Blueturbo47 Ban Appeal By Brother_Jeff

There’s a lot of stuff that you can do occasionally that’s fine, but becomes an issue when it happens frequently and starts to drag the server down.

Yea I agree clown aa every once and a while like 1/30 rounds would be fine for some change, same with gun cargo mutiny like 1/50 rounds. there should be a special event thing so cargo has the option for semi peaceful mutiny on a green shift every once and a while to change stuff up

I didn’t fuck shit up tho

Actually, since this appeal doesn’t follow the format, it will be closed in 24 hours.

Please edit it to the proper formatting before then and it will not be closed.

Posted a new one with better formatting. You yourself proved you can appeal someone else’s ban for them.

I actually did a gimmick as clown I’ve been wanting to do for a hell of a while

10 day ban, but the topic was created 11 days ago. As the ban has expired, denying and closing.