Ban appeal raphael_2033 c4 sec based


**Admin’s CKEY:**st0rmc4st3r

**Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:**sage

**Which server did the ban happen on?**sage

**Ban Type:**server

**Ban Length:**30 days

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 08-23-2020

**Round ID:**20312

**Ban Reason:**Blew a C4 to get in sec as non-antag clown. Then blew classic EMP grenades to kill a secborg.

**Appeal Reason:**the thing was that i was i tried to get in sec because sec wanted to destroy cargo, so i used c4 to destroy one door in brig and no one got hit or hurt and another one to get out but i could not get out since i died because the emp corrupted the nanites killing me as the emp itself was intend to disable a borg not hurt him wich case appear emps damage the borgs not disable them but the borg has not died, all of that as a clown

**Additional Information:**it was based



30 days seems a bit long, do you have a history of doing stuff like this?
Also why’d you have c4 as non antag?

only one that was me killing cap because he shot me for no reason
but i cloned cap after cargo was emaged and open

Hmmm. I’m going to assume something is missing here. That or this is one of those long bans so you come on forums and appeal.

Cause the bans justified but 30 days seems overkill unless there’s context that’s left out.

He has a history of doing stupid shit on MRP.

Yeah I see that now.
Figured he had a history or something to warrant a 30 day ban for this.

Have you considered playing on golden when it has a decent pop?

i allways plays on lrp ,

Sage is not LRP

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I’ll reserve final judgement until @St0rmC4st3r arrives with the whole story and logs if necessary, but I don’t see much reason to lift or shorten the ban given what I see in the thread so far.

Respect space law and standard operating procedures. Committing minor crimes is justifiable through roleplay, but major crimes should typically be avoided.

still to this date the admeme who banned not appeared

Alright, here I am. So, as a clown, you took C4 and classic EMP nades from a null crate. As I was observing, sec wasn’t really going to destroy cargo. Maybe there were some problems between the two departments, alright. So there was a semi-empty brig that you use C4 to get in. Not hacking, not Law2ing, you just destroy the door to get in because sec “was going to destroy cargo”. According to rule 9 “As a non-security & non-command crewmember, you’re not an experienced soldier. Do not rush into danger without reason.” this is very important, since you are not only not a security officer, you are a clumsy clown that blows grenades in hands, shoots into own foot, stunbatons himself when trying to stunbaton others and even check the health of the floor underneath you with a hand analyzer instead of yourself. You are the last person on the station that should get into a serious confrontation on your own will! Next, you get into the cell somehow (was arrested, if I remember correctly) so you have decided that a borg that is programmed not to hurt you, can be safely disabled by EMP grenades that have high coverage and notorious to get the shuttle called if detonated in some points of the station. People were banned for the sole EMP grenade detonation. The real life equivalent of using EMP to disable a borg is to carpet-bomb an area with steel balls 3 centimertes in diametre hoping to knock someone out with them.
Also you have a pretty rough history of being banned for serious enough reasons just in the 3 months of the summer. This ban would not be as long if it was a single offence, but we have what we have.
In conclusion, I see no reason neither to lift this ban, nor to lower the duration. I shall wait for a second opinion by another admin before I close this.

With the history I agree with the ban.