Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Plant Core Genes
- Plant Secondary Genes (Traits)
- Plant Reagent Genes
- Plant Trays
- Botany Reagents
- Mutating Plants
- Minor Botanical Chemical Dispenser
- Seed Extractor
- Plant DNA Manipulator
- Biogenerator
- Conclusion
This guide covers the precise mechanics of the Hydroponics module, as it applies to plants.
Botany wasn’t particularly attractive to me, a few years ago when I started playing. The RNG of getting proper mutations, and the necessity of bugging the Chemist made it unattractive. With the advent of the limited Botany reagent Dispenser - the reliance on a Chemist has been removed. This opens up the ability to overcome many of the elements of RNG present in Botany, simply by spamming appropriate reagents.
Botany is a wonderful, powerful thing. There are things that can be grown, which simply aren’t able to be acquired through any other means. An intelligent, methodical Botanist is a force to be reckoned with.
I discuss “upgrading” machines below. Outside of the context of “upgrading” a Plant Tray, I make reference to some Science jargon - Tiers, and so on. The quick breakdown of this is that most machines contain things called “stock parts”. Science can do research, which can make improved versions of these “stock parts”. Only Science can print these upgraded versions.
A final quick note, regarding a definition - when I say “produce”, I mean the items that are created after harvesting a plant.
Plant Core Genes
Otherwise known as Plant Stats. They dictate general behavior of plant growth, harvesting, and so on.
This gene determines at which “Age” a plant begins to take Health damage from being too old. If plant “Age” is greater than Lifespan, it will take 1 to 5 damage per Plant Tray update.
The Lifespan variable ranges from 10 to 100. A high value is desirable.
This gene determines the maximum total health of a plant. Health can be damaged or restored through a variety of methods, which will be discussed later.
The Endurance variable ranges from 0 to 100. A high value is desirable.
This gene determines the number of Plant Tray updates required for a plant to be able to be harvested after it is fully grown. Plant “Age” must be greater than Production, and Plant “Age” minus the last harvest must be greater than Production.
The Production variable ranges from 1 to 10. A low value is desirable.
The number of products of a plant created from a single harvest. The variable can posses a decimal place, if altered by reagents - the total amount produced is rounded up.
The Yield variable ranges from 0 to 10. A high value is desirable.
Perhaps the most abstract core Plant Gene. Generally, Potency determines the total amount of reagents generated within the produce of a plant. It also alters the impact of some Plant Traits.
The Potency variable ranges from 0 to 100. A high value is desirable.
Weed Rate
The amount that the “Weed” variable of a Plant Tray is increased, if the Weed Chance Core Gene’s chance triggers.
The Weed Rate variable ranges from 0 to 10. A low value is desirable.
Weed Chance
The chance per Plant Tray update that a number of Weeds will be spawned. The amount is determined by the Weed Rate Core Gene.
The Weed Chance variable ranges from 0 to 100. A low value is desirable.
Plant Secondary Genes (Traits)
Plant Traits add various abilities to plants. These “Traits” introduce far greater flexibility into the utility of a plant, and produce.
Liquid Contents
Allows the plant’s produce to be “squashed” - either when it is used in-hand or thrown. All reagents within the produce will be applied to the tile, or target - as a “touch” reaction.
If combined with Slippery Skin, the plant will be squashed if stepped on.
Found in: Tomato, Bluespace Tomato, Killer Tomato
Slippery Skin
When one steps on the plant’s produce, one is slipped - and stunned. The duration of the stun is equal to [Potency * 1.6].
This amount is divided by three - unless the plant is a Banana, or the plant contains no reagents, or the plant has the Space Lube reagent. The maximum stun length is about 7 seconds (140 cycles).
Found in: Banana, Bluespace Banana, Blue Tomato, Bluespace Tomato
Electrical Activity
If a plant’s produce with this trait is consumed by an entity which contains a Power Cell - the Power Cell inside the entity may be charged.
The amount restored is equal to the [Potency * Maximum Cell Charge * 0.01] charge. If this value is greater than the current charge of the Power Cell, the current charge will equal the charge generated by consuming the plant’s produce. At full Potency, this will completely restore a Power Cell’s charge.
