Current state of roleplay in bee, a discussion

What’s the current state? is it good? is it bad? what are your thoughts? what needs to change either codewise, playerbase wise or admin/rules wise?

my thoughts?
currently right now? fucking awul. looking at how we were in the past? not that bad really

what needs to change?

codewise it’s alright, I’m hoping saycode molestation gets merged, I wish we had flsvourtext and some LRP features got removed but otherwise code is alright

playerbase wise? can’t magically woosh better role players but I do like how some players are trying hard to improve the roleplay here

admins wise? just not enough and some not strict enough, apply for admin I guess

rules wise? too lax on some things, mainly what antags can do and spacelaw not having enough laws

overall what are your thoughts?


As you said - perspective has me feeling that most of the Sage rounds are fine by comparison.


Can you be a bit more specific with your points?

It’s bad. Really much so.

One of the main problems, amongst many :

Our antag playerbase is solely focused on greentexting.
During a majority of non-team antag round, 95% of non-sec/antag players will never encounter an antagonist.
Every single round repeats itself as a “wait 1H30 doing a boring job not meant to be done for more than 30min because tg code”, then round end, then repeat ad infinitum.

One day, your round may involve an antag, which will 90% of the time boil down to an instant stealth win like sleepy pen, flash into bsb or whatever other methods you wish to think of.

Then the round ends. And it restart.

No matter how much you love roleplay, a story needs fucking conflict. There is NONE here. You sometimes get to join into a cool gimmick that MAYBE will not get you noted for not doing your job (sop breach), but most of the time it’s sitting around waiting for something cool to happen.

Which leads to most players to either :

  • instantly jump at the chance to validhunt when an antag appears, because, guess what, they’re fucking bored. as most antags do shit stealthily and never bother to try anything new or anything cool.
  • spend their round acting “LRP” seeking a way to squeeze fun out of whatever boring job they chose, as they already did everything they could 30 mins into the round

The only solution to this is metaganging. Staying around with your group of 3 friends all round for the sole purpose of treating ss13 as a chatroom. This is the most fun you can squeeze out of this game after having enough hours to know basically every single job on station.

Except this worsens the problem. Now, the interesting players don’t interact with anyone else, staying in between themselves & never bringing anything to the table for all other players. Meaning most players are even more bored of the lack of action.

hence, this loops back to the beginning. When said players manage to roll antag, by chance, their first instinct will be to try and win as this is their only chance to have fun. Queue insane salt when they die, and expect epic stealth gameplay, since there’s no other way for them to have fun. apart from murderbone.

Because if they try to do a simple gimmick or something cool, since basically everyone is bored and looking for action, well, it’s just not going to be fun whatsoever, unless they’re insanely robust. And there aren’t that many robust people on bee.

which leads to sec players. most sec players are normal players who, to avoid the boredom of a normal job or the fact that they can’t construct friendships as easily as some of our social butterflies, or who happen to not be the best at roleplay, end up there.
As a result, they also treat the game as a “win or lose” scenario. After all, it’s that or the antags wont bother do anything, right ? which leads to all the sec shittery you can think of. Anything to make this memorable.

Seriously, there’s no winning this. I see no way to improve bee in its current state, and what I described pretty much applies to most servers, especially the ones using tg code.
The only solution that i can see would be to incentivize gimmicks, reward players doing them massively, while being less severe with dumb gimmicks that end up being bad. Allow people to find ways to express themselves, which will obviously lead to a lot of problems considering how most ss13 players are severely skull-dented.
Remove antag objectives, or try to make them force the player to adopt a more open/visible playstyle.
Add more events in the code, too. Organize actual events more, too. Anything to help people think that, being bored constantly is not necessarily the way ss13 has to be played.

I don’t know. it’d be a massive change in about everything of bee. it’d be a massive change for most server anyways.

But i just don’t see any other way to fix this, as it stands, I do not have the social capabilities/extrovertedness necessary to enjoy sitting around doing nothing but talk about whatever or roleplay a “story” with no conflict for hours and hours.

My favorite rounds are the ones where everything went to shit, the ones where I ended up guiding a poor paraplegic player through a xeno hellscape or the ones where I was left with a few people stranded in a tesla destroyed station, roleplaying how to get out and how to reach the escape shuttle/not be killed by a deathsquad.

The ones where there was actual conflict. Where shit happened. These basically never happens anymore.

Thanks for reading through my schizo ramblings.


If I were to say something more substantive: Sage is currently waiting for content features to catch up to what we want. Like someone leaning their body forward while their feet are still in place. We’re waiting for the backend to catch up.

Mapping, code additions, and customization are always going to be slower than policy. In the meantime I’m seeing people experiment with the limited tools they have right now.

Greentext focused gameplay needs to go - sec is too focused on meta-denying and antags are too focused on meta-goal instead of what they’re meant to do. They’re supposed to spice the round up for everyone else while having some rule breaking allowed for themself.

