Additional Information:
Words fail me. How is this allowed? Earlier in the round I was mocking him over comms which is what I think led to this. I can’t even. I just can’t even.
I’m going to get ripped apart for this, but uh… Drugs are illegal and you were growing them. I’ll look more into this when I can later if someone doesn’t beat me to it, but I want to warn you @NotMegatron that this doesn’t look as cut and dry as you seem to think it is.
Edit: Just wanted to amend - I know Ambrosia Deus is grown for omnizine, but is also grown for drugs. You would have to prove the removal of the drugs if questioned by Security on them.
It’s not a hard rule, but it’s what I’ve used as a guideline for most of my sec rulings yes. Also the current alert for how aggressively sec can escalate. Delta alert outright says failure to follow orders may result in death, for instance.
I’m aware, but it can still also be grown for drugs. I said what I did without knowing botanists can legally own drugs, because if that were the case then resisting sec would allow for low level escalation/arrest. Certainly not the execution this has been made out to be.
Additionally I have to apologize: I didn’t make time to get to this yesterday. I chilled all night once I had time and forgot about it