If combined with the Slippery Skin Trait, when one slips on the produce of a plant - one is shocked. The chance to be shocked is equal to [Potency * 0.2] (maximum 20%). The strength of the shock is also equal to [Potency * 0.2] (maximum 20).
If combined with Liquid Contents, an effect identical to that of combination with Slippery Skin is triggered, however - the effect is now generated when the plant’s produce is squashed.
Found in: Glowcap
Plants, both in a Plant Tray, and their produce - produce light.
The total range of generated light is equal to [1.4 + (Potency * 0.03)]. At maximum Potency, this yields a light range of 4.4
The total strength of generated light is equal to [Potency * 0.04], with a maximum limit of 0.1.
Found in: Glowshroom, Embershroom
Shadow Emission
Similar in effect to Bioluminescence, except reversed. This plant generates darkness.
The total range of the darkness effect is equal to [1.4 + (Potency * 0.04)]. At maximum Potency, this yields a darkness range of 5.5.
The total strength of generated darkness is equal to [Potency * 0.08], with a maximum limit of 0.2.
Found in: Shadowshroom
Red Electrical Glow
Identical to Bioluminesence, except the color of the generated light is red.
Found in: Glowcap
Strong Bioluminescence
Identical to Bioluminescence, except with a potentially wider range.
The total range of generated light is equal to [1.4 + (Potency * 0.05)]. At maximum Potency, this yields a light range of 6.4
The total strength of generated light is equal to [Potency * 0.06], with a maximum limit of 0.1.
Found in: Glow-Berry
Bluespace Activity
This Trait may allow for teleportation. This trait has no effect by itself, and must be combined either with Slippery Skin or Liquid Contents.
If combined with Liquid Contents, when activated a plant’s produce with this trait will teleport the target. The destination is random, and occurs with a range equal to [Potency / 10], with a minimum of 1. At maximum Potency, this means a maximum teleportation range of 10 tiles.
If combined with Slippery Skin - the effect is almost identical. However, when the target is slipped, there is a 50% chance that the plant’s produce will travel to a different, random tile within the teleportation radius. If this chance fails, the produce is destroyed.
Found in: Bluespace Tomato, Bluespace Banana
Separated Chemicals
Reagents within a plant’s produce do not react with one another, similar to a Cryostasis Beaker.
If combined with Liquid Contents, when the plant’s produce is squashed, the reagents within will interact. There is a 20 tick delay if used in this way, before the reagents inside mix.
Found in: Glow-Berry
Densified Chemicals
This trait doubles the maximum volume that a plant’s produce can contain. Contrary to popular belief (including my own, prior to research), this does not double the amount of reagents generated by a plant’s produce. It simply makes more room to hold reagents within the produce.
Found in: Red Beet
Perennial Growth
Perhaps the most vital Trait. This allows a plant to be harvested more than once. The delay between harvests is determined by the Production Core Gene.
Found in: Tomato, Blue Tomato, Bluespace Tomato, Lime, Orange, Lemon, Combustible Lemon, Extradimensional Orange, Nettle, Deathnettle, Berry, Glow-Berry, Cherry, Grape, Cocoa, Vanilla, Bungo Tree, Cabbage, Sugarcane, Gatfruit, Banana, Bluespace Banana, Tea Aspera, Coffee Arabica, Pineapple
Capacitive Cell Production
Allows a plant’s produce to be used as a battery. Simply add 5 cable coils. A produce-battery is initially charged, to its maximum charge. As with normal Power Cells, 2u of Plasma may be injected - causing an explosion when the produce-battery is used.
Maximum charge is equal to [Potency * 20]. The maximum charge is 2,000 Watts.
If combined with the Electrical Activity Trait, however, the maximum charge is equal to [Potency * 400]. The maximum charge is then shifted to 40,000 Watts.
Found in: Potato
Hypodermic Prickles
If a plant’s produce containing this trait is thrown at a target, some of the reagents within the produce will be transferred to the target. The target must be vulnerable to syringe-like injections.
The amount of reagents injected is equal to [Potency * 0.2]. A maximum of 20u of reagents can be injected, with a minimum of 1u (if the produce still contains 1u of reagents).
