm bans and then +1-4 you if you have a clean record

?centcom is public command you can do it yourself

I know this isn’t required but to cut down on needing to move between windows for viewers: Bans at Application

I know ?centcomm is public but I just don’t care because I can’t vote

Centcom is also a website


What are 3 easy ways to cool down the sm if someone asks you for ideas?

Assuming this is not a delamination situation and prep for a more advanced setup:

  1. Adding a second cooling loop which runs within the chamber itself and off into space. This is to be kept separate from the main loop. Fill it with plasma for best effect and use HE pipes within the chamber and in space for best results. Do not connect it to the scrubbers or vents either.
  2. HE pipes can be stacked with horizontal and vertical pipes. Using this to add to the main loop and secondary loop will provide additional cooling.
  3. Freezers are a good last resort and additional layer of protection. Higher tier components would be preferable, as they allow for cooler temperatures, faster cooling, and larger amounts of gasses to be handled. Reminding them that they can get a heater board and use a screwdriver on it to change it to a freezer.

Been waiting for this one



any mentor is a good mentor, welcome aboard.

i still don’t understand why we’re selective about mentors in terms of bans and whatnot, unless they’re meta-related bans.

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The excuse currently is that mentors are staff so we want rule followers

Understandable. However, my NPH is astronomically low.

Tme to recycle some unusual questions(I hope you don’t use forums a lot)

How do you clone an IPC?

What should you do if you accidentally pry off a painted tile?

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The answer to that second one has avoided me all my life

  1. Experimental Cloner can clone an IPC, however, unless there is a very specific set of situations I would encourage them to just repair with welder and wires and medicate the IPC with system cleaner/other IPC chems. While most people know me by the Human I play, I have some experience joining the IPC Gang.
  2. I’m assuming this is meant to be asked as replacing the tile as it’s originally painted self. And I will be honest, I’ve done a wiki dive looking for an answer. I am SOL here.

Both answers are very much correct with alternative to second one being:
“cry to coders until they port fucking tile painter”.

I would +1 you if I still had power and I encourage actual mentors to do so.