Daily Mentor Facts

it requires to be fueled with tritium in the case of rad collectors turned research.

Compact defibs that are made from a protolathe have to be recharged before using it. Don’t make the mistake of assuming it’s automatically charged!


Yea, they are like batteries. When you first print em they will have no charge, you have to jucie em up first if you expect any defibbing to occur.

You could also just put a battery in them…they even work with charged yellows! Very fun when emagged.

the gulag part if lavaland is JAMMED PACKED full of ores and goodies, so if you want a peaceful time of just grabbing ores with no worries of monsters or lava or chasms, go near the top of it and make a bridge with an RCD, noone will notice you stealing ores from some gulagie since they rarely ever go up so high, and it’s more likely that security doesn’t even send anyone to the gulag the entire round


Most - if not all - fauna/ megafauna can be avoided by hiding or walking in a large cardboard box. Need to sneak past an ashdrake in the mining base or Syndicate Commando simplemobs? Sneak past them like Solid Snake!


Simple, just throw it

Contrary to popular belief, you can put three medical beamguns on the same ody and it won’t explode, allowing you to heal three people at once or heal someone at triple the speed.


fun sec fact

you can’t execute antags without the captain’s permission on mrp EXCEPT if the sntag allows you to! just get them to sign a piece of paper saying something like “i’m a tator and i allow sec to execute me” (fancier ofc), and slap em with the lethal injection! hell, you could even offer them a reward for doing so, something like borging instead of cremating

the heart of all security weapons is rechargers, deporting the security wing will severely cripple them, they can always go to the department posts, but it leaves them vulnerable, unless they use ballistic weapons

You can get two pair of sunglasses that can also ebb when thrown at someone from the costume vendor, which are always found in theatre. All you need is to hack it (Turn on green light). Black Giga Gar Glasses are quite robust and nobody seems to use them.

I use them, I came up with it before you, refer to: How 2 powergame sunglasses - #25 by Iplayforss13

you can stunlock a felind using embedded chocolate syringes, I haven’t tested out how long one syringe of each type lasts but normal syringes give felinids like a 5-ish second unstoppable hardstun

For immortal wizards: Please make your phylactery the hand tele. It is invincible like the nuke disk.

But unlike the nuke disk you can use it as a phylactery.

IIRC you can stuff anything into a toolbox and then stuff the toolbox into an autolathe to destroy it.


Immortal Phylacteries are of no use anymore. When your phylactery leaves the z-level you are done for.

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Old timer raises your age by 1 year per tick and dusts you when you’re above 969

I find phylacteries work great still. As long as you put it under plastic flaps

They dont know it exists how can they throw it off the Z-level…?

You could always hide in a smuggler’s satchel under some random tile in maintenance. Taking a holopara will cause your body to disintegrate meaning no path can be made from your point of death to the phylactery so you can just infinitely respawn from nowhere and continue.

Also Ruko, there is actually a better way to store your phylactery.

Introducing this new thing called nested inventories. Make it something impossibly small like a cigarette butt and then nest it in about 3-4 inventories, stash it in a locker in space, weld the locker. Problem solved. Or better yet, get an access locked locker, like cap’s locker, and then weld it and then make a room for it in space. You can do all this before the crew even knows you are there.

Welded lockers immediately arouse suspicion.

The entire point is to make it hidden, not take 4 extra seconds to get to.