Found in: Nettle, Deathnettle
Gaseous Decomposition
This Trait allows the creation of a chemical smoke cloud which contains all the reagents within the produce of plant. It must be combined with Liquid Contents to have any effect, and follows the same activation rules as Liquid Contents.
The radius of the smoke cloud is equal to [Potency * 0.1], rounded to the nearest integer.
Found in: None. Strange Seeds and Hard Mutation only.
Fire Resistance
Simply makes a plant, and its produce, fireproof.
Found in: Fruiting Cactus, Polypore Mushroom, Porcini Mushroom, Inocybe Mushroom, Embershroom
Invasive Spreading
This trait allows a plant to reproduce automatically, by growing a clone of itself in an adjecent Plant Tray. This destroys whatever plant is occupying that Plant Tray. Additionally, Pest and Weed Levels are set to 0.
There is a 15% chance per Plant Tray update for this Trait to activate.
Found in: Galaxythistle
Weed Adaptation
Eliminates a plant’s need for Nutrition. Prevents Weeds from overtaking the plant. Prevents any Health damage from a high Weed Level.
Found in: Nettle, Deathnettle, Starthistle, Galaxythistle, Kudzu, Harbell
Fungal Metabolism
Eliminates a plant’s need for Water. Reduces required Light Levels to 0.2, and reduces damage from insufficient Light Levels to 1.
Found in: Reshi, Amanita, Destroying Angel, Liberty-Cap, Plump-Helmet, Chanterelle Mushroom, Juniper Cup, Glowshroom, Glowcap, Shadowshroom, Polypore Mushroom, Porcini Mushroom, Inocybe Mushroom, Embershroom, Lavaland Tobacco, Towercap, Steelcap
Obligate Carnivory
Allows a plant to consume its Pest Level, in exchange for Health. Additionally, the plant does not take damage from a high Pest Level.
If the Pest Level of the Plant Tray is greater than or equal to 8, the plant restores 2 Health, and the Pest Level will be reduced by 1.
If the Pest Level is greater than or equal to 4, the plant restores 1 Health. There is a 50% chance that the Pest Level will be reduced by 1.
If the pest Level is less than 4, the plant’s health is damaged by 2. There is a 5% chance that the pest Level will be reduced by 1.
Found in: Juniper Cup
? ? ? ? ? (Alien Properties)
None. No effect.
Found in: Why bother?
Plant Reagent Genes
The final aspect which composes a plant. These genes determine what reagents will be within every individual produce generated from harvesting a plant.
There are two aspects to a reagent gene - the name of a reagent, and a percentage value.
The amount of a reagent inside a plant’s produce is equal to [1 + (Potency * (Percentage/100))].
The maximum amount of reagents that can be contained within a plant is 30u, doubled to 60u if the Densified Chemicals Trait is added to a plant.
Plant Trays
Where you place seeds, to grow plants. Generally, one need only worry about the particular variables of a Plant Tray before it has been “upgraded” with Ambrosia Gaia branches.
I make numerous references to “Plant Tray Updates”. These updates occur once every 200 cycles, or about every 10 seconds.
Plant Tray Variables
Plant Trays contain and are influenced by a few variables, which impact the health of the plant within it.
Nutrient Level
A plant’s “food”. Unused plant produce may be “composted” by using it on a Plant Tray, increasing the Nutrient Level of a Tray proportionately to the amount of Nutriment reagent in the produce. Some reagents also increase the Nutrient Level of a Tray.
There is a 50% chance per Tray update that the Nutrient Level will be reduced by 1.
If the Nutrient Level is equal to zero, every tray update a plant’s Health will be reduced by 1 to 3.
This variable ranges from 0 to 10. -
Light Level
Measured in lumens. As long as all the lights are on in Botany, one need not worry about this variable. If the lumen count is less than 0.4, every tray update will reduce the Health of a plant by 2. -
Water Level
Water is water. The Water Level increases directly in proportion to the amount of Water reagent used on the Tray.
The Water Level decreases by 0 to 6 every Tray update.
If the Water Level is less than or equal to 10, the plant’s Health will be damaged by either 0 or 1.
