Part of Admin Conduct Broken (if relevant): Ensure tickets and situations are handled equally across all players.
Enforce the rules.
Incident Description: Some lava-land spawn tried to get to the station, used 2 legion cores in rapid succession and turned legion, and then returned to the station. Owen McShain brigged the legion for 5 minutes as a joke and everybody followed along even me. After brigging him for 5 minutes or so, I brought him into the medical part to try and turn him back to normal. When I killed the legion to get the body, the body was a soul-less skeleton, assuming he either spent too long as a legion or you just can’t. Owen comes in and brig me for 5 minutes (EXTREME shitsec with LITERALLY no reason) and bloons3 marks this as an IC issue because: It’s <10 minutes, not an execution or perma brig.
I was brigged for 5 whole minutes for literally no reason and that was marked as an IC issue.
“Gulaged Asistant for Dereliction of Duty and insubordination, because assistant didnt want a normal job. This is final warnning for such behavior.”
This was a note that I got from Naevi on MRP for trying to get an assistant to get a job, I gulagged him for 500 points (He didn’t even do the sentence, as he tried to send gibtonite to the station and instead spent 5 minutes in a cell). In other words, I gave a 5 minute sentence for more reason and got a severe warning for it.
tl;dr: bloons3 says an officer brigging a brig physician for literally no reason for 5 minutes is IC issue, when I have notes for this.
While this is a shitty situation, the sad truth is that with an admin team, stuff like this will inevitably happen.
The admin team won’t interpret the rules or handle situations the exact same, some of the members will respond to situations differently.
tl;dr why u blame Bloons for naevi doing a bad
(seriously just make a player report)
if its under 10 min and he has a roleplay reason then its fine unless he repeatedly does it to people to ruin their round. Make a player report not a admin report admins can’t help when no one breaks rules
He had no roleplay reason, literally just brigged me for absolutely no reason.
Part of rule 10 “An admin’s word is law. Follow what they say without argument. However, admins are also accountable for their decisions. You can file a complaint on the forums.”
Alright so here’s the epic tale of a gamer who made a silly admin report.
Miner gets turned to legion, there’s yelling on comms to come to cargo. I do so including others, I swoop him away before muh valids happen. We interrogate the legion, tape recorder and all because he admitted to shoplifting.
It was pretty comical and roleplay. I eventually brig him while the epic gaming brig physician is trying his best to get him out of the jail to kill him and clone him. Seems a bit metagamey that the brig physician knows you can possibly kill a human turned legion to get their old body back to clone. But whatever right.
Anyway, I stop the brig physician from interfering with the law (your duty is to heal, not to kill a prisoner or interfere with jail sentences) and the warden was in the middle of a mid-life crisis contemplating suicide and didn’t feel like interfering.
I eventually release the legion player, shortening his sentence for good behaviour. Immediatly the brig physician zooms in to take him to the medical part to kill him. The legion even states he didn’t want this to happen (his wish was to be a legion security officer), but with no regards for the now paroled prisoner the brig physician murders him because he just had to do what he set out to do.
I in return arrested him for manslaughter, just killing a paroled prisoner, and brigged him for five minutes for being a turbo cunt murderer. I informed the warden who made no arguments against it and who was busy shoving his shortened auto shotty in his mouth.
You want roleplay on MRP, but when it doesn’t suit your muh valids or metagame knowledge you REEE and admin report about an IC situation.
“Gulaged Asistant for Dereliction of Duty and insubordination, because assistant didnt want a normal job. This is final warnning for such behavior.”
This was a note that I got from Naevi on MRP for trying to get an assistant to get a job, I gulagged him for 500 points (He didn’t even do the sentence, as he tried to send gibtonite to the station and instead spent 5 minutes in a cell). In other words, I gave a 5 minute sentence for more reason and got a severe warning for it.
Basically, the note was created because you made an asistants criminals just because they dont want the normal job and called it dereliction of duty and insubordination when they didn’t want to follow your ambitions.
In my opinion there is also a difference between gulaging someone and brigging.
In the brig you are forced to just wait it out, but you still can call lawyer or AI to help.
While in gulag you are forced to work the sentence out without any other possibilities to even explain the situation. Therefore gulagging shouldn’t take place often and its advised to use other methods of reeducation on prisoners.
I would also like to add that dereliction of duty cannot take place if assistants doesn’t have any duties at all.
Legion was a hermit, my bad I forgot. You said that IC as well, bruh isn’t that failrp though, knowing about some random ghost spawn hermit that’s on lavaland lmao.
You go with the roleplay until it doesn’t suit your needs and then sperg out.
Bro why you so salty
But you just murdered a non hostile (my bad not *crew member) turned into something against his will, perma-removing him from the round, that was showing no harm to anyone though.
You’re what makes MRP bad. No fun allowed, no roleplay unless it suits your needs. You act LRP in itself with your metagame knowledge of legion core infection.