I think we know how these work
post your sins, I known you accumulated a lot since the last thread
I think we know how these work
post your sins, I known you accumulated a lot since the last thread
I once stole an SSD mime’s mask and then spraypainted his face white so he wouldn’t notice.
He noticed.
I pretend I don’t know the gametype 5 minutes into a round.
I stole someones NFT.
I once offered to ghosts a ling and made dchat excited about it, but I “forgot” to tell the ghosts that the ling was blind.
I’m also sorry for possessing a mouse an engineer had killed to stalk him for ten minutes.
I found a multi z-level teleport bug.
all* crimes against mimes are just
Jesus Christ have none of you even sinned
it’s not a sin until you exploit it
Laughs in nervous innocence
Its a good way to kill nukies.
When I’m QM i tell people i’m delegating the work to the Cargo Techs when I’m really just yelling at them over comms to do my job whilst I dick around with whatever metagang I’m in that week
My fastest “round remove all antags” speedrun is about 8 minutes from roundstart as HoS.
Can’t be any antags on the run if everyone’s in brig. taps head
As a seccie I sometimes break space law
not even in good faith or to save someone
Following space law is the sin tho.
Shitcurity forever.
(For legal reasons this is a joke.)
I actively pretend to be friendly as a (changing) teratoma in order to collect items to kill the closest head near me, to the point I’ll backstab/help kill other teratomas for the sake of keeping face.
based, forgiven
do 5 hail Mary’s
*In Latin
Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.
what are you a fucking nerd? get out of my church we don’t allow nerds here
i broke the grav gen as a blob
I will remain here until the mood changes.
I’ll tell cargo, as an atmos tech, that I’m working on making the pluox and then ignore them for the rest of the shift because I don’t want to be nagged. This is usually because I’m on a station where I don’t want to bother with fusion that shift and engineering isn’t running a C02 engine(which I wish they were).