Admin’s CKEY:
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:
Which server did the ban happen on?
Ban Type:
Game ban
Ban Length:
1 day
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
Round ID:
Ban Reason:
Killed someone with a knife for shoving them a few times and
Appeal Reason:
I spawned alongside the other miners, the others where standing still while i went to the bottom lokcer, the Bee something guy went to the middle one and when i opened my locker he shoved me into the door, said “dont kill any megafauna” took my ka, shoved me into a stun, used it on me, threw it on me and ignored the other miner. i told him that metagrudinging isnt allowed and he said he was just bullying me, i went in there, attacked him back and started with the ahelp as he pushed me from the mining lokcers into maints as i was typing and he started wedling the door lokcing me out, i had to cancel my ahelp and deal with him. At that point he was fucking valid (and still i got banned for killing him) so i went into the room and went off on him while he didnt even grab a ka, he was talking with the other miner or some shit when i jumped him and it the other miner got a welding fuel tank i accidentally shot resulting in our deaths eventually.
First off, he was fucking valid for attacking me so why am i banned for fighting him which resulted in his death as he didnt run away or say sorry.
He said that hewas just bullying me which is wierd as i killed him twice on other rounds, both times from fighting over megafauna which makes that comment of “dont kill megafauna”
really suspicious.
Also, if he really was just a big bad bully and not targeting me why didnt he do the same to the other miner and just me. Should really have done it if he wanted all the megafauna.
And why didnt the admin even try to hear me out when i said from the moment he pushed me that he was metagruding, why did the admin not understand that i cant just stop the fight and ahelp because i will die, why did he the admin ignore my further ahelps and not even question me for what i did.
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