Banned for carp being shitter 2: electric boogaloo

This exact scenario was ruled that the scientist is not responsible for ghost-role actions. Going to try to save a lot of time here and quote the original arguments from the initial ban that was overturned: Banned for carp being a shitter - #35 by Oliva
I’ve left out any post that didn’t make a new point, or were just someone repeatedly agreeing with past posts.


Precedent is for Xenobiology ; your mobs your responsibility
I mean dude Beaned for being too proficient a scientist


MRP isn’t LRP and you’re supposed to act like someone on a real station. Making a sentient magickarp to transform those willing isn’t very MRP friendly.


I feel like this is, to use a bit of an unorthodox analogy, like arresting the maker of a firearm because someone used a firearm to murderize an orphanage or something. I feel like the “your simplemobs your responsibility” shouldn’t take effect if you make the simplemob sentient


All simplemobs are bound to their creators, if the simplemob decided to refuse his orders, it broke the rules and not him. if he were to tell the simplemob “go do whatever” then thats his fault. This was not the case.


Out of curiosity, if you are a sentience potion spawn, do you have to obey your master? If so I would be of the opinion that xeno could have considered the mob to be subdued and when it went rogue it turns it into a situation where there would be SEVERE IC consequences. Think of it an experiment went wrong + the mob is a shitter, obiously.


The precedent this sets is that players in control of sentient simple mobs are allowed to do whatever they want with no repercussions because the player that created them is the one held responsible for their actions.


Xeno isn’t responsible for the player controlled mobs
UNLESS he gives the order
If he says don’t kill and I kill, I’m getting bwoinked


This is dumb
“Your mobs, your responsibility” only applies to mass spawned mobs
Should have gone after the carp, not the scientist.


Xenobio is literally about creating ghostroles. It’s the ghost’s problem if they grief with it when told not to. Please unban this man.


This. Xenobio is literally about creating ghostroles. It’s the ghost’s problem if they grief with it when told not to. Please unban this man.

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