Title: [CKEY] banned by [Admin’s CKEY]
Admin’s CKEY:
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:
Which server did the ban happen on?
Ban Type:
Ban Length:
7 days
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
2021-04-21 18:22
Round ID:
Ban Reason:
M1. Powergaming with mining and xenobiology equipment. If you don’t want to roleplay, play on Golden.
Appeal Reason:
i wasnt powergaming at all
Additional Information:
like i get it, i shouldnt kill myself because thats not how roleplay works and i apologize for that its just. that the round lastet 1,5h and i had to go to work and i wanted a funny way to leave the game, but im not sure how im powergaming i had stabilized adamant and lightpink and im doing it mostly when im in xenobiology and later in the round the captian sad he needed a miner so i have gone mining for 5 min or so, i didnt get it how exactly that is powergaming espacially when i only bought a better mining scanner and jumpboots and i kept the minign suit on. Like is that a banned combo of item you have equipped or what is it exactly. anyways it wasnt my intention to “powergame” and in the future i will just go cryo.