If the Water Level is 0, in addition to the above, the plant’s Health will be further damaged by between 0 to 2.
If the Water Level is greater than 10, and the Nutrient Level is greater than 0, a plant will gain 1 to 2 Health. However, this also triggers the percent chance for Weed Level to increase, according to a plant’s Weed Rate and Weed Chance.
This variable ranges from 0 to 100. -
Toxic Level
If harmful reagents are used on a plant, this variable will increase.
If the Toxic Level is greater than or equal to 40, and less than 80 - the plant’s Health will be reduced by 1. Additionally, the Toxic Level will be reduced by between 1 to 10.
If the Toxic Level is greater than or equal to 80, the plant’s health will be reduced by 3. Additionally, the Toxic Level will be reduced by between 1 to 10.
This variable ranges from 0 to 100. -
Pest Level
There is a 5% chance per Tray update to increase Pest Level by 1.
If Pest Level is greater than or equal to 4, the plant’s Health will be reduced by 1.
If the Pest Level is greater or equal to 8, in addition to the above, the plant’s Health will further be reduced by 2 - for a total of 3.
If the Pest Level is greater than 5, and the plant is Hard Mutated (covered later in the guide), there is a 10% chance the Tray will spawn a Hunter Spider.
This variable ranges from 0 to 10. -
Weed Level
If the Water Level of a Tray is greater than 10, and the Nutrient Level of a Tray is greater than 0, there is a chance that the Weed Level of a Tray will be raised.
The percent chance per Tray update that the Weed Level will be increased is determined by a plant’s Weed Chance.
The amount that the Weed Level will be increased is determined by a plant’s Weed Rate.
If no plant is present, there is a 10% chance the Weed Level will increase by 1.
Weed Level will also be increased if a plant dies in a Tray.
If the Weed Level is equal to 10, there is a 50% chance per Tray update that a Weed will grow, killing anything else in the Tray. The fractions in parathesis indicate the chance of a particular Weed to grow.
Potential Weed Plants: Starthistle (3/18), Plump Helmet (2/18), Tower Caps (2/18), Chantrelle (2/18), Amanita (2/18), Harbells (2/18), Nettles (2/18), Reishi (3/18)
If Weed Level is greater than 5, and the Tray is Hard Mutated - there is a 9% chance that the plant in the Tray (if any) will die, and be replaced by one of the following.
Hard Mutate Weeds: Liberty Caps, Destroying Angel, Kudzu.
This variable ranges from 0 to 10.
Upgrading Plant Trays
It’s extremely advisable that the first thing a Botanist do is create Ambrosia Gaia. This is because, at max Potency, 4 Ambrosia Gaia branches may be used to make a Plant Tray self-sustaining, or “upgraded”. The precise mechanism which dictates “upgrading” the Tray is the composting of produce which contains Earthsblood. Ambrosia Gaia is the most ready source, and if sufficient Saltpeter is used (to lower Production) - there is no need to stick the reagent gene in a different plant. The method for creating Ambrosia Gaia will be addressed later int this guide.
Upgraded Plant Trays turn yellow, and glow when upgraded. One can examine a tray to see what percentage towards upgraded it is.
Upgraded Trays, on every update:
- Increase Nutrition Level by 1
- Increased Water Level by 3 to 5
- Reduce Weed Level by 2
- Reduce Pest Level by 2
- Reduce Toxic Level by 2
Note that this means, with a sufficiently high Weed Rate and Weed Chance, a plant could still succumb to Weeds - though this happens rarely.
Botany Reagents
A number of reagents can alter the Core Genes of plants, or effect a harvest.
The following does not include mutagenic reagents, which are included in a below section of the guide. There are other valid reagents beyond these, but generally they are outright harmful, or are simply not useful - with other reagents or methods serving their purpose much more effectively.
There are some two variables influenced by reagents that do not appear elsewhere in the Hydroponics module. These two variables apply only for a single harvest.
The “Yield Mod” variable is a multiplier that increases or reduces yield.
The “Mut(ation) Mod” variable is a multiplier that increases or reduces the chance of Core/Secondary Gene changes on harvest. If the Mut Mod is zero, plants will not mutate on harvest. If the Mut Mod is zero, other reagents will generally have no effect.
