Corgstation feedback thread

Not necessarily a bug, but a bigger “warning” sprite for CE’s SM ejector button would be great. Or at least a warning shield. I have so far seen 2 shifts of engineering accidentally yeeting the SM into space.

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Oh yes, engies being able to yeet the SM is a bad thing, I’ll fix it.

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Dude that sounds awesome. Imagine if a nukies ship parked right outside engineering when you did this. XD

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Sadly, that’s possible only if nukies are total braindeads. There is a path and even designated area for the yeeted SM to be.

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So youre telling me theres a chance


There is always one.


There’s no lights in the science break room and the light switch inside the break room turns the lights in the hallway lights off, not the break room lights.

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I personally hate it.


no moduler computers roundstart :pensive:

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The server room airlock is labeled “Research Director’s Office”

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  • orm is easy to steal, open public (?) windoor and wrench it away for ez pranks. when the orm is removed by miners because it’s a mile and a half away, people can walk right into the cargo office.

  • when you use the aux base and send the shuttle to the public dock (back to where the aux base was created) it lands with its door against a wall

  • sec having autorifles roundstart is a bit much

  • mining having hardsuits roundstart removes the challenge of earning it

will post more when I find

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i mean Pubby also has the ORM problem and we all hate that map more right?

also needs more maint accesses

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no escape pods and the little shuttle has no emergency safes
add some pods at a couple public spots maybe?


also corg falls into the category of a line station… so only one main hall basically. no circles or anything like that… makes it a bit hard to be evil

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could this windoor maybe be switched around so its on the inside and not outside?
robotics desk corg


the detective’s office has the wrong name and the wrong access required

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Still no prisoner ID’s, makes playing sec a pain.

The more I play this station the less I like it.

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corgstation has no sinks



Dunno if this is a corg related issue or just a general bug: the supply shuttle safeties wont allow it to leave even if nothing is on it.

The recycler room in corg is a little too far from cargo.

The autostacker in recycler doesnt exist so all the mats that get recycled just end up in the
mass driver.

ORM doesn’t work a lot of the time

No body bags in medbay

No syringe gun in the cmos office at start

announcement terminal in cmos office should be in the office itself, not the bedroom.

Cmos office has too much empty space.

Med storage doors cant be seen from the emergency room.

Having to use a transit tube to reach virology is obnoxious, also viro is way too big.

Security is way too cramped

Perma is too difficult to monitor through cameras as warden

Theres no way to make armory accessible to the whole sec department (no shutters)

Detectives office lacks a clothing vendor, a detective camera, and a sec hud.

Evidence lockers either dont exist or they’re in a place where nobody can easily find them.

As much as i like the idea of mixing up armory contents, having autorifles instead of shotguns is annoying as hell, especially if there isn’t an hos to pay for shotgun requisitions.

Deployable autoflashers spawning in the middle of wardens office is annoying.

Brig cells feel a bit too nice, its a prison cell not a hotel room.

I might be misremembering, but I don’t remember seeing a holding cell in the general brig area.

The time to get to the escape shuttle from the top part of the station is way too long.

The arrival shuttle in the middle of central is a little silly, a cool idea, but i feel like it would be better as an atrium.

The maintenance shafts feel random and nonsensical (which may sound silly), but im more talking about the layout of maints rather than the contents/room placement.

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i think this is just an orm issue, it chooses what side it takes ore out of roundstart and sticks with that. I’ve fed an orm from the top, bottom, left and right and it changes every round.

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