Bloons3 Admin Report

You went with the roleplay until it didn’t suit you. Muh sperg out. A non-hostile legion isn’t on the level of a traitor or xenoqueen. Dumb comparison.

The comparison is that killing them doesn’t net you a sentence, comparison is better than you think.

Shitposting in a report about you, joy.

Except it wasn’t IC. Killing a legion does not net you a sentence.

His motivation was just him spazzing out trying to forcibly turn him back into a human, which nobody involved wanted and which had a risk to it. I mean the dude legit permadied because of it. There was no actual threat to the station from the legion at any point at all.

I didn’t see the round end but pretty sure that they’re not listed in that report.

Brig physicians acting like supercops tho lmao. The job itself isn’t bad but it’s always used by the same crowd.

How am I acting like a supercop when you’re defending a lavaland mob?

Killing Lenny the Security Legion apparently did net you a sentence though :thinking:

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Warden didn’t mind. You’re a literal brig doctor who took it upon himself to try to take out a prisoner, interfere with a sentence and then murder said paroled prisoner. You’re there to heal not to interfere. Report it to the warden or HoS.

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NGL but i’m just gonna stand over my point of you making an admin report over 5 minutes on brig but being perfectly okay with removing a player from a round permanently despite said player showing no threat and a wish to roleplay shows how you are.

@bloons3 Just call @Caecilius or @Ruko and tell’em what’s going on. Or just flex Rule 1. This is actually Wall of Shame worthy.

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Warden literally suicided because of how childish you were behaving.

@GameAdmin This post has turned to shit, can we get somebody to confirm that killing a lavaland mob does not net you a sentence? Thanks.

Because we can’t have nice things, this thread will be locked.
Make the most of the short time you have.

But a 5 minute sentence over killing a player-controlled simplemob that actually wanted to roleplay things out to change the flow of the round is unreasonable, fantastic.

God bless MRPlayers.


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IC issue.
You don’t like the admin’s judgement call, you report the player on the forums for someone else to look into it. Reporting the admin for resolving it in a way you didn’t agree with is very unbased.

No need to make that player report. After all the info that’s here, it’s an IC issue, no problems with the admeme.
Have a wonderful day.

IC issue to me, too. If you disagree with an admins ruling on a subject, please, make a player report on the person, not the actual admin, unless its a pretty flagrant abuse of power.

Will get other head admin input.

IC issue to me as well. I’m pretty disappointed to see the bastardization of what does and doesn’t constitute RP behavior, and I feel bad for the legion man that got killed.

Denied after other Head Admin input.

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