Altered values which are not modulated based on the number of reagents added require only 1u for the effect to take place (all the time I’ve wasted applying 5u Robust Harvest…).
Robust Harvest
Can be acquired from a Nutrimax, or the Biogenerator. Notable in preventing mutations on harvest, and increasing the Yield Mod.
- Yield Mod: 1.3
- Mut Mod: 0
- Nutrition: +1/unit
Can be acquired from the Minor Botanical Chemical Dispenser. Notable in increasing Potency, and Production.
- Health: +1/unit
- Potency: +0.5/unit
- Production: +Random/unit
Can be acquired from Chemistry, or Blumpkins (which carry the Ammonia 20% Reagent Gene). Notable for increasing yield. Can also be acquired from a hacked Nutrimax.
- Health: +0.5/unit
- Nutrition Level: +1/unit
- Yield: +0.01/unit
- Pest Level: -1 or -2
Can be acquired from an upgraded Minor Botantical Chemical Dispenser. Otherwise, it must be acquired from Chemistry. Notable for increasing yield, twice as effective as Ammonia. Perhaps ask the Chemist to set up a Plumbing arrangement to produce it in bulk.
- Health: +1/unit
- Nutrition: +2/unit
- Yield: +0.02/unit
- Pest Level: -1 or -2
Can be acquired from Chemistry, or by combining Salt and Ash - then heating. Notable for reducing Toxic Level.
- Toxic Level: -2/unit
Available from many, many sources. Notable for increasing Pest and Weed Levels - if one is attempting to spawn Hunter Spiders, or Weed plants.
- Weed Level: +1 or 2/unit
- Pest Level: +1 or 2/unit
- Nutrition Level: +0.1/unit
E-Z Nutriment
Available from a Nutrimax vendor, or the Biogenerator. Notable for reversing the removal of mutation chance that Robust Harvest provides.
- Yield Mod: 1
- Mut Mod: 1
- Nutrition Level: +1/unit
Strange Reagent
Difficult to acquire, though Strange Seeds would likely provide the most ready source. If 1u is splashed onto a Plant Tray, it will spawn either a Living Tree, or Killer Tomato. Both mobs are hostile, but have the “Plant” faction - meaning that they will not attack Plant People.
Mutating Plants
There are three types of plant mutations. They can occur after a plant is harvested, via reagents, or the Floral Somatoray. They are Soft, Hard, and Species Mutations. Soft Mutations effect only Core Genes. Hard Mutations follow the same rules as Soft Mutations, with an addition chance of adding a Trait. Species Mutations change the plant from one species to another.
If the Mut Mod is equal to 1, the default - there is an 80% chance of a soft mutation occurring on harvest. A Soft Mutation generally entails a Core Gene change. If the above probability check does not pass, there is a 75% chance of a Hard Mutation - totaling a 15% chance.
If the Mut Mod is equal to 2, there is a 50% chance of a Soft Mutation. If this check does not pass, there is a 50% chance of Hard Mutation - totaling a 25% chance. If the previous check does not pass, there is a flat 50% chance of a Species Mutation - totaling a 12.5% chance.
Additionally, Radium reduces plant Health by 1/unit, and increases Toxic Levels by 3/unit. Uranium reduces plant Health by 1/unit, and increases Toxic Levels by 2/unit.
If 1u of the Unstable Mutagen reagent, or 2u-4u of the Radium or Uranium reagents are applied to a Tray, a Soft Mutation will trigger.
If 2u-4u of Unstable Mutagen, or 5u-9u of the Radium or Uranium are applied to a Tray, a Hard Mutation will trigger.
If 5u or more Unstable Mutagen, or 10u or more Radium or Uranium are applied to a Tray, the following will occur:
- Mutate Pests (10%): The Pest Mutation is triggered. See “Pest Level” above. If the Pest threshold is not met, nothing happens - “The pests seem to behave oddly…”
- Mutate Weeds (19%): A Weed Mutation is triggered. See “Weed Level” above. If the Weed threshold is not met, nothing happens - “The few weeds in [plant] seem to react, but only for a moment…”
- Nothing (20%): “The plants don’t seem to react…”
- Soft Mutation (24%)
- Hard Mutation (15%)
- Species Mutation (10%)
- Health Damage (9%): Plant Health reduced by 10. “The plant shrivels and burns.”
