Confession thread 7: the reboot

i will hop on this too and i hope i can be forgiven for this
cursed hours


Only if you put a mad scientist moustache on.


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could be worse, forgiven

not even a sin

the real sin is how do you not get bored after strange seed removal

sorry, all ai mains go to hell

haha Jannie

all ai mains go to hell

I don’t even know



As for an actual sin, I once BSA’d the Captain for accidentally cutting my whiteship in half with the BSA beam and later targeting the whiteship’s GPS signal with it.


Screenshot (1047)
(the +88.1 is because pAI hours only started getting logged like, a few months ago) (I also probably have another 20 or so on shiptest)

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holy fucking shit


Pai hours are not a sin but AI hours are a henious ones

repent with 24 hours of nothing but assistant


Recently I discovered the fun of fine as a warden. I wait for a round to go into blue or red alert. Ask CMO to announce to crew to set suit sensor to maximum. Then, I started fining and setting to search warrant everyone without their suit sensor. I give about 5 minutes before I check crew monitor again and fining more people. Whoever does not pay their first fine is set to arrest due to Fine Evasion.

Result? Multiple grumbling about refusing paying fine, sec officer overwelmed with multiple arrest warrant. And I have the fun of arresting fine evader in the shuttle and fighting back the occasional ‘shuttle riot’ and ocassionally overescalates to lethal usage.


@bluezorua, why do you hate AIs?
There are plenty of good reasons, but I just really want to know.

That is… sinful knowledge. I’d be rather not to share how to commit a sin.

I’m wondering if this is the same round where you hid a GPS in a plant pot next to a BSA and it shot itself. The BSA that ultimately got three people banned.

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based, forgiven

it started out as a joke where I exaggerated my disliking of AIs but now I forgot why I disliked them in the first place

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I turn people into felinids, sometimes they suicided after


i once ordered the arena shuttle as cap, like 2 people escaped that round alive (they took the escape pods)


why did you even bother repenting

based and forgiven

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As botanist, i got flashed by revhead. I have prepared death nettles so potent, you need to toss two to kill someone.
With this i singlehandedly killed 2 heads of staff, 2 vigilanties and 2 of the security personel.
CMO was caught by surprise. HoS was on a wheelchair. Vigilanties got ruined by me catching and tossing nettles back at them, i accidently melted my clothes and they got big stack of nettles to toss at me. Warden got done dirty too, slipped on lube and got killed with acid. There wasn’t a lot of security there too. Round ended around 25 minutes in.
Truly. I do not know if i should be proud or be ashamed, because i made people be mad at death nettles.

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I don’t like to validhunt… I think?

this is a meme, admins please no ban

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I might not be the priest of this house of worship but as a dude who plays chaplain a lot I am somewhat qualified. You are going to the very bottom of hell for treachery.

Nettles are cringe, show shame and repent then I shall forgive


you are still going to hell for your feet sins

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