Back to mad

Y-yes! I need to wepwoduce! I onwy have a smaww amount of time befowe I disappeaw! I need a chiwd, NOW! I must insewt my wepwoduction appendage now! Awmost… yes! It’s connected! Now to shove it fuwthew inside! You must hewp me! You wiww give me a baby befowe I disappeaw! I wiww have a chiwd! I must have a chiwd! I must… I must… I feew something tingwing fwom my butt… oh… its weaching my bawws… this sensation… it means I’m weady! Hewe it comes… HNNNNNNG!!! AAHHHHHH IT FEEWS SO GOOD! MY GENITAWS AWE SPASMING!! Oh, yes! The spewm is successfuwwy inside of you! Now I can cawwy on my bwood! My mission is successfuw… wosing… consciousness… passing… out…Y-yes! I need to wepwoduce! I onwy have a smaww amount of time befowe I disappeaw! I need a chiwd, NOW! I must insewt my wepwoduction appendage now! Awmost… yes! It’s connected! Now to shove it fuwthew inside! You must hewp me! You wiww give me a baby befowe I disappeaw! I wiww have a chiwd! I must have a chiwd! I must… I must… I feew something tingwing fwom my butt… oh… its weaching my bawws… this sensation… it means I’m weady! Hewe it comes… HNNNNNNG!!! AAHHHHHH IT FEEWS SO GOOD! MY GENITAWS AWE SPASMING!! Oh, yes! The spewm is successfuwwy inside of you! Now I can cawwy on my bwood! My mission is successfuw… wosing… consciousness… passing… out…


again, there’s so much you can do to outrobust or outjuke an antag unless they have some way to instantly put you into slowdown or crit. You don’t need to wait until an antag slips up, you need to MAKE them slip up. With soap or a fire extinguisher.

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triplezeta you powergamer, how dare you arm yourself.

I’m going to sleep say good night back
Good night

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I literally don’t need to powergame to get out of a bad situation where I’m faced with a melee traitor. You know backpacks and satchels, those things everyone starts with? Those are bulky items. Yeet to create distance.
goodnight, forgotpassword.

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Goodnight notices your bulge OwO daddy

but . . . muh stuff !

great advice thank

I suppose another easy fix would be to up welder, circ saw, and kitchen knife damage to 18, and combat knife, hatchet, null rod to 20, and captains saber, fireaxe, chainsaw to 30

combat knife already does 20 damage, raising captain’s sabre to 30 damage would just make it an esword, and imo fireaxe and chainsaw don’t need a buff

last I checked combat knives and the captain’s saber dealt 15 damage. and the kitchen knife deals 12, same with the hatchet.

Holy shit, sixty posts in two hours, all of your posts are hall of shame worthy

Help I’m becoming too edgy and I can’t stop

Oh shit, we are legit getting three topic posts per minute, this is insane!! The site is going to burn down at this level



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Goddamn it, we’re back to melee (((balance))) again.

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with how powerful stuns and knockdowns are, its very disheartening to see you all pretend that a buff to melee damage would ruin this game.

Accept it and move on

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As a mapper I will say that anny and all simple mobs that are put in ruins are balanced to the loot inside and who you whant to be attempting a ruin so bufing melle balance would mean that you have to switch out what mobs are used in ruins for it to be balanced

look, you are making your choice. its the wrong choice and you are cowards because of it. accept it and move on.