Soft Mutation
The following table denotes the range of potential Soft Mutations. There is no chance of a Secondary Gene (or Trait) alteration.
- Lifespan: -2 to 2
- Endurance: -5 to 5
- Production: -1 to 1
- Yield: -2 to 2
- Potency: -25 to 25
- Weed Rate: -2 to 2
- Weed Chance: -5 to 5
Hard Mutation
The following table denotes the range of potential Hard Mutations. There is a 3% chance of a Trait mutation - bestowing 1 new Trait to the plant.
- Lifespan: -4 to 4
- Endurance: -10 to 10
- Production: -2 to 2
- Yield: -4 to 4
- Potency: -50 to 50
- Weed Rate: -4 to 4
- Weed Chance: -10 to 10
Species Mutation
The Holy Grail of mutation. When this effect is triggered, a plant changes from one species to another. Generally achieved by spamming 5u Unstable Mutagen on a plant. One can generally do this without fear, unless Pest or Weed Levels are too high. The chance of harming the Health of a plant to the point of it dying is low.
Floral Somatoray
This “gun” can be created after Science finishes your research. It has two functions - increasing yield, and mutating.
If the yield increase functionality is used, and the yield of a plant is 0 - yield is increased by [1 * Tray Rating]. The Tray Rating is a composite of the number and value of upgraded internal stock parts. If a plant has a yield greater than one, there is only a chance of increasing yield. This chance decreases, the larger the current yield is.
If the mutation function is used, it simply triggers a Soft Mutation on the targeted plant.
Minor Botanical Chemical Dispenser
The best innovation in Botany technology to date. No more running back and forth to the Chemist!
At the beginning of a shift, this wonderful machine can dispense up to a 1000 reagents - the options for which are Unstable Mutagen, Saltpeter, and Water. The impact of the first two reagents cannot be understated, please see the above section “Botany Reagents”.
If the Manipulator stock part is upgraded to Tier 4, Weed Killer, Pest Killer, Plant-B-Gone, and most importantly - Diethylamine - become available.
Given the limited number of reagents that can be produced, and the extreme slowness that the machine regenerates them - it’s extremely advisable to acquire a way to recharge your machine. A Cell Charger, Screwdriver, and Crowbar will serve this purpose. An Inducer is more effective, and can be acquired from Engineering or Science, though one would still need a Cell Charger.
Seed Extractor
The first machine that a Botanist should examine. This device allows one to take a plant’s produce, and convert it into a number of seeds (always at least one). Additionally, this machine serves as a way to store and easily reference seeds.
To use it, simply tap the machine with a piece of produce. One can easily store seeds in bulk by collecting them in a Plant Bag, and then tapping the machine with the Plant Bag.
Note that plants with identical Core Genes are all stored together - regardless of differences in Secondary Genes.
As with the Plant DNA Manipulator below, it may be upgraded - though the only function this serves it to extract more seeds from produce. At Tier 4, this produces an unwieldy amount of seeds, so one could probably skip upgrading this machine.
Plant DNA Manipulator
The most important tool in your Botany kit. This machine allows one to add and remove Genes from plant seeds.
Its use is simple. Place a seed into the machine. Place a Plant Data Disk into the machine.
From there, one can either extract a Gene, or insert a Gene. Generally, at the beginning of the round, the most useful Genes will be Secondary Genes (Traits). This is because the maximum positive values for Core Genes are limited by the machine when one attempts to extract them.
Note that it is impossible to place duplicate Genes into a seed. For instance, if one is attempting to stick Nutriment 20% into a Wheat Seed, one must first remove Nutriment 4% from it.
If one can acquire a Plant DNA Manipulator circuitboard from a Vault - the ranges of available extraction values will be perfectly optimal - even more so than if Tier 4 parts are used. This is regardless of parts within the machine.
