So for the past few months i’ve been making a new map and i need some feedback / criticism (and reassurement that i’m not wasting my time). I’m posting it here becouse i don’t like spamming #mapping with every single development.
The station is built around a cross hallway with many gimmick changes from other maps like separating atmos from engineering, spliting sec into two and giving the clown and mime an actual theathre. I also wanted to maximize the ammount of windows and greenery.
In the pic you can see roughly which areas are finished, half-finished and completly WIP.
I’m hoping to see some criticism and ideas for changes, new gimmics for areas or name suggestions.
Any questions are welcome
i’ll be updating this thread around daily.
I’ve decided to redo the layout once more since on bunched 3 to get from the bridge to medbay you had to run a literal marathon from one end of teh z level to the other. In bunched 4 I completly redid medbay as i was unhappy with how it looked and decreased the lenght greately by moving (soon) sec and engineering to the vertical axis. Other departaments were basically copied exactly and assembled like lego.
Your average station is surrounded by maintenance. This one seems extremely vulnerable to meteors.
This locks more like the early maps, where there was barely any maintenance.
I really don’t think that meteors are common enough of a threat to justify the entire station being armored from them and honestly they are usually a non threat anyways. While designing the map i’ve chosen to make some aspects harder and some easier on purpose to combat the monotony of the box clones. Tho seeing as most of the bottom right and top right parts of the station are completly not finished yet i will attempt to surround them more with mainteneance.
I look at the position of Sci’s explosive test grounds and I immediately think an enterprising tator could just launch themselves from toxins, max-cap in hand, then lob it at the command/bridge section, consider re-orienting it?
Also, I read “spliting sec into two” and immediately thought “and to demonstrate the power of SPESS TAPE, I sawed this SEC department in half!”
i don’t think that any traitor would rather launch themselves from the toxins mass driver rather than just go EVA from any other airlock and throw it from there. Since the Z level loops you can just throw a maxcap from the complete other side of the station for the same effect and arguably less risk.
Rotating the entirety of the Toxin coupula™ will be hard but it can be and propably will be done tho
As the other pointed up a single meteor event could pummel right into the middle of medbay, Bridge, tcoms, most stations have at least some basic grilles to prevent hits on critical areas, such as SM room, in this case this station in particular might even need them more because there’s too many important areas exposed.
What’s this rom for? i see a lot of them like that though i just realized some departments are still WIP like sec
Warden gets two offices basically, one in the prison half and the main one in the top half that also functions as the front desk. I can change the outpost’s access tho to make it available to all sec.
I will be adding much more stuff to space including the usual rwall-grille combo you see on other maps.
Also the area in the pic is the courtroom. The plants there are just becouse i didn’t want do delete them when i was redesigning some of the corridor and that was the closest open space i could copy paste them to
Atmos was intentionally separated from engineering but i may be moving engineering entirely to atmos instead. Tcomms was going to be next to the entrance to the AI sat but I’ll move them both to the hole left by engineering (it’s also a complete placeholder for now).
And yes this was meant to be emergency spacing but it turns out that a button can’t control shutters and doors at once. It’ll get a slight rework to make it actually work
Biggest reason is just that i failed to plan for them. The WIP name “bunched” comes from the fact that when i drew the plan out i didn’t include like any maints. I try to include as much maints as possible but then i also really like the idea of having windows to space which is really rare on other maint surrounded maps
Note on the spacing, this won’t really work, since it requires all three doors to be open plus it will space the surrounding room. Pubby has shutters and the crystal next to space for this, meanwhile Corg has a mass driver and uses a small SM shard instead of a full-size crystal (full-size ones cannot be moved at all)
there is a button for opening all 3 doors at once and a button for closing the shutters around the spacing tunnel. the fact that it needs 2 buttons pretty much invalidates the entire idea but it does work
the map in the pic is by no means final. i’m currently working on the 4th itteration where i am compactifying the entire thing becouse yeah in the current state you need to run across the entire z level to get to the other side of the staton.
the departaments will look pretty simmilar to what is in here but rearranged heavily and reduced in size where possible
You made nanites have two room, I like that a bunch! Most maps have two of each nanite machine except the cloud server so people usually have to either wait or make a new one.
I really like it! It’s roomy and green and cozy and from a glance, oh so perfect for rooms to get breached or such. I like how it’s just one long strip so it’s far harder to get lost.