Curator and Chaplain should have maints. Assistants shouldn't

2 or 3 docs is already horrible for making sure that you have nothing to do

science has a very limited practical capacity too

cargo tech is a nothing job because no one interacts with cargo. It’s basically an assistant with a tan vest

Y’all know assistants get maint to powergame maint loot, right?

Y’all know all roles that have maint access get maint to powergame maint loot, right?

We should remove maint as well, no longer needed and we can just have invisible tiny fans on all floortiles (rad event removed as well) that way we can all have a RP game in which we can all hug ourselves!


Change assistant’s to “Maintenance Technician” and give them insuls and tools at roundstart.


Dont actually…

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So, fuck everyone who latejoins during highpop i guess? Without maint access assistant might just spawn without an ID because that’s the only access they have on their card. You’re basically suggesting to remove assistants from the game at this point.
And i thought Belone and Orange had some shit ideas for the game.
“Assistants don’t need to be fun or interesting”, you say. Buddy ol’ pal’, this might be news to you but most people play this godforsaken game to have fun. Remove that stick that is currently sitting miles deep in your ass and let people have fun things, holy shit.

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What’s next? Remove bikehorns? Give mime permission to speak? Free ERP? Make people valid for making grammar mistakes?


stop suggesting ideas for the furry :neutral_face:


What if you make a grammar mistake while ERPing?

permaban, community removal if happens twice


yes exactly remove assistants

How 'bout you remove yourself from the server and leave the whole of us who enjoy the idea of having fun on a game alone for a while?