Impacted by the Manipulator stock part. Generally, one needn’t worry about this aspect, as Potency is easily raised with Saltpeter.
- Tier 1: 53
- Tier 2: 59
- Tier 3: 77
- Tier 4: 95
Impacted by the Manipulator part. Likely easier than utilizing large amounts of Ammonia or Diethlyamine.
- Tier 1: 4
- Tier 2: 6
- Tier 3: 8
- Tier 4: 10
Impacted by the Scanner part. Likely easier than using large amounts of Saltpeter.
- Tier 1: 9
- Tier 2: 6
- Tier 3: 3
- Tier 4: 1
Impacted by the Scanner part. Not particularly useful if Trays have been upgraded, but will prolong the life of a plant after it begins to take damage from Age.
- Tier 1: 35
- Tier 2: 60
- Tier 3: 85
- Tier 4: 100
Weed Rate
Impacted by the Laser part. Not particularly notable if Trays have been upgraded.
- Tier 1: 7
- Tier 2: 5
- Tier 3: 2
- Tier 4: 0
Weed Chance
Impacted by the Laser part. Not particularly notable if Trays have been upgraded.
- Tier 1: 48
- Tier 2: 35
- Tier 3: 19
- Tier 4: 3
The third tool in the aspiring Botanist’s arsenal. This machine converts Nutriment into Biomass, and Biomass into a variety of products.
As with the Plant DNA Manipulator above, it may be upgraded. However, these upgrades are governed by only two parts - the Matter Bin, and Manipulator.
The maximum amount of stored produce is equal to [40 * Matter Bin Tier].
The divisor for the cost of produced items is equal to the Matter Bin Tier. This means that the listed costs below are divided by the Matter Bin Tier.
The amount of Biomass produced from a plant is equal to the Manipulator Tier, if the produce contains no Nutriment reagent. If it does, the amount of Biomass generator is equal to [Nutriment Reagent Amount * 10 * Manipulator Tier].
The amount of time required to process produce into Biomass is equal to [((Produce Amount * 5) + 15) / Manipulator Tier].
The following lists what may be created from a Biogenerator, and default costs.
- Milk (10u): 20 Biomass
- Cream (10u): 30 Biomass
- Milk, Carton (50u): 100 Biomass
- Cream, Carton (50u): 300 Biomass
- Black Pepper (10u): 25 Biomass
- Black Pepper, Mill (20u): 50 Biomass
- Universal Enzyme (10u): 30 Biomass
- Flour, Sack (30u): 150 Biomass
- Sugar, Sack (30u): 200 Biomass
- Monkey Cube: 250 Biomass
- Strange Seeds, 1 Packet: 5000 Biomass
Botany Chemicals
- E-Z Nutrient (50u): 10 Biomass
- Left 4 Zed (50u): 20 Biomass
- Robust Harvest (50u): 25 Biomass
- Weed Killer (50u): 50 Biomass
- Pest Killer (50u): 50 Biomass
- Empty Bottle (Max 50u): 5 Biomass
Organic Materials
- Cloth, 1 Sheet: 50 Biomass
- Cardboard, 1 Sheet: 25 Biomass
- Leather, 1 Sheet: 150 Biomass
- Belt, Security: 300 Biomass
- Belt, Medical: 300 Biomass
- Belt, Janitorial: 300 Biomass
- Shoulder Holster: 400 Biomass
- Rice Hat: 300 Biomass
Studying this guide, and especially the additional thread linked below, will enable one to effectively create whatever plants one wants. However, it’s always important to have a goal in mind. Generally - this goal will fall into one of two categories. One is either attempting to help someone, or attempting to harm someone. There are a few ways these goals manifest, but one should always have a goal in mind in order to be as effective as one can.
Due to max character count limitations, a few aspects of this guide were cut out - and placed in a different thread. You can find them here: Botany: The Guide, Shift-Start Procedure, Strange Seeds, Tips and Tricks
Additional guides relating to Beekeeping and Fermentation - two niche aspects of Botany - will come later, and will also be linked to this thread. I’m continually working to create a complete document which lists every variable of every plant, but that will be far too large to contain in a single post, and will likely need to be linked to an external Pastebin.