Bee related ideas (BzzBzzzzBzzz)

Bees Knees: 1 mead, 1 honey, 1 whiskey, 1 lemon juice: Heals Apids 1.5 brute and burn and 1 toxin damage per tick.

Something that would warm apids up would be good too, though theres probably a ton of easier drinks to do that already. Make space walking a bit easier to do rather than being the walk-sleep-walk-sleep cycle it is now

Bees don’t do so well in heat and cool their hives by flapping their wings at the entrance of their living space.

How about bees being able to flap their wings in place to cool down the tile they are facing (does not cool down the player doing it, but encourages two bees fanning each other).

Not sure how to calculate this. Maybe tile temperature minus a flat value. Utterly useless except for slightly intolerable temperatures for apids.

Meme-worthy for the image of four apids fanning one person. Or using it in the reverse way to cook a spider alive on a tile with body vibrations…


That is literally a 30 lines of code change, at max. The technology is already there (atmos bots)


Bee Queen role and HiveMind chat.

That and a one use stinger that deals 50 damage to the target and causes heparin levels of blood loss to the apid that uses it. Trust me this’ll work im an Apid Main.


the bee should die after using it


bit to harsh… maybe take a lot of brute damage

it’s not harsh, bee’s die after stinging someone

i know but i mean we are talking about features that players are actually going to use… and i dont think a suicide button is going to cut it… also we have lost realism long time ago

Imagine the absolute clout of killing bubblegum with your stinger last hit

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That sounds really cool, but its so niche that it would probably never be done

Love the idea, but dying is a bit too much

Unsure if even possible but replace curb stomp message with stinger themed one?

As I said, Heavy bleed damage, Its not an instant death, but it’ll be a pretty quick one without medical attention, Its either have the stinger do a good chunk of damage and be extremely dangerous for the user, or for it to do very little damage and have very little risk.

Bumping so beebot doesnt become a traitor

Does anyone else get the issue where you eat, but not enough to get fat, but start walking like you’re fat speed-wise?


we cant let it die, we need more ideas people!

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resprite so it looks more like a fucking bee
we are BEEstation not WASPstation

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Give them the ability to rally bee simplemobs so they can reek havoc all over station.

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apids are just shittier moths

Buzz Buzz, me want more ideas

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