  • New maps are more equal than others for roleplay tools/items.
  • Recipes need expanding for food roles.
  • Medbay needs a less shallow system like brute/burn applying “wounds” that must be surgically fixed.
  • Lawyer needs authority that if not respected summons ERT.
  • Engineering needs more engine types and fun things to build (ex. vehicles).
  • Atmospherics needs a more active role in keeping us breathing.
  • Cargo’s crate selection to order from needs MAJOR expanding and removal of the meme prices.

Our newest homegrown map designs are more roleplay oriented than older maps. From paper bags in the kitchen that let you do takeout memes, to alternative RP spaces and food stand on Fland, to costume vendors in certain dorms. Old maps need the QoL changes.

What I want just isn’t there at the moment for my roleplay roles. I want an excess of paper bags for chef in the kitchen vending machine to encourage more than put borgar on table and robust table hopperman. I want medbay to have things to do now that rounds are so uneventful in terms of injury compared to Sage in 2020.

And I want others to be able to participate and still have fun, and a bit of chaos/goofyness goes a long way. I think we can address that spice to a round with antag round removal triggering new antag roles opening up. You get a reason to not insta-execute. And giving lawyer trial authority no matter is that opposing force - shenanigans can occur for antags, if you ignore the lawyer’s request it can summon ERT to punish/detain the shitsec, and you get the rest of the departments stuff to respond to.


Yeah, genuinely, you summed up all of my points but in a non schizo way and with legit solutions. Thanks spacegoat. This is genuinely what needs to happen.


I’ll come back to the server soon enough my friend, rise up in the ranks and help you with ambitions.

I’m curious about what you mean specifically here because up to this point I found we put a lot of pressure on antags on what they can do or not.
About Space Law, I’ve been workshopping stuff but I’m holding back because as pointed above, the main interest of too many people is greentexting for the sake of winning, so it needs to be properly coordinated.

In my opinion, more than crate expansion, what needs adressing is the economy (yuck), credits have an undefined value. A crewmember having 150k credits on their account is no different than a janitor with 50. This makes money an absent variable in this setting and makes it very awkward to try and roleplay around it.
But guess what, I have absolutely no idea on how to adress it, I’ve got 0 econ knowledge irl and can’t think of a fix that would result in credits having value.


Every single round repeats itself as a “wait 1H30 doing a boring job not meant to be done for more than 30min because tg code”, then round end, then repeat ad infinitum.

What are the jobs like on other codebases?

They’re not better, to be honest, but at least they’re not designed as an arcade minigame with no substance beyond obtaining powergaming gear which you can’t even use.
If I go on goon and spend time doing my job, my reward will be something funny/interesting to use.
If i go on tg and spend time doing my job, my reward will be a weapon or a combat buff. Which is useless on a server like bee, and sometime even trivializes other jobs. (Why go to med in 90% of cases when you can get nanites+xenobio auto heal extracts+ whatever the fuck?)
which leads to the only solution to enjoy the round : talking with others and roleplaying uninteresting things with no conflict inherent to the game, thus leading to forming metagangs because that’s just the only way to ensure not being bored.

An easy reply to all of these complains is “if you want to enjoy gameplay, go on lrp lol”, but, no, I enjoy roleplaying and being immersed in the station’s events. LRP doesn’t allow that, as it’s literally just sweaty tryhards

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Rules are in conflict with gameplay mechanics.

Rules force security to bend over backwards and let antagonists continue with their round so they can antagonize the crew and create more conflict. Murder is a few minute sentence. Being openly a member of syndicate is a few minute sentence. It’s a joke right now from roleplay perspective.

Rules also force antagonists to only focus on their objectives as anything deviating too much from them is grounds for antagonist/server ban.

Succeeding as an antagonist is not the “goal” of SS13, the goal is for all players to have fun.

Yet few words later

If you are part of a team, you must work with your partners toward completing whatever objectives you share.

antagonists are free to complete their objective by any means available, within reason

Sure you can ahelp for another set of rigid objectives to follow, but it’s the same problem as the preset ones. Interactions between antagonists and crew results in murder of either party. Only objective dependent department and security personnel can be freely targeted.

Everything else will result in “bwoink, why did you antagonize x unrelated to your objective”. At least according to rules, depends on which admin is on and how they feel.


You paint a rather extreme picture as I’ve very often done antagonist gimmicks which didn’t involve the death of anybody directly - but the problem is that those are hard to accomplish as everyone will try to kill you anyways.

The only solution for a lambda player is to fight and most probably lose as they don’t have murder tools, which leads to them only wanting to do murder based gimmicks, which is completely fair from that standpoint.

Which makes me completely agree for once in my life, and to such agreement i’d like to add my standpoint :
everything about those murder-based gimmicks that would be interesting for others and spice up the round in a fun way, is completely lost here, as most would be bannable. You’re forced to target the same people every round (sec) and even then, you end up paranoid that you’ll be forever gone, so some people go apeshit and start being extremely toxic (solomon), cremating and round removing others, removing the fun out of said murder gimmicks.

The most interesting murder gimmicks are the one where you crit people then leave them critted on the floor, imo. They allow others to not feel too punished for losing and have a try at me again.
But, for real, unless you’ve got a good knowledge of game mechanics and weapons that would allow for such combats, you’re gonna get robusted. And lose your 1 in 10 rounds of fun. Hence, all the abuse and toxicity.

There’s so many issues with our antag gameplay, sec gameplay, and general crewmember gameplay that leads to a terrible roleplay experience as described by spacegoat. Nothing meaningful can come out of it, and that sucks.

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Fland is bad though, don’t claim otherwise.

Also cutesu style UWU piggybacks for the whole round is not roleplay, and people who do that should get instantly banned.


I think this could all be fixed if gh#6244 was merged

In all seriousness non-antag gameplay tends to be boring as many have described above. The jobs (most of the time) ain’t fufilling enough and quality rp tends to only happen in metagangs. As antag you’re pretty much trapped to be stealth as the alternative is pretty much summoning the validhunt horde and sec after you which some robust people can deal with but not everyone.


There is a problem in your statement, while round removing sec is shit, i agree, there is absolutely no benefit in also keeping them alive, no RP no nothing, they will get healed and go on your ass mac-5 speed, repeat this x10 times until you get killed as antag or jailed.

There needs to be a deep wound system that would cripple people going into crit, so they can’t follow you around like a dog, not worrying about dying because you wont perma kill them and they will always get healed in some way and brought back.

Honestly, reason why i go into stealth antag is just the fact that people are like hounds. If they get to know you’re an antag, they will try to bring you down, no matter what, no matter how much you try to make them not to.

As an example, i was a flesh heretic and i got HoS as my helper (Space explored, looking for clues, i caught them off guard and made them my ghoul) . He messed up, causing entire station to know i am a heretic and they even got my ID (Gave them ID to get me access, but genius kept it then he forced me to attack chaplain due to them assaulting them., thanks for that…). Security, i understand, they chased me and i really understand it, that is their job after all. But paramedic? Engineer? Doctors, a fucken bartender? They all went to chase after me in maints just because they heard AI announce “XYZ is a dangerous heretic”. There was security staff and it was enough to bring me down, but the validhunt lynch mob only added in numbers. Everyone gathered there already and i got mauled by them. This just convinced me to never even try to do anything different than stealth antag, due to the mentality of a “blood hound” of some people that is induced by sheer boredom and thrill of action and hunt.

At least i got one cool stealth antag, where my team was wiped by ex-communicado in lavaland base explosion and i helped the survivors. Had to hide because said ex-communicado gave security the means to hear the syndie comms. Ironicly the valid hunt got one of my targets and the other one got max-capped by captain.


I like readintlg these threads when they pop up, because I like knowing community members have all these always they want to help :slightly_smiling_face:

As an admin, what can I do to help bolster RP?

I bus a bit when I can, and try to make things interesting, but its always hard to tell if it is working.

Griefers are the easiest to ban, but people being somewhat LRP is harder to deal with because typicall you have to watch them for the round to see if you caught them in a one-off moment, or if thats how they are. Usually this is difficult because of ahelp volume. Off the top, the only thing I can think of is saying OOC in lobby that people I find roleplaying well will be given positive notes / good bus etc.

I guess tl;dr also is come apply and help us get more coverage :slightly_smiling_face:

be more lenient on “LRP” behavior as long as they don’t hurt anybody. The Ruko crackdown on “lrp” and its consequences has been a disaster for the spaceman race. As long as they’re not spouting memes and griefing/finding reasons to fuck shit up for everyone/making things actively worse for all players, then cutting some slack is good.

Reward players who do cool gimmicks. No matter their status, no matter if it’s small. Getting players to try out new things and not get stuck in a shitty mentality of thinking they can’t do anything, either out of fear or because they feel like they’d be punished by other players for it, just makes the situation worse.
Something like giving them items/incentives to further go on with said gimmicks. or even a simple “voice in the head” pat in the back saying “hey good job on this this is fun stuff you’re doing here”.
Most admins, as i detailed in my “the note system on bee sucks balls”, genuinely do not understand how great a “gold star” actually is. people love being rewarded and that sort of positive reinforcement is exactly what gets people to carry on in the game.
the reason i stuck with bee while searching for a new server, was because after trying a new gimmick, an admin went and played along with me, basically patting me on the back.

Promote events which makes everyone in the round involved, and which stave off the boredom. Not necessarily antagonists, but things like fashion shows (which @Ivniinvi hosted and were super fun), or riddles/puzzles/station wide goose chase. Anything.

You can’t solve every problem with a bad note & bans, imo. being even more severe on “lrp behavior” will just promote shit like metagangs and make everyone feel even more bored than right now. It’s not fun for anyone.

Here’s said thread btw : Why the note system on bee SUCKS BALLS


I think I agree.

You shouldn’t valid hunt, break laws, rebel against heads ALL the time. But it should be fine once in a while if it happens organically and it feels like there’s a good reason to do something like that. There’s so many bans that are like 'You stole a SLIME EXTRACT as the BARTENDER once? You’re obviously not here in good faith, get banned.".

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