Calling someone shitsec should be considered netspeak and a banable offence

This is a bad idea. I’ll hear you out though.

You are making the arguement that because its widely popular and not a fringe case, like literally every other proper netspeak, that it should be filtered?

I understand trying to remove it for RP reasons, but this is an awful start to this post trying to persuade people.

Great way to alienate the audience. You literally said everyone uses it.

Again, what happened to “everyone and their mother”?

“You are piece of shit, Security Officer Catgirl”
“You are shitty Security Officer, Catgirl”
“You’re a Shit SecOff.”
“You are a ShitSec.”

A rather simple transition to using as few a words as possible, that still bridges the meaning, no?

Overall, I think you have a bit to work on if you want to provide a persuasive argument.
A good way I have made arguements on this (admittedly pretty shitty) forums in the past is through polls. I will bring it there and we can see how people feel.


I invested my skillpoints in others stats rather than speachcraft.

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fair 'nuff ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ

Ah yes the month old post… and i stand by every word i said in it too, shitsec as far as ive seen im my time playing, is used anytime someone feels mildly inconvenienced by security its frustrating but true

I also believe that filtering it will stop it but itll just be replaced by something else quickly, a filter isnt a solution only a patch, unfortunately the solution lies in a much harder problem: getting all the older veteran players to stop using it so new players stop learning it, thus stopping new players from spouting it every time sec intervenes

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nukies is iffy, but BENOS and REV is totally LRP
Like, put some more effort into rp lol

Well for nukies we dont really have a replacement other than syndie operatives, syndicate operative, maybe hostile or eotc, while in in a hurry no many alternatives

Benos is eh, Xenos would kinda fit since we have xenobiology, they technically just aliens, infestation, biohazard, giant lizards

Rev doesnt make sense, mutineers, mutiny, rioters,

Not many names to call them, and dont have many ideas

rather weak attempt at trolling i gotta say


shorthands were already declared to be fine when it comes to roles… Short and snappy while conveying information that would be unreasonable to type out fully every time

Nuclear operative - Nukie
Revolutionary - Revs
Revenant - Rev

Head of Secutity - HoS

Also… embedded within the game and the code itself are numerous examples of Shitsec and Shitcurity being directly referenced IC and OOC… My favourite still being

Sec hailer mode 4 is internally referenced as Shitcurity while Cognac and the clowncar have “Shitcurity” in their descriptions.

Rule 7.5 still exists (dont be a dick), If its use becomes abusive then ahelp it

Overall… LolLmao/10

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I still think shitsec is LRP, but also going to say just because code has something doesn’t mean it’s okay

beecode is terribly unmaintained and has tons of LRP TG relics so


yeah,i smell bait


Like every single person on the station is so used to constant revolution, they started using